Mine Portal is the favourite choice of thousands of mining professional aspirants for online DGMS Managership competency exam preparation. Our popular products include Online Test Series, Platform to online order mining book, Free study Material and all news/notification related to mining industries. Rated among the top quality websites for DGMS preparation by serious aspirants, we provide free online study materials, guidance, interview tips, online mock exams and lot more.
Our Smart learning engine continually analyzes your performance, compares it with your peers, and constructs an appropriate learning path for you. So you know what how you have been doing and you need to prepare on to maximize your test performance.
We are experienced team of educationist and technologist who are passionately dedicated to bring a single platform of information/knowledge to a mining enthusiast to transform him to a tomorrow's leader. We provide you with online study material to clear your concepts in various mining technologies, a platform to online order mining books and finally online test series to check your level of preparation.
To provides platform for college student and mining professional to get solutions of all problems related to mining at one stop.
To provide a mining aspirant a platform where his zeal to learn gets satisfied. Provide the online test series, books at affordable price.