i joined 2021 , as SMR exam aspirant only 1 paper and In 2023 FMR exam aspirant with 2paper ,i cracked both with 1st attempt. Now I become a first class manager. Thank you mining portal for your direction to prepare and you have done superb job
Good platform for practice and have wide range of questions which is helpful for DGMS coal/metal competency examinations.
Cleared First class Metal (u/r) in first attempt with good marks. Best test series for working professionals. More than 80% questions directly asked in the in the exam. - Asst. Manager- Mining, IMFA (Indian Metals and Ferro Alloys Ltd.)
I have clared First class UR in first attempt with 94.50 marks. Approx 35-40 questions from your test series.
good test series must buy very useful...it helped to clear my Frist class exam
good questions
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Prepare yourself for the upcoming mining exam with mine portal test series and get ahead of your peers.
B. Tech Based Exams - SCCL/RPSC/NMDC
5 / 5 (1)
Diploma Based Exam - MINE FOREMAN(RSSB)
CIL MT(Non-Eng) 2025 - PAPER-I (Common to All)
We provide you online test series to check your level of preparation. All sort of questions that can be asked by DGMS has been comprehended in our test series.
DGMS COAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM is an all India Mine Manager competency exam conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Coal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for COAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM.
The examination for each subject shall consist of a Computer Based Test (CBT) of three hours duration.Every subject shall carry maximum of 150 marks. In order to pass the examination a candidate must obtain not less than 50% of the maximum marks in each subject in Computer Based Test (i.e. at least 75 out of 150). With the introduction of negative marking, exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated. Start your COAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
DGMS COAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM is an all India Mine Manager competency exam conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Coal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for COAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM.
Total Marks in the exam is 100 (80 marks for Written & 20 marks for Oral).In written exam of 2 hours duration, each Subject has 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 0.8 mark each.For each correct answer you will score 0.8 marks and for each wrong answer 0.2 marks will be deducted.The candidates have to secure not less than 50% i.e. 40 marks in written (computer based)and then not less than 30% marks i.e. 6 in oral with overall percentage of 50 or above (computer based and oral combined together) i.e. 50 or more to be successful. With the introduction of negative marking,exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated.Start your COAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
METAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (RESTRICTED) is an all India Mine Manager competency exam conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Metal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for METAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (RESTRICTED).
Total Marks in the exam is 100 (80 marks for Written & 20 marks for Oral).In written exam of 2 hours duration, each Subject has 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 0.8 mark each.For each correct answer you will score 0.8 marks and for each wrong answer 0.2 marks will be deducted.The candidates have to secure not less than 50% i.e. 40 marks in written (computer based)and then not less than 30% marks i.e. 6 in oral with overall percentage of 50 or above (computer based and oral combined together) i.e. 50 or more to be successful. With the introduction of negative marking,exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated.Start your METAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (RESTRICTED)Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
METAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM UNRESTRICTED) is an all India Mine Manager competency exam conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Metal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for METAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM UNRESTRICTED).
Total Marks of the exam is 100 (80 marks for Written & 20 marks for Oral). In written exam of 2 hours duration,each Subject has 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 0.8 mark each.For each correct answer you will score 0.8 marks and for each wrong answer 0.2 marks will be deducted.The candidates have to secure not less than 50% i.e. 40 marks in written (computer based)and then not less than 30% marks i.e. 6 in oral with overall percentage of 50 or above (computer based and oral combined together) i.e. 50 or more to be successful. With the introduction of negative marking,exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated. Start your METAL FIRST CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (UNRESTRICTED)Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
METAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (RESTRICTED) conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Metal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for METAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (RESTRICTED).
Total Marks in the exam is 100 (80 marks for Written & 20 marks for Oral). In written exam of 2 hours duration,each Subject has 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 0.8 mark each.For each correct answer you will score 0.8 marks and for each wrong answer 0.2 marks will be deducted.The candidates have to secure not less than 50% i.e. 40 marks in written (computer based)and then not less than 30% marks i.e. 6 in oral with overall percentage of 50 or above (computer based and oral combined together) i.e. 50 or more to be successful. With the introduction of negative marking,exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated. Start your METAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (RESTRICTED)Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
METAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (UNRESTRICTED) is an all India Mine Manager competency exam conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Metal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for METAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (UNRESTRICTED).
