Section: Technical
1. Every travelling roadway shall be provided with suitable steps or ladders where the inclination exceeds_________ from the horizontal.
a. 22 degrees
b. 50 degrees
c. 30 degrees
d. 45 degrees
Ans. c
2. Under the provisions of CMR 2017, inflammable gas shall be deemed to have been found or detected when it is indicated by methane detector to be ___________ or more in case of a mine having degree two seams.
a. 0.5%
b. 1 %
c. 0.75%
d. 0.1%
Ans. a
3. A person whose service commences otherwise than on the first day of January, shall be entitled to leave with wages in the subsequent calendar year at the rate of one day for every fifteen days of work if he has put in attendances for:
a. Not less than one-half of the total number of days
b. Not less than one-third of the total number of days
c. Not less than one-quarter of the total number of days
d. Not less than one-total of the total number of days
Ans. a
4. Before an air receiver is in commission, the competent person shall subject it to a hydraulic test at a pressure at least ________ times the maximum permissible working pressure for any apparatus working under pressure in the mines.
a. 1.0
b. 2.0
c. 1.5
d. 0.5
Ans. c
5. No working shall be made in any mine vertically below any spot lying within a horizontal distance of ________ from either bank of a river or canal or from the boundary of a lake, tank or other surface reservoir.
a. 12 m
b. 45 m
c. 15 m
d. 60 m
Ans. c
6. The owner, agent or manager shall appoint such number of competent persons, including officials and technicians to ensure:
a. Inadequate and inappropriate inspection of the mine and equipment
b. Explosive and accessories are used without license
c. Safe working order of all machinery
d. Water is stored in the mine
Ans. c
7. What is the minimum distance that shall be maintained between two shafts, (or) outlets installed in an underground mind?
a. 12 m
b. 15 m
c. 10 m
d. 13.5 m
Ans. d
8. Except in case of an emergency, the owner of a mine shall not give, otherwise than through the ________ , instructions directly to a person employed in a mine.
a. Mine manager
b. Agent
c. Mining engineer
d. Mine foreman
Ans. a
9. Which of the following is NOT shown in a water-danger plan and section?
a. The highest flood level of the area
b. The position of the working belowground and every borehole and shaft
c. The position of every dyke, fault and other geological disturbance
d. Every point where the quantity of air is measured
Ans. d
10. Under whose direction and supervision shall all rescue and recovery work at a below ground mine be conduct?
a. Mine manager
b. Ventilation officer
c. Mining sirdar
d. Mine foreman
Ans. a
11. To order to detect spontaneous heating in early stages, the air in the return airway of every depillaring district and, of every goaf which has not been isolated, shall be tested for percentage of carbon monoxide once at least in every ________ with an automatic detector.
a. 14 days
b. 3 months
c. 21 days
d. 7 days
Ans. d
12. No person shall be admitted as a candidate at any examination for a sirdar’s certificate unless he has had practical experience and training in coal mine for a period of not less than________ years.
a. 5
b. 4
c. 6
d. 3
Ans. d
13. Which of the following precautions is NOT to be adopted in safety lamp-rooms as per the provisions of the CMR 2017?
a. Internal relighters shall not be taken out of lamps and cleaned, repaired.
b. Adequate number of suitable fire extinguishers shall be provided
c. No person shall enter the safety lamp room.
d. No person shall smoke in the room.
Ans. c
14. In an excavation, in any hard and compact ground, the sides shall be adequately bench and the height of the bench shall NOT exceed________.
a. 3.0 m
b. 6.0 m
c. 2.5 m
d. 1.5 m
Ans. b
15. Under the coal mines regulations, what is the maximum period of authorization by the owner, agent or manager to act as manager of the mine?
