Aptitude, reasoning english, general awareness questions with answers
Aptitude, reasoning english, general awareness questions with answers
Directions (Qns. 1 to 10): (i) In this Section, 10 sentences are given. Each sentence has three
parts, indicated by (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error. If
you find an error in any one of the parts (a), (b) and (c), indicate that part as your answer. If a
sentence has no error, indicate this by the letter (d), which stands for “no error”
(ii) Errors may belong to grammar, usage or idiom.
1. The Prime Minister’s good looks won him (a)/ The election but he has still to prove (b)/ That
he’s not a just pretty face (c)/ No error (d).
Ans.c: ‘just a pretty face ‘ in place of ‘a just pretty face’.
2. The two books are the same (a)/ Except for the fact that this (b)/ Has an answer in the
back (c)/ No error(d).
Ans.c: ‘on the back’ in place of ‘in the back’.
3. He estimated his income tax bill (a)/ by extrapolation over figures (b)/ submitted in previous
years (c)/ No error (d).
Ans.b: ‘extrapolation of figures’ in place of ‘extrapolation over figures’.
4. The modern office block (a)/ sticks out like a sore thumb (b)/ among the old buildings in the
area (c)/ No error (d).
5. I will try to put over (a)/ some feelers to gauge (b)/ people’s reactions to our proposal (c)/ No
error (d).
Ans.a: ‘put out’ in place of ‘put over’.
6. A major contribution of Mathura Sculptors (a)/ of that period were the creation and
popularisation (b)/ of the Buddha’s image in human form (c)/ No error (d).
Ans.b: ‘was’ in place of ‘were’.
7. Amit has been deceiving Mona (a)/ for many years but she (b)/ has not still tumbled to it (c)/
No error (d).
Ans.c: ‘yet’ in place of ‘still’.
8. Mahavira was an advocate of non – violence and vegetarianism (a)/ who revived and
reorganized the jain doctrine (b)/ and established rules for their monastic order (c)/ No error (d).
Ans.c: ‘its’ in place of ‘their’.
9. Microwaves are the principle carriers (a)/ of television, telephone and data transmissions (b)/
between stations on earth and between the earth and satellites (c)/ No error (d).
Ans.a: ‘principal’ in place of ‘principle’.
10. An unit is an abstract idea (a)/ defined either by reference to (b)/ a randomly chosen
material standard or to a natural phenomenon (c)/ No error (d).
Ans.a: ‘a unit’ in place of ‘an unit’.
Directions (Qns.11 to 15): In this section you have a short passage. After the passage you
will find several questions based on it. Read the passage to answer these questions based on it.
Today, India looks to be on course to join the league of developed nations. It is beginning to
establish a reputation not just as the technology nerve-centre and back-office to the world, but
also as its production centre. India’s secularism and democracy serve as a role model to other
developing countries. There is great pride in an India that easily integrates with a global
economy, yet maintains a unique cultural identity.
But what is breath taking is India’s youth. For despite being an ancient civilisation that traces
itself to the very dawn of human habitation, India is among the youngest countries in the
world.More than half the country is under 25 years of age and more than a third is under 15
years of age.
Brought up in the shadow of the rise of India’s service industry boom, this group feels it can be at
least as good if not better than anyone else in the world.This confidence has them demonstrating
a great propensity to consume, throwing away ageing ideas of asceticism and thrift. The
economic activity created by this combination of a growing labour pool and rising consumption
demand is enough to propel India to double-digit economic growth for decades. This opportunity
also represents the greatest threat to India’s future. If the youth of India are not properly
educated and if there are not enough jobs created, India will have forever lost its opportunity.
India’s Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing Industries are engines of job
creation, but they still account for only 0.2% of India’s employment. The country has no choice
but to dramatically industrialise and inflate its economy. According to a recent survey, more than
half of India’s unemployed within the next decade could be its educated youth.
11. Consider the following statements:
A. Information Technology sector provides a relatively large proportion of jobs in India.
B. In the coming decade only uneducated youth will remain deprived of employment opportunity
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) A only (b) B only (c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor B
12. Consider the following statements:
A. Rising consumption demand will retard economic growth.
B. India’s youth are it’s greatest opportunity as well as threat.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(a) A only (b) B only (c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor B
13. In the recent past, which sector has witnessed a phenomenal growth?
(a) Heavy Industry (b) Service Industry
(c)Petrochemical Industry (d) Textile Industry
14. What is the approximate number of people in India who are in the age group 15-
25 years ?
(a) 500 million (b) 350 million (c) 210 million (d) 180 million
15. Consider the following statements:
A. India’s rich cultural heritage prevents India from surging ahead to become an active partner in
the global economy.
B. By and large, India’s youth still believe in a thriftly lifestyle.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
(a) A only (b) B only (c) Both A and B (d) Neither A nor
Directions (Qns.16 to 24): Each of these items consists of a word in capital letters, followed
by four words or group of words. Select the word or group of words that is opposite in meaning to
the word in capital letters.
(a) Incredible (b) Arousing envy (c) Unattractive (d) Recent
(a) Confusion (b) Inertia (c) Consolidation (d) Condemnation
(a) Graceful (b) Sullen (c) Adventurous (d) Mammoth
(a) Suspicious (b) Mentally alert (c) Corrupt (d) Affluent
(a) Analogy (b) Anticlimax (c) Antipathy (d) Argument
(a) Apologetically (b) blindly (c) Legally (d) In working order
(a) of different kind (b) Invisible (c) Urbane (d) Untenanted
(a) Truthful (b) Crafty (c) Widely
travelled (d) Ordinary
(a) Distant (b) Facile (c) Moderate (d) Attractive
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