1. Soil mechanics and foundation engineering;
→ Fundamental definition & Inter relationship-(i) Vold Ratio (ii) Porosity (iii) Degree of saturation (iv) Bulk Density (v) Dry Density (vi) Submerged density (vi) specific gravity (vii) Moisture content
→ Index Properties- Grain size distribution from sieve analysis and Hydrometer test, the Atterberg Limits (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Shrinkage Limit), Plasticity Index, IS classification based on grain size
→ Shear strength of soil- Linear relationship of shear stress with cohesion, friction and normal stress. General, punching & local shear failure
→ Settlement of shallow foundation- Immediate & consolidation settlement for sand and clay for a single layer soil under vertical load
→ Bearing capacity: Different Terminologies
2. Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials &
Analysis of Structure;
→ Fundamental Definition(qualitative/quantitative)-(i) Force (ii) Moment(iii)Centre of gravity(iv)Moment of inertia(v) Bending Moment(vi) Shear Force(vii) torsion (viii) Elasticity (ix) stress(x) strain (xi) Fixed Support (xii) Hinged Support (xiii) roller Support
→ Parallelogram law forces, resolution of forces
→ Bending moment, shear force-Single span with different types of support at ends and with UDL, concentrated Load, Diagrams
→ Deflection pattern -Single span having different types of support at ends and with UDL & concentrated load.
3. Design of structures;
→ Loads - Different types of Loads (Dead Load, Live Load, Wind Load, Seismic Load etc.), Calculation of dead load for residential / office buildings from floor and masonry, Provision of 15-875 (Table-1, part-2) for live load of different facilities, parameters of wind load (section 5 of 15-875(part- 3), Earthquake zones and zonal factors (IS 1893(part-1)-2002, table 2 & Annex E)
→ Fundamental definitions: 1) column, i) Beam, lii) Stab, iv) Truss, v) Space Frame
→ RCC Design: What is RCC, Why RCC is used, Design of RCC Singly reinforced beam with the help of SP-16: Design of axially loaded column (Clause 39.3 of IS 456-2000), Design of slab (the relevant table-
Annexure D, Table-26 of IS 456-2000/SP16). Basic knowledge on Compressive and Tensile zones, cover, Neutral Axis, Effective depth, Moment of resistance, under reinforced, over reinforced,
doubly reinforced sections, one way and 2-way slab, Development length, control of deflection (CL 23.2 and 24.1 of IS-456).
→ Detailing of RCC Structures – Clause 26.5 of IS-456 regarding Requirements of Reinforcement for Structural members, provisions of SP-34 (Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing).
→ Design of Steel Structure-Basic knowledge on design of Tension member, compression member and flexural (bending) member (Refer IS 800-1984 & SP6), Welded Joint.
4. Public Health Engineering;
→ Knowledge on important features of water supply system, water and sewage treatment, waste water management.
5. Surveying;
→ Basic Knowledge of the Subject & relevant IS codes.
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