Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.What are the documents that I need to upload along with my online application?
While applying On-line, candidate needs to upload the following valid documents:
a) Scanned copy of the recent passport size colour photograph (not older than 3 weeks in jpg/jpeg format).
b) Scanned copy of signature with Black ink pen (in jpg/jpeg format)
c) Scanned copies of the documents (in pdf format), as follows:
1. Self-attested copy of Matriculation / Secondary Board
level certificate in support of age.
2. Final / Provisional Degree / Certificate for Graduation and Post-Graduation, as applicable.
3. Apart from the other required documents, the candidates of final year / semester / trimester in the academic year 2019-20 will have to upload their latest year / semester / trimester marksheet / marks transcript of relevant minimum educational qualification.
4. Candidates belonging to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), SC / ST will have to upload self-attested copy of valid caste certificate in prescribed format.
5. For PwD category, certificate in the prescribed format of Govt. of India duly issued by the competent authority, has to be uploaded. In case of persons in the category of blindness, locomotor disability (both arm affected – BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility of Scribe shall be given / opted for if so desired by the person, if applicable as per the relevant provisions of Act / Rules / Guidelines of Govt. of India (Refer OM F No. 34-02/2015-DD-III dated 29.08.2018 issued by Under Secretary to the GoI, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment). Scribe certificate, as applicable, in the prescribed format of APPENDIX-I & APPENDIX-II (may be downloaded during filling of online application form) has to be uploaded.
6. Candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) will have to upload self-attested copy of valid Income & Asset certificate issued by the competent authority as per OM No.36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31.01.19 of DoPT, Ministry of PPG&P, Govt. of India.
7. Discharge / Service Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen.
8. Certificate issued in the prescribed format by the competent authority in respect of J&K domicile.
9. Candidates presently employed in Government / Semi-Govt. / Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous body will need to upload No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Competent Authority of their present employer as per point no. 11(vii) of the detailed advertisement.
The details can be seen from Point No. 10 of advertisement.
2.I have completed my Degree in AMIE, am I eligible to apply?
1A.How do I apply for a post/discipline?
For each post/discipline, there will be an "Apply Online" link. Important instructions will appear which has to be read before accepting the terms & conditions by clicking. I Agree Check-box given below. Then press START Button after which the Registration page will open for online application process.
The Steps for filling-up of online application have been explained at Point No. 10 in detailed advertisement available in CIL website only.
2A. How can I register for the online application?
You will have to register by filling-up discipline, name, category (as applicable), PwD category (as applicable), mobile number and valid E-mail Id for the online application process. After registration, User Id and password will be sent to your registered mobile number and Email Id. The other steps are to be completed as per the guidelines given in the detailed advertisement.
The Name, E-mail Id, Mobile number and other credentials provided at the time of registration cannot be changed or corrected throughout the online application process or at any later stage of recruitment process. Please fill-up your Name and other details correctly as per your educational certificates to
3.What if I do not have an
E-mail Id and mobile number?
The candidates must have an active E-mail Id & Mobile number which must remain valid for at least 2 years. All future communications / correspondences with the candidates will take place through E-mail only. Candidates have to ensure the accuracy of their E-mail Id & Mobile number. No change in E-mail Id & Mobile number as already declared in the online application form will be allowed.
4. What if I forget my log-in Id and password or want to change them in future?
The name and E-mail Id provided at the time of registration cannot be changed or corrected throughout the recruitment process. If you provide a valid and active E-mail Id at the time of registration, the Application sequence no., User Id & Password will be mailed to that registered E-mail Id only. You may check it in your E-mail for future reference. However, an option of ‘Forgot Password’ is also available.
5. Can I apply for more than one discipline against this detailed advertisement if I am eligible for multiple disciplines?
No, candidate can apply for one discipline only. If more than one application is received from a candidate, most recent (current) application will be considered as final and all other applications made prior to the last one, shall be treated as null and void.
6.How do I know that I am eligible for the post/ discipline?
