(Under Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961)
Mine Management
Introduction:- Evolution of management; theory and practice; principles of scientific management; elements of management function; planning; organization and control; structure and design of organization for mining enterprises.
Personal Management:- Selection; training and development of human resources for mining enterprises; leadership; study of traditional leader behavior; autocratic; democratic and Laissez-Faire behaviors.
Production Management:- Determination of norms and standards of operations by work study, analysis of mine capacities and capability; production planning, scheduling and control; short term and long term planning; productivity; concepts and measurements; application of Ergonomics in mine operation.
Financial Management:- Capital budgeting; techniques for mining project; project evaluation; payback period and IRR; methods of cost analysis and cost control; breakeven charts; working capital management.
Mining Environment:- EIA (Environment Impact Assessment), EMP (Environment Management Plan), ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant), STP (Sewerage Treatment Plant), threat to environment from underground and surface mining, means of mitigation, treatment of pollutants, monitoring systems, water management; mine closure plan; R&R (rehabilitation and re-settlement).
Economic Impact of Mining Economics of mining effect on community – before, during and after mining.
Materials Management for mining sector.
Behavioural Sciences for Management:- Conflict management; conflict in organization; sources of conflict; dealing with conflict; organizing for conflict resolution; conflict and growth; Individual motivation; two way personal communication.
Industrial Accident:- Study of human factors of industrial accidents; their causes and remedies.
Mine Legislation
Health and Safety Laws:- The Mines Act, 1952; Mines Rules 1955, Metalliferous Mine Regulation, 1961, Mines Rescue Rules, 1985, provisions of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 applicable to mines; Mine Vocational Training Rules, 1966, other rules and legislation as applicable to opencast metalliferous mines.
General Safety in Mines
Safety in Mines:- Duty of care; occupational hazards of mining; causes and prevention; accidents and their classification; accident statistics; frequency rate and severity rates; cause-wise analysis, basic causes of accident occurrence; investigation into accidents and accident report; in-depth study into various causes of accidents measures for improving safety in mines; TRAP (take responsibility in accident prevention); cost of accident; safety management system; contribution of human elements in mine safety, workers participation in safety management; ISO and safety audit; safety conferences; tripartite and bipartite committees; role of information technology in safety management.
Risk Management:- Theory and application, baseline, continuous and issue based risk assessment, how they are applied to technical areas, risk management techniques, means of managing (minimizing or eliminating) risk, computer application and simulations, manager’s role in risk management, due diligence, application of risk assessment and risk management with reference to due diligence.
Disaster management:- Emergency services, equipments and procedures, emergency control rooms, rescue and recovery; procedure and responsibilities, safety of persons engaged in emergency response, investigations and reports; assessment of damage, mine rescue; mine gases and their physiological effects; rescue equipments; resuscitation and reviving apparatus; selection and training for rescue work.
First aid and ambulance work.
Notified and occupational diseases; silicosis and pneumoconiosis, physiological aspects of breathing in dust laden atmosphere; dust sampling and sampling instruments; methods of counting and analysis; other mines diseases and their symptoms; preventions and treatment.
Lighting:- General principles of artificial lighting; lighting standards and their assessment.
Sanitation and health in mines.
Safety related issues in mineral beneficiation and transport.
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