DGMS Second class managers unrestricted coal legislation 19 DEC 2021 AN
1) A belowground mine, wherefrom a pillar or part thereof, or in case of longwall working, coal has been extracted but which is not a working place called _______
a) Gassy seam
b) Inset
c) Incline
d) Goal
e) Mine
2) Which type of explosive shall be used in the blasting off the solid in underground mines
a) P1 type
b) P3 type
c) P5 type
d) 2 & 3
e) All types
3) At what minimum distance of workings from the waterlogged workings, the surveyor shall record full facts in bound paged book
a) 60m
b) 75m
c) 90m
d) 120m
e) 150m
4) In signaling system the code of signal ONE RAP is used when engine at rest for –
a) Stop
b) Raise
c) Lower
d) None of these
e) All of these
5) Presence of water in strata will affect the value of RMR by
a) Increasing
b) Decreasing
c) Remaining constant
d) Options 1, 2 & 3
e) None of the options
6) In a seam in which a fire or spontaneous heating exist in the working below ground or in open cast working laying within the precincts of a mine such type of seam known as _
a) First degree gassy seam
b) Second degree gassy seam
c) Third degree gassy seam
d) Flory seam
e) Gass includes fume or vapours
7) Which of the following are the competent person.
a) Blaster
b) Wheel loader operator
c) Tipper operator
d) All the above
e) None of these
8) What factors are to be considered for rectification of hazards
a) Previous experience
b) Work process evaluation
c) Safety data information
d) Accident reports
e) All the options
9) None of opening shall be submitted accompanied by
a) A copy of surface plan
b) A copy of safety management plan
c) Both a & b
d) A copy of surface plan & copy notice invited tender (NIT)
e) None of the above
10) Pillars shall normally be … I shape
a) Square
b) Rectangular
c) Rhombus shaped
d) Triangular
e) None of the options
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