You can see the eligibility criteria for all the posts/ disciplines from the detailed advertisement available on CIL website www.coalindia.in. However, for ready reference, URL for the same is given below:
7.Are there any relaxations provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD etc. category candidates?
Yes. You can view the respective relaxations from the detailed advertisement by clicking on the "(Management Trainee Recruitment Advertisement No.01/2019)”.
However, for ready reference, URL for the same is given below:
8.How do I apply for a post/discipline if I am an employee of Coal India?
Internal/Departmental candidates (employees of CIL & Subsidiary Companies) can also apply online if they are eligible for the post/discipline. Please note that in the online application form, you have the option to indicate whether you are employee of CIL/Subsidiary of CIL and fill the details accordingly.
9.How do I pay the application fee?
Candidates belonging to GENERAL (UR) / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non-Creamy Layer) / EWS category are required to pay a Non-Refundable fee of 1000/- (One Thousand only).
Candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable Application fee of 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) through On-line mode only i.e. Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking in the specified Bank Account only.
There will be no other mode of payment of application fee. In case a candidate deposits the fee in any wrong account or through any other mode, CIL will not be responsible for the same.
Fee once paid will neither be refunded nor adjusted against future recruitments under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore advised to verify their eligibility before applying.
For employees of CIL & Subsidiary Companies and for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD, the link for bank payment/application fee section will remain disabled as those candidates are exempted from paying application fee.
The related guidelines/instructions, in details have been provided in the detailed advertisement.
10.Can I save my application while applying for the post/discipline?
Yes, the online application form is divided in different sections. After filling the details in each section, please click on the "Save and Next" button at the end in order to save the information filled and move to the subsequent section. If you are not able to complete the entire form in a single attempt, you can log in again and continue filling from the last saved status and complete rest of the sections.
Please note that application cannot be submitted after the last date/time, as mentioned in the detailed advertisement.
11.What shall I do after submitting the Online Application Form?
After submitting, candidates can take print out of the application form for future record. Candidates will receive message on their registered E-mail Id & Mobile number after successful submission of Online Application Form.
12. I am a Departmental candidate and completed my Degree not in regular basis. Am I eligible to apply?
No. Departmental candidates must also have completed regular fulltime course.
13.Can I make any changes to the Application Form after submission?
No, you cannot make any changes to the Application Form once submitted. Before final submission of the Form, you will be able to Preview the details filled in the application form and can make modifications if required using the Back/Cancel button at the end of Section of the application form.
14.How would I be contacted by Coal India if required?
All communication/correspondences will be made through registered E-mail Id only. You may visit CIL website regularly and check your E-mail or any other information related to examination.
15. I am final year student / my final year/semester result is not yet declared. Am I eligible to apply?
Candidates who have completed their degree of minimum qualification or appeared / appearing in final year / semester / trimester and will pass out in the academic year 2019-20 are eligible to apply. The minimum criteria of marks shall also be applicable to these candidates appeared / appearing for completion of degree i.e. minimum required qualification.
The details can be seen from Point No. 2(vii) of the advertisement.
16.My father/mother/relative is employee of Coal India Ltd/its Subsidiary company. Can I apply as departmental candidate?
No, only the concerned regular employees of CIL/ Subsidiary company can apply as Departmental candidates.
17.The average of all semesters is 59.75%, can I apply for MT post as general candidate?
No, the minimum marks have to be 60% for General UR / OBC(NCL) / EWS and not less than 60%. Even 59.99% marks also not eligible and it should be exactly 60% and above (except Finance & Accounts discipline). The rounding off percentage will not be acceptable under any circumstances and 60% marks and above will only be considered. In case of relaxation for other categories of candidates, detailed advertisement may be referred.
18.Can I apply if my age is 30 years and 01 day in General Category as on 01.04.2020?
No, you are not eligible. Similar rule will be applicable for reserved categories, after relaxation and as applicable.
19.My current residential address is temporary and it is likely to be shifted soon, so which address, I should provide?
It is advisable to furnish the correspondence address which will remain valid for minimum one year. Providing temporary addresses can lead to inconvenience for future communication.