Total Marks in the exam is 100 (80 marks for Written & 20 marks for Oral ).In written exam of 2 hours duration,each Subject has 100 Multiple Choice Questons (MCQ) carrying 0.8 mark each.For each correct answer you will score 0.8 marks and for each wrong answer 0.2 marks will be deducted.The candidates have to secure not less than 50% i.e. 40 marks in written (computer based)and then not less than 30% marks i.e. 6 in oral with overall percentage of 50 or above (computer based and oral combined together) i.e. 50 or more to be successful. With the introduction of negative marking,exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated.Start your METAL SECOND CLASS MINE MANAGER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAM (UNRESTRICTED) Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
DGMS Exams is an all India Mine Manager competency exam conducted by DGMS for Mining Professionals working in Metal Mines. Overcoming the traditional pattern, year 2015 onwards DGMS is conducting online test for Manager-ship competency exam.
Total Marks of the exam is 100 (80 marks for Written & 20 marks for Oral ).In written exam of 2 hours duration,each Subject has 100 Multiple Choice Questons (MCQ) carrying 0.8 mark each.For each correct answer you will score 0.8 marks and for each wrong answer 0.4 marks will be deducted.The candidates have to secure not less than 50% i.e. 40 marks in written (computer based)and then not less than 30% marks i.e. 6 in oral with overall percentage of 50 or above (computer based and oral combined together) i.e. 50 or more to be successful. With the introduction of negative marking,exam has become more tougher than before. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for DGMS exam, only few clears the same. To have better and sound preparation candidate needs to check their level of preparation time to time. This is where importance of test series comes.MinePortal test series questions are based on latest DGMS Pattern and are regularly updated.Start your DGMS Exams Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy a Test Series Package now and start practicing.
COAL INDIA is going to take online exam for the post of 191 Management Trainee (Mining).This online test consist of two papers. Paper I consist of General Knowledge/General Awareness, Reasoning , Numerical Ability, General English & Paper II consist of Mining Discipline.Both Paper I & Paper II will have 100 MCQ type Questions. Total duration of exam will be of 3 hours.
Each question carry 1 Marks and there is no negative marking. Question paper will be in Hindi & English. Cut off marks to qualify for the Interview- for General 40- OBC 35, ST/SC-30 in each paper.CIL has not well described the syllabus for Mining Discipline so MinePortal Team has made the Online Test Series keeping in mind B.Tech Syllabus.We have covered each and every topic thoroughly.In 2012 Coal India had asked question from Gate Exam paper so we have also included GATE Exams papers(2007-2015) with detailed explanation in our test series.Start your Coal India Exam Preparation with Mine Portal Online Test Series. Buy COAL INDIA MANAGEMENT TRAINEE MINING EXAM Test Series Package now and start practicing.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Mining Engineering (GATE MINING) is an all India examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of aspirants in Engineering and Technology.
GATE MINING is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven IITs (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Roorkee) on behalf of the National Coordination Board - GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India. Out of the total number of aspirants who appear for GATE MINING exam, only few clears the same. And also there are many job opportunities for mining students through GATE MINING exam next year. PSUs like NTPC,SAIL,NLC etc have decided to recruit fresh mining graduates through GATE MINING 2018 score. So its now even more tougher and competitive than before.More you practice questions more your chances of scoring high in the GATE MINING 2018 exam.So,start your GATE MINING EXAM 2018 Preparation with Mine Portal Online GATE MINING Test Series. Buy a Package now and start practising.
We are experienced team of educationist and technologist who are passionately dedicated to bring a single platform of information/knowledge to a mining enthusiast to transform him to a tomorrow's leader. We provide detailed analysis to test your performance.
Here at Mine Portal, we provide you following:
MinePortal test series are designed and framed by the mining professors, First Class Manager Certificate holders, retired mining engineers, so you can be assured about the quality of questions.In recent past many candidates who have practiced our Test series have cleared the DGMS COAL/Metal First Class/Second Class & Coal India Management Trainee Exams. You can see REVIEW ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE- or see their feedback on our TESTIMONIAL PAGE.
We here at MinePortal offer you DGMS Coal/Metal First Class/Second Class exam test series, Coal India Management Trainee Exam Test series, GATE mining & Other Mining exams.