Deputy Surveyor (Mining)
1. Every traverse made between station points of a triangulation and/or for the determination of the boundaries of the mine or for the determination of other important surface details, shall be:
a. Closed polygonal
b. Closed rectangle
c. Closed triangle
d. Closed square
Ans. a
2. The plans and sections required shall be maintained, corrected, and kept up to date, which is NOT earlier than ________
a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 2
Ans. b
3. TLS captures millions of 3D points, and the measurements are imported into 3D application software and displayed on the computer monitor as _________.
a. Vectors
b. Point clouds
c. 3D images
d. Rasters
Ans. b
4. All plans and sections, and tracing, or copies thereof, kept at the mine, shall be ________.
a. Securely used
b. Serially numbered
c. Securely handled
d. Serially stored
Ans. b
5. The boundary of a belowground mine shall not be changed, EXCEPT with the express permission of the __________ in writing.
a. Chief inspector
b. Regional inspector
c. Agent
d. Manager
Ans. a
6. The relative position of the underground base line is determined with reference to the surface base is called __________.
a. Plan survey
b. Geodetic survey
c. Correlation survey
d. Traverse survey
Ans. c
7. Which of the following is NOT one of the duties and responsibilities of a surveyor?
a. To make accurate surveys and levellings
b. To prepare plans and sections
c. To trace and plans and sections
d. To prepare annual production plans
Ans. d
8. The reference stations at the surface, and the reference points of underground surveys, shall be shown in their correct position relative to __________.
a. Mean sea level
b. Benchmark
c. National grid
d. Reduced level
Ans. c
9. The sketch plan showing the manpower survey, signed, and dated by the manager shall be kept in the office of the mine. A copy thereof, shall be kept with the _________.
a. Sirdar
b. Deputy surveyor
c. Surveyor
d. Attendance clerk
Ans. d
10. Where special conditions exist, who may permit preparation and maintenance of plans, sections, and records under the provisions of the regulations?
a. Manger
b. Chief inspector
c. Regional inspector
d. Safety officer
Ans. b
11. The owner, agent the manager shall submit a copy of the emergency response and evacuation plan prepared by him/her, to the __________.
a. Regional inspector
b. Safety officer
c. Chief inspector
d. Workmen inspector
Ans. a
12. If the departure and latitude of a line are +78.0 m and -135.1 m, respectively, the length of the line is __________.
a. 213.1 m
b. 156.0 m
c. 57.1 m
d. 224.2 m
Ans. b
13. For intentional flooding to be done by the owner, agent, or manager, from the surface or from any other part of the mine shall be given the notice to Chief Inspector in writing not less than _______ days before the flooding.
a. 13
b. 14
c. 16
d. 15
Ans. b
14. The ‘Emergency response and evacuation plan’ is dealt with in which regulation of CMR 2017?
a. 251
b. 249
c. 252
d. 250
Ans. c
15. No working shall be made within a distance of __________ m of the mine boundaries in opencast mines.
a. 6.5
b. 5.5
c. 7.5
d. 4.5
Ans. c
16. Whose permission is required if the underground working shall be made in any two seams lying within 9 m of each other?
a. Agent
b. Manager
c. Chief Inspector
d. Regional Inspector
Ans. c
17. The conversion factor is duly approved by __________ of every subsidiary company of CIL.
a. Director (Technical)
b. Chairman cum Managing Director
c. Director (Finance)
d. Director (Personnel)
Ans. a
18. Mapping is the process of:
a. Visual representation of the collected data
b. Analyzing the data
c. Collection of data
d. Modelling the data
Ans. a
19. Danger from underground inundation is dealt with in which regulation of CMR 2017?
A. 148
B. 151
C. 149
D. 150
Ans. d
20. ‘TLS’ stands for:
a. Total Laser Scanning
b. Terrestrial Laser Scanning
c. Transverse Length Scanning
d. Terrestrial Length Scanning
Ans. b
21. Which instrument is used for precise levelling?
a. Wye level
b. Auto level
c. Dumpy level
d. Tilting level
Ans. d
22. Working near mine boundaries in belowground mines is covered in which regulation of CMR 2017?
A. 123
B. 121
C. 120
D. 122
Ans. b
23. The surveyor shall record in a bound paged book, when the working of the mine has approached __________ m from the mine boundary, or from disused or waterlogged workings.
a. 120
b. 100
c. 200
d. 150
Ans. a
24. A competent person shall examine once at least in every __________ days during the rainy season, from any danger of inrush of surface water into the mine.
a. 13
b. 12
c. 30
d. 14
Ans. d
The above convention indicates _________ for preparing plans and sections.