a. 2 weeks
b. 6 months
c. 30 days
d. 7 days
Ans. c
16. AMM stands for:
a. Arrested Mine Methane
b. Alluvial Micro Methane
c. Aerobic Mine Methane
d. Abandoned Mine Methane
Ans. d
17. As per the Rescue, no person shall be appointed as Superintendent in the Rescue station unless he:
a. Has 5 years of practical experience of below ground work in mines
b. Has 2 years of practical experience of below ground work in mines
c. Has 10 years of practical experience of below ground work in mines
d. Has 1 years of practical experience of below ground work in mines
Ans. a
18. The preparation of charges and the charging and stemming of holes shall be carried out by or under the personal supervision of the_________ in an underground coal mine.
a. Roof stitching officer
b. Shot-firer
c. Ventilation officer
d. Magazine-in-charge
Ans. b
19. In signalling, which of the following codes of signals shall be used to stop the winding engine in motion?
a. Four raps
b. One rap
c. Two raps
d. Three raps
Ans. b
20. During the extraction of methane in progress from old boreholes, how much thickness of a coal barrier shall be maintained from the present working in the same seam?
a. Not less than 75 m
b. Not less than 150 m
c. Not less than 100 m
d. Not less than 50 m
Ans. b
21. If the depth of seam from surface is exceeding 90 m but not exceeding 150 m, where the width of the galleries does not exceed 4.2 m, the distance between the centres of any two adjacent pillars left in a seam shall not be less than ________.
a. 22.5 m
b. 15.0 m
c. 25.5 m
d. 19.5 m
Ans. a
22. No person shall be admitted as a candidate at any examination held by the Board unless he is ________ years of age.
a. 18
b. 20
c. 17
d. 21
Ans. b
23. What is the minimum diameter of the drums or sheaves of the winding engine, and of the pulleys and sheaves used in the case of winding installed before 25 OCTOBER 1955 as permitted by the chief inspector of mine?
a. Not less than forty times the diameter of the rope
b. Not less than eighty times the diameter of the rope
c. Not less than ten times the diameter of the rope
d. Not less than sixty times the diameter of the rope
Ans. b
24. The lighting provided in a mine shall be so arranged as to prevent ________.
a. Glare
b. Toxic pollution
c. Dust
d. Brightness
Ans. a
25. After consulting the safety committee of the mine and internal safety organization, the owner, agent and manager of every mine shall determine all necessary measures to:
a. Control the risk at source
b. Maximise the risk
c. Originate any recorded risk
d. Prepare the excavation plan
Ans. a
26. The mine working that has been closed with no intention of working in the future is known as:
a. Existing working
b. Discontinued working
c. Abandoned working
d. Expired working
Ans. c
27. In every mine in which a mechanical ventilator is used, the quantity of air shall be measured once at least every _______.
a. 1 month
b. 3 months
c. 7 days
d. 14 days
Ans. d
28. In any mine, the ‘Drinking water’ facility shall noNOT be situated within _________of any washing place, urinal or latrine.
a. 5 m
b. 2 m
c. 6 m
d. 15 m
Ans. c
29. Wherever a notice is given for an accident-causing loss of life in the mine, the authority shall make an inquiry into the occurrence _________ of the receipt of the notice from the mine management.
a. Within one month
b. On or before 20 January of every year
c. Within 15 days
d. Within two months
Ans. d
30. In underground mines, manholes shall be constructed of not less than_________ in height and_________ in depth.
a. 1.8 m; 1.2 m
b. 1.5 m; 1.0 m
c. 1.2 m; 1.5 m
d. 1.2 m; 1.8 m
Ans. a
31. Which of the following is NOT a duty of the Training Officer under the provisions of the Mine Vocational Training Rules, 1966?
a. To organize and supervise the training of every person undergoing training
b. To maintain records of the training given to every person
c. To discharge the duties for proper compliance of the training rules.
d. To remove the rocords of the supervision in respect of practical training on actual operations
Ans. d
32. Which of the following given depths can be considered for the ‘Deep-hole drilling and blasting’ in and opencast mining operation?
a. 1.5 m
b. 2.5 m
c. 1.0 m
d. 3.2 m
Ans. d
33. The quantity of drinking water to be provided in a mine shall be on a scale of at least__________ for every person employed at any one time.