20.I have completed Dual Degree course (B.Tech + M.Tech / B.Tech + MBA), am I eligible to apply?
Yes, A candidate with dual degree is eligible to apply, provided he/she has the minimum required marks of applied discipline/post & passed desired qualification on or before 31.07.2020.
21.Is there any restriction on no. of times a candidate can appear/apply for this exam?
No, there is no restriction on appearing for examination even if he/she has appeared in the past recruitment process.
22. Will CIL refund the Application fee in case my candidature is rejected due to any reason?
No, the Application fee once deposited is neither refundable nor adjustable for future recruitment.
23. I have done MBA with specialization in Finance. Am I eligible for MT(Finance)
No. For Finance discipline, only qualified CA/ICWA candidates are eligible.
24.I want to change my choice of center, can I do it?
A candidate is not allowed to change his/her choice of center after the on line application is submitted. Any city/center allotted by CIL is binding on the candidates.
25.How I will receive admit card?
The admit card is to be downloaded by the candidate from the Link sent to the candidates on their e-mail id or take print-out from CIL Website. Please bring print-out of the admit card at the examination center along with valid ID proof (Govt.), in original. The candidate will be informed through SMS/E-mail accordingly. Since all the related information will be uploaded on CIL Website, candidate is advised to visit the same frequently.
26.Where should I contact in case of any problem related to on-line application?
In case of any problems faced by the candidates in filling up the online application they may contact the help desk on the phone number: 022-68202715 between 10 AM to 6 PM on the working days i.e. Monday to Saturday and for queries other than the online application form candidates may write to Email Id: supportmtrectt.cil@coalindia.in only and contact the help desk on the phone number: 033-71104276 & 033-71104278 between 10 AM to 5 PM on the working days i.e. Monday to Friday (till 30.06.2020).
27.What is the Scheme of the Online Examination?
The Computer Based On-line Exam will be held for 3 hours’ duration (one sitting) with 200 questions in two Papers.
Paper-I will consist of General Knowledge/Awareness, Numerical Ability, Reasoning & General English and Paper-II will consist of Professional Knowledge (Discipline related) with 100 objective type questions with multiple choice answers in each Paper. Each question will carry 1 mark and there is no penalty for wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions.
28.How to convert CGPA in %age?
Wherever percentage (%) of marks is not awarded by the University/Institute and only grades (e.g. GPA /CGPA/CQPI) are awarded, the same should be converted to the exact equivalent percentage (%) of marks as per the following formula:
On a 10 point scale CGPA/GPA of 6.0 will be considered as 60%.
29.If I am a SC/ST/OBC(NCL) candidate and applied in General(UR) category, can I avail relaxation if I submit caste certificate in future?
No. SC/ST/OBC(NCL) candidates who have applied against General(UR) category shall be considered on the General(UR) category merit and no relaxation is applicable to them.
30. If I belong to OBC(Creamy Layer), can I avail the relaxation under OBC(NCL) category?
No. The OBC candidates who belong to Creamy Layer are not entitled for relaxation admissible to OBC(NCL) category and such candidates have to indicate their category as General(UR).
31.If my caste/community appears in the State List of Other Backward Classes, can I avail the relaxation under OBC(NCL) category?
The name of caste and community of the candidate must appear in the “Central List of Other backward Classes”, as provided in the Advertisement No. 01/2019.
32.I have completed my Dual Specialization in MBA eg. in HR & Marketing, am I eligible to apply for the post of MT (HR).
Candidate who has completed dual specialization for eg. in HR & Marketing, etc. must submit a certificate from appropriate authority not less than the rank of a Registrar/Dean (Academics) mentioning equal weightage or Major in the concerned Specialization in which the candidate has applied.
33.I am a PwD candidate and I require facility of Scribe, how can I opt for Scribe?
Details regarding Scribe facility will be guided as per OM F No. 34-02/2015-DD-III issued by Under Secretary, to GoI, Ministry of Social Justice, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)”.
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