Q.1 For the purposes of sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Mines Act, 1952, which of the following diseases has not been notified as diseases related to mining operations?
Ans 1. Asbestosis
2. Silicosis
3. Pneumoconiosis
4. Asthma - nervous type
Question ID : 7773936540
Q.2 –Which of the following explosive group is approved for special purposes such as delay firing and firing in ripping?
Ans 1. P1
2. P5
3. P3
4. P4
Question ID : 7773936548
Q.3 Why timber is most commonly used for supporting mines?
Ans 1. It provides relatively more strength than prop
2. It is preferred by mine workers
3. It's Expensive
4. It is cheap and readily available
Timber is the most commonly used material for support in a mine as it is cheap and easily available
Question ID : 7773936570
Q.4 Low-tension detonators with a 45 m long shot firing cable have a resistance of approximately _________ ohms.
Ans 1. 7
2. 5
3. 0.5
4. 2
Question ID : 7773936549
Q.5 What should be the maximum gradient of all roads for trucks, dumpers or other mobile machinery in opencast mines?
Ans 1. 1 in 14
2. 1 in 10
3. 1 in 12
4. 1 in 8
Question ID : 7773936531
Q.6 No person shall work or travel on any ledge or footpath _____ wide, from which he is likely to fall more than 1.8 meters into the coal mines.
Ans 1. Less than 1.5 meters
2. more than 1.5 meters
3. More than 1.5 m, but less than 2.5 m
4. Over 2.5m
Question ID : 7773936568
Q.7 Where an excavation, which is the result of any mining operation, and extends within a distance of _______ meters from a public road or building, adequate fencing shall be made around that excavation, and the same shall be maintained needed.
Ans 1. 15
2. 100
3. 10
4. 45
Question ID : 7773936575
Q.8 When a person hits a runaway tub in an underground mine, what should an investigator try to find out?
Ans 1. Whether the loaders were aware that they should not have entered the space before it was supported as per SSR.
2. Why didn't the man take shelter in the manhole while the haulage was in motion?
3. Whether the site was inspected by the detonator.
4. Did the mining chief know that the two faces had come so close to each other?
Question ID : 7773936539
Q.9 Which of the following drilling models is used for the laminated strata that mostly covers the face in the blasting operations carried out in underground coal mines?
Ans 1. Drag cut
2. Fan Cut
3. Cone Cut
4. Burn Cut
Question ID : 7773936551
Q.10 No drill shall be used for drilling a shot-hole unless there is a gap of at least ______ greater than the diameter of the cartridge of explosives intended for use in it.
Ans 1. 0.3 m
2. 0.03 cm
3. 0.30 cm
4. 3 cm
Question ID : 7773936553
Q.11 Normal ambient air contains a mixture of gases containing ____ oxygen and ____ nitrogen.
Ans 1. 21.25%; 77.54%
2. 19.42%; 77.12%
3. 21.95%; 78.11%
4. 20.93%; 78.10%
Question ID : 7773936543
Q.12 During electric shot firing, the leads of the detonator are connected to a shot firing cable of length not less than _____ m.
Ans 1. 17.5
2. 30
3. 20
4. 25
Question ID : 7773936550
Q.13 __________ to be constructed on river and jore to prevent inundation should be properly designed keeping in mind the engineering parameters.
Ans 1. Concrete pile
2. Embankments
3. Arrestors
4. Waste heap
Question ID : 7773936569
Q.14 The removal of hazards or hazardous work practices from a mine in a safety management plan is called _________.
Ans 1. Substitution
2. Isolation
3. controlling
4. Elimination
Question ID : 7773936535
Q.15 What is the basic principle of environmental management policy for land reclamation?
Ans 1. Improper selection of land reclamation methods and techniques
2. Inadequate knowledge of local environmental conditions
3. Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Restoration Outcomes
4. Chaotic implementation of environmental protection and restoration programs
Question ID : 7773936562
Q.16 Who was the first to diagrammatically present the relationship between the quantitative composition and flammability of mixtures of methane and air?
Ans 1. H.F. Coward (H.F. Coward)
2. Ricken Keiki
3. R. Sabre (R. Sabre)
4. A.J. Hargraves
Question ID : 7773936546
Q.17 The distance between the centers of any two adjacent pillars left in a bed or section shall not be less than ____ m, where the width of the galleries does not exceed 3.0 m, and the depth of the bed from the surface is not more than 60 m. higher, but not to exceed 90 m.