a. 5 litres
b. 3 litres
c. 2 litres
d. 1 litres
Ans. c
34. Who among the following shall prepare the plan and section, and tracing of any workings or part thereof in the mine as per the regulations?
a. Surveyor
b. Overman
c. Assistant Manager
d. Mine Planner
Ans. a
35. If a court of inquiry finds that an accident was due to any negligence on the part of the management, the court may direct the recovery of the expenses of such court as an arrears of ____________.
a. GST
b. Land revenue
c. Registration revenue
d. Income tax
Ans. b
36. Every part of a mine shall, where practicable, be provided with at least ________ way(s) of affording means of degress to the surface.
a. One
b. No
c. Two
d. Three
Ans. c
37. The safety management plan shall NOT contain:
a. Details of non-involvement of mine workers in its development and application
b. Ways to measure, monitor and evaluate performance of the safety management plan
c. Defined mine safety and health policy of the company
d. Principal hazard management plans
Ans. a
38. No mine shall be opened, worked or re-opened unless there is a __________ of the mine, duly appointed under the CMR 2017.
a. Planner
b. Geologist
c. Surveyor
d. Manager
Ans. d
39. The velocity of air current measured in m/minute at the maximum span of a longwall face shall be NOT less than _________ for the third degree coal seams.
a. 75
b. 15
c. 45
d. 25
Ans. a
40. In the case of an opencast working, the danger zone refers to a radius of _________ from the place of firing.
a. 500 m
b. 300 m
c. 200 m
d. 100 m
Ans. a
41. The number of persons in any rescue team using breathing apparatus in a mine shall NOT be less than _________ and not more than ________ , including the leader.
a. 5; 10
b. 5; 6
c. 2; 5
d. 6; 8
Ans. b
42. At every mine employing more than __________ persons on any one day of the preceding calendar year, the first-aid room shall be provided and maintained in good order.
a. 150
b. 50
c. 500
d. 100
Ans. a
43. Name the place in the below-ground mine where the first-aid station shall NOT be provided and maintained.
a. At the entrance to every district
b. Near the drive end of every haulage
c. At the bottom of every shaft
d. At every screening plant and loading place
Ans. d
44. The owner, agent or manager of a mine shall give the notice of opening at least ________ before the commencement of any mining operation.
a. 45 days
b. 21 days
c. 1 months
d. 15 days
Ans. c
45. Emergency response and evacuation plan shall include:
a. Any power granted under CMR 1957 to the Regional Inspector may be exercised by the Chief Inspector
b. Establishment of individual responsibilities for administering an emergency response
c. Resuming the operation after the accident took place in the mine where the inspector failed to inspect
d. An appeal against any order made by the Chief Inspector under any of the CMR 1957 or against any order passed under CMR 1957
Ans. b
46. ‘Committee’ means a committee constituted under _______ of the Mine Act, 1952.
a. Section 36
b. Section 10
c. Section 42
d. Section 12
Ans. d
47. Name the person appointed to superintend the lowering and raising of persons, tools and materials and to transmit signals at the top of a shaft or incline.
a. Overman
b. Office clerk
c. Banksman
d. Mining Sirdar
Ans. c
48. A calendar year shall mean a period of __________ beginning with the first day of January in any year.
a. 1 month
b. 6 months
c. 12 months
d. 9 months
Ans. c
49. Under the provisions of CMR 2017, which of the following is NOT practiced as a precautionary measure against fire?
a. Adequate and sufficient arrangements shall be made in every mine for early detection, control and fox extinguishing any fire.
b. Greasy or oily waste in workings below ground shall be regularly removed to the surface.
c. No oil, grease, canvas or other inflammable material shall be stored in any mine, except in a fire-proof receptacle
d. Person shall place or throw any naked light or lamp on or near any timber, wooden structure or other combustible material.
Ans. d
50. For every mine wherein ______ or more persons are ordinarily employed, the owner shall designate three suitably qualified employees of the mine as Workmen’s Inspector in consultation with the registered trade union in the mine.
a. 500
b. 100
c. 150
d. 300
Ans. a
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