Module I
• Geomorphology-fundamental concepts.
• Different models of evolution of landscape.
• Geomorphic agents and processes
• Geomorphology of Kerala
• Role of Geologists in environment management.
• Wastes and its disposal.
• Different types of Pollution.
• Weathering – Type, Processes and products
• Soils and soil formation, Soil profile.
Module II
• Symmetry concept in crystals
• Important crystal systems in crystallography.
• Mineral, their classification and their identification in field and in hand specimen.
• Important optical properties of minerals and the identification of minerals in thin
• Geochemical classification of elements
• Geochemical cycle
• Applications of Thermodynamics in Geochemistry
• Principles and methods of isotope dating.
• Structures and textures of igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks.
• Petrography and petrogenesis of important rocks of Kerala
• Factors of metamorphism
• Grade, Zone & Facies concept in metamorphism (15marks)
Module III
• Classification of Mineral deposits.
• Controls of ore localization.
• Metallogenic Epochs and Provinces.
• Ore deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic complexes.
• Strata-bound and stratiform ore deposits.
• Mineral Resources of Kerala
• VMS -SEDEX deposits
• Skarn deposits
• Laterite deposits
• Clay deposits
• Placer deposits
• Banded Iron formations
• Phosphorites
• Evaporites
• Fossil fuels-Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas
• Gas hydrates
• Polymetallic nodules
• Ferromanganese Crust
• Deep sea mining methods
• Ore dressing-fundamentals
• Ground Penetrating Radar
• Coal Bed Methane
• Various methods of geophysical exploration.
• Geochemical and geobotanical exploration.
(20 marks)
Module IV
• Principles of geological mapping and map reading.
• Rock deformation: concept of stress and strain.
• Classification of folds, joints and faults their recognition in the field. Foliation and
Lineation. Petro fabric analysis.
• Plate Tectonics
• Principles of stratigraphy.
• Modern stratigraphic classification.
• Stratigraphy of Kerala
• Major geological events during different periods of earth's history.
• Important Pre-Cambrian formations of South India (5marks)
Module V
• Occurrence of ground water
• Water bearing geologic formations
• Types of aquifers
• Storage Coefficient
• Groundwater movement-Darcy’s Law
• Ground water flow rates
• Ground water flow directions
• Tracers
• Surface and subsurface investigation methods of ground water.
• Water laws and policies
• Saline water intrusion
• Ground water quality and the graphical representation of ground water quality data
Content Max. Marks
Module VI .Mine Development
Choice, location and size of mine entry: inclines, declines, adit, shaft;
Raising and shaft sinking methods; Types of explosives and
accessories, Drilling and blasting patterns; Mine Structures: Shaft
insets, ore and waste bins, skip-pockets, engine chambers, ore passes,
chutes, grizzlies and sumps
Module VII.Mine Surveying
Levelling; theodolite survey; Tacheometric Surveying; Triangulation
Surveying; surface and underground correlation; contorting; error
adjustment; Application of laser in surveying; Electronic distance
measuring (EDM) equipment; Total station; GPS, GIS and remote
Module VIII .Rock Mechanics and ground control
Physico-mechanical properties; Stresses and strain in two dimensions;
Stress- Strain relations; Rock mass classifications: RQD, RMR, Qsystem;
Theories of rock failure: Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown; Stress
around opening; In-situ stress: theories and measurement; Rock
reinforcement; Design of pillars, slopes; Subsidence prediction
Module IX. Mining Method
Surface mining: layout design, stripping ratio, drilling and blasting
Pattern, loading and transportation system, continuous surface mining,
highwall mining; Underground coal mining: Bord and pillar method,
thin seams, thick seams, contiguous seams, Longwall and short-wall
mining; Underground metalliferous mining: classification of stopping
methods, open, supported and caving stopping methods, ore
transportation system
Module X. Mining Machinery
Power sources: electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic power; Drilling
machine: Jack hammer, sinkers, stoppers, drill jumbos, DTH, drill bits;
Loading and face machine: SDL, LHD, shovels, motor graders,
scrappers, rippers; Material handling machines: haulage, conveyors
system, mine locomotives, hoisting system, LPDT, dumpers; Rock
cutting machine: surface miners, continuous miners, road headers,
longwall shearer, bucket wheel excavator; Pumps
Module XI. Mine ventilation
Ventilation network: Standards of ventilation; Equivalent orifice of the
mine; Resistances in series and parallel; Leakages; Homotropal and
Antitropal ventilation; Central and boundary ventilation; Mechanical
Ventilation: Centrifugal and axial flow fans, characteristic curves, series
and parallel operations; Natural Ventilation: mechanism; estimation of
NVP; Ventilation Devices: Stopping, doors, air locks, air crossings and
regulators, regulators and boosters; Ventilation Survey
Module XII .Mine environment and hazards
Mine gases; Noise pollution and control, Land reclamation, EIA, Air,
water and soil pollution; Heat and Humidity; Mine lighting;
Underground hazards: Spontaneous Heating, fires, explosions,
inundation; Rescue apparatus and practices
Module XIII. Mineral Economics
Mineral resources in India; Classification of mineral resources;
Sampling methods; Reserve estimation techniques: interpolation
method, geo-statistics; Cash flow analysis: break even, NPV, IRR, Mine
Module XIV. Mine Planning
Selection of mining method; Determination of mine size and mine life;
Planning stages: micro and macro planning, Computer aided Mine
planning and scheduling; feasibility report; Surface mine planning:
optimum pit design, haul road design; section of mine machineries;
Underground mine planning: division of underground mine into parts,
levels and panels, determination of level interval, size of long wall
faces, stope design
Module XV. Mine Legislation
Principal provisions of Mines and Minerals (Development and
Regulation) Act & Mineral Concession and Development Rules; Mines
Act; Mines Rules; Coal Mines Regulation, Metalliferous Mines
NOTE: - It may be noted that apart from the topics detailed
above, questions from other topics prescribed for the
educational qualification of the