a. Development
b. Caving
c. Depillaring
d. Goaf
Ans. d
26. Balancing of sight means:
a. Making the distance of fore sight station equal to that of the back sight station from the instrument station
b. Making the line of collimation horizontal
c. Taking fore sight and back sight readings at the same station
d. Making fore sight reading equal to the back sight reading
Ans. a
27. A coal barrier of NOT less than __________ m in the thickness shall be maintained in the same seam from old boreholes in the ventilation plan for methane exploration.
a. 150
b. 140
c. 130
d. 120
Ans. a
28. If the chief inspector fails to inspect the place of accident within ________ hours of the time of accident, work may be resumed at the place of accident.
a. 24
b. 96
c. 48
d. 72
Ans. c
29. Plans and sections to be submitted after abandonment, closure or discontinuance, are covered in which regulation of CMR 2017?
a. 65
b. 68
c. 66
d. 67
Ans. c
The above convention indicates __________ for preparing plans and sections.
a. Air crossing
b. Water dam
c. Explosion proof air crossing
d. Explosion proof stopping
Ans. c
31. Every field book and other notes used in the preparation of plans and sections maintained, shall be signed and dated by the surveyor, and countersigned and dated by the __________.
a. Safety officer
b. Assistant manager
c. Agent
d. Manager
Ans. d
32. Who shall provide an adequate number of accurate and reliable survey instruments and materials for the proper carrying out of all survey and levelling work?
a. Owner or agent
b. Assistant manager
c. Safety officer
d. Manager
Ans. a
33. No working shall be made and no work of extraction or reduction of pillars shall be conducted at, or extended to, any point within __________ m of any railway, or of public works.
a. 60
b. 45
c. 40
d. 50
Ans. b
The above convention indicates __________ for preparing plans and sections.
a. Borehole
b. Thickness of seam
c. Section of seam
d. Borehole lithology
Ans. c
35. Subsidence is shown in which colour during the preparation of mine plans and sections?
a. Black
b. Green
c. Yellow
d. Red
Ans. d
36. The volume of coal stock is 2800 m3 . Calculate the quantity of coal stock (in tonnes), having specific gravity of 1.4.
a. 3620
b. 4220
c. 3920
d. 2000
Ans. c
37. Where subsidiary surveys cannot be closed upon check survey stations, the difference in location of any point on the line of face or goaf as determined by any two or more such surveys, shall NOT exceed ___________ m.
a. 3.0
b. 1.5
c. 1.0
d. 2.0
Ans. a
38. Weisback Triangle method is an example of ___________.
a. Optical method
b. Shaft plumbing
c. Gyro-theodolite method
d. Direct traversing
Ans. b
39. Plans, sections, and records are dealt with in which regulation of CMR 2017?
a. 256
b. 257
c. 258
d. 259
Ans. a
40. Which of the following is NOT a type of plan according to CMR 2017?
a. Surface Plan
b. Ventilation Plan
c. Water danger Plan
d. Production Plan
Ans. d
41. Which regulation deals with the preparation of plans by surveyors according to CMR 2017?
a. 67
b. 68
c. 70
d. 69
Ans. d
42. The construction of a reservoir, water dam etc. is dealt with in which regulation of CMR 2017?
a. 150
b. 148
c. 152
d. 154
Ans. c
43. In a plan and section of the working showing the exact height and width of underground inundation workings, the number of bore holes driven shall be brought up to date at least once in every __________ days
a. 15
b. 10
c. 14
d. 12
Ans. a
44. The duties and responsibilities of a surveyor are covered in regulation ___________ of CMR 2017.
A. 52
B. 53
C. 54
D. 55
Ans. b
45. If any plan or section prepared, kept, or submitted under the regulations. Is inaccurate, then whose opinion is required in writing for a fresh survey and a new plan or section to be prepared within such time?
a. Chief Inspector
b. Area Safety Officer
c. Regional Inspector
d. Agent
Ans. c
46. Whenever the accident occurs in or about a mine causing loss of life or serious bodily injury to any person, the place of accident shall NOT be disturbed or altered before the arrival of the __________.
a. Chief Inspector
b. Regional Inspector
c. Workmen Inspector
d. Area safety officer
Ans. a
The above convention indicates _____________ for preparing plans and sections.
a. Mine boundary
b. Pillars and galleries
c. Quarterly survey line
d. Underground coal barrier
Ans. c
48. Every entrance into a mine shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that it lowest point shall bot be less than ________ m above the highest flood level
a. 2
b. 2.5
c. 1
d. 1.5
Ans. d
49. The least count of a levelling staff is ____________ mm.
a. 5
b. 0.05
c. 0.5
d. 1
Ans. a
50. The seam is called a contiguous seam if the parting between any two seams is laid within _______ m.
a. 9
b. 6
c. 8
d. 7
Ans. a
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