Ans 1. 12
2. 16.5
3. 22.5
4. 13.5
Question ID : 7773936558
Q.18 To whom will the Mine Closing Plan for Coal Mines be presented along with the details of the updated cost estimates for various mine closure activities?
Ans 1. State Government Geology and Mining Department
2. Ministry of Mines
3. Ministry of Coal
4. Indian Bureau of Mines
Question ID : 7773936564
Q.19 In relation to the work of blasting, what is meant by misfire?
Ans 1. Failure to ignite the detonator
2. Failure to detonate a composite charge of explosive in the shot hole
3. Inadequate stemming of the blast hole
4. Failure to Connect Cartridge
Question ID : 7773936532
Q.20 What is the simplest method/device to detect carbon monoxide in the atmosphere of a mine?
Ans 1. Canaries
2. the colorimetric method
3. Electronic Measuring Instruments
4. Respirators
Question ID : 7773936545
Q.21 When the gallery height in a coal mine is 1.8 m to 2.4 m, what should be the diameter of the prop used at the thick end?
Ans 1. 150 mm to 175 mm
2. 175 mm to 225 mm
3. 100 mm to 125 mm
4. 250 mm to 275 mm
Question ID : 7773936571
Q.22 The width of each road or footpath should not be less than _____ meters on which the load is borne by human agency in underground coal mines.
Ans 1. 0.5
2. 1.0
3. 1.5
4. 0.75
Question ID : 7773936576
Q.23 Who will be appointed as the convener of the Appellate Medical Board under the provision of Mines Rule 1955?
Ans 1. Qualified Medical Officer of DGMS.
2. Qualified Medical Officer nominated by CI in the system of Allopathic Medicine working in a State or Central Government Undertaking.
3. Qualified Medical Officer to be nominated by the Mine Manager in consultation with the Welfare Organisation.
4. Qualified Medical Officer appointed by CI in consultation with Welfare Organisation.
Question ID : 7773936529
Q.24 Where is hydraulic sand underground filling not successful in Indian coal mines?
Ans 1. Where the roof and floor are not affected by water.
2. Where river sand is available within 5 km from the mine.
3. Where the beds are not getting very deep.
4. Where the bed is more than 05° flat.
Question ID : 7773936567
Q.25 Name the hazards involved and its impact while unloading the material into the dumper by the excavator.
Ans 1. Other proximal equipment; damage to equipment
2. vulnerability to sharp edges; scratch
3. colliding with the dumper body; damage to the cabin
4. slippery; rupture
Question ID : 7773936536
Q.26 Which of the following is not a reason for the closure of mining operations?
Ans 1. Non-availability of laborers
2. Non-profit Operations
3. Natural Calamity
4. Mining of Minerals
Question ID : 7773936563
Q.27 No work shall be carried out on a road or building within a distance of _______ meters from any railway or any public work.
Ans 1. 50
2. 100
3. 60
4. 45
Question ID : 7773936554
Q.28 Hand packing as a stowing operation in underground coal mines is done when ___________.
Ans 1. The bed is prone to more than 10°
2. The bed is prone to more than 25°
3. The bed is prone to more than 05°
4. The bed is prone to more than 15°
Question ID : 7773936566
Q.29 In terms of deaths, what is considered to be a mine accident involving 10 or more deaths?
Ans 1. Major accident
2. disaster
3. Serious accident
4. Fatal accident
Question ID : 7773936537
Q.30 Which of the following is not an unsafe job to be done by persons working in mines?
Ans 1. Teasing and Distracting
2. Operating at an unsafe speed
3. Protective devices are not in operation
4. Walking on a haulage route
Question ID : 7773936538
Q.31 Dumpers operating between sunset and sunrise should be fitted with rear flood lights of adequate illumination so that objects up to a distance of at least ______ m are clearly visible.
Ans 1. 2
2. 5
3. 7.5
4. 10
Question ID : 7773936557
Q.32 _______ refers to the average concentration of dust particles to which a worker is exposed (in contact) during a work week.
Ans 1. Ceiling limit
2. Time-weighted average
3. Threshold limit value
4. Short-term exposure limit
Question ID : 7773936544
Q.32 _______ refers to the average concentration of dust particles to which a worker is exposed (in contact) during a work week.
Ans 1. Ceiling limit
2. Time-weighted average
3. Threshold limit value
4. Short-term exposure limit
Question ID : 7773936544
Q.33 Which of the following is a low explosive grade explosive?
Ans 1. Gun Powder
Question ID : 7773936547
Q.34 Self-propelled machinery powered by electric, battery or diesel, including side discharge loaders, load haul dumpers, underground coal haulers and shuttle cars used in coal mines, shall be fitted with ___________, so that the roof or side Ensure adequate protection against falling to the ground.
Ans 1. Wire net
2. bogie cover
3. Wiremesh
4. Roof Canopy
Question ID : 7773936573
Q.35 Every mining company should have a well defined safety policy, which of the following objectives should be clearly mentioned?
Ans 1. To award.
2. To organize competitions among different groups of miners.
3. To promote a sense of recognition for the behavior of the workers.
4. Safety will always take precedence over expediency.
Queston ID : 7773936541
Q.36 In every gassy seam of the second or third degree, only _______ shall be used below the ground.
Ans 1. breathing apparatus and equipment
2. remote controlled devices
3. flame proof electrical apparatus and equipment
4. flame safety lamp
Question ID : 7773936577
Q.37 ____________ is the process of returning mined land when it is suitable for an acceptable environmental condition.
Ans 1. Land Reclamation
2. Rehabilitation
3. Restoration
4. Rejection
Question ID : 7773936559
Q.38 As per CMR 2017, the length of the cogging members shall not be less than ____ meters while setting up the supports.
Ans 1. 1.0
2. 0.75
3. 1.2
4. 0.50
Question ID : 7773936572
Q.39 In works involving an inclination of ________ degrees to the horizontal or more, adequate precautions should be taken to prevent the danger to persons from falling timber.
Ans 1. 45°
2. 30°
3. 15°
4. 20°
Question ID : 7773936574
Q.40 If a stowing material of 1.6 t/m3 is to be used in coal mines in which the density of coal is 1.3 t/m3, then the quantity of underground filling material required to produce 100 tonnes of coal is Calculate. Let the value of K factor be 0.8 for pneumatic stowing in coal mines.
Ans 1. 92.5
2. 80
3. 65
4. 52
Question ID : 7773936565
Q.41 When using non-incendive delay detonators in 'BOS' applications, the maximum delay period between the first and last shot in a degree I and II gaseous coal bed shall not exceed _______ milliseconds .
Ans 1. 60
2. 150
3. 100
4. 80
Question ID : 7773936552
Q.42 When the shaft depth is increased and the make of water is sufficient, the intermediate pump chamber with sumps is always preferred at what intervals?
Ans 1. More than 300 m
2. not more than 100m
3. 250 m to 300 m
4. No more than 250 m
Question ID : 7773936578
Q.43 In opencast mines, the slope of the spoil bank from the horizontal should not exceed _____.
Ans 1. 45°
2. 30°
3. 37.5°
4. 32.5°
Question ID : 7773936556
Q.44 How many 'National Conferences on Safety in Mines' have been organized in India till 2022?
Ans 1. 11
2. 13
3. 10
4. 12
Question ID : 7773936542
Q.45 What is a Security Management Plan?
Ans 1. Auditable document
2. Formal document
3. Legal document
4. research document
Question ID : 7773936534
Q.46 No work shall be carried out in opencast mines within a distance of _____ meters from the boundary of any mine (or) the boundary claimed by the owner of the adjacent mine.
Ans 1. 7.5
2. 6
3. 50
4. 45
Question ID : 7773936555
Q.47 Who will ensure that adequate quantities of clay, sand or other suitable stemming material are available at convenient locations in the mines?
Ans 1. Shot firer
2. Mine Mate
3. Support man
4. Mining Sirdar
Question ID : 7773936533
Q.48 What should be the minimum period of enforced absence in case of reportable injury?
Ans 1. 72 hours
2. 36 hours
3. 48 hours
4. 24 hours
Question ID : 7773936530
Q.49 Which of the following is used to assess the progress of land reclamation in opencast coal mines?
Ans 1. Rock quality index
2. Sustainability index
3. Mine soil quality index
4. Mine closure index
Question ID : 7773936560
Q.50 Which of the following causes negative effects of surface-mining on the environment?
Ans 1. Release of air, liquid and solid pollutants and noise pollution
2. Growth of native fauna and flora
3. Over-construction of residential areas, roads and railways
4. Maintenance of land morphology
Question ID : 7773936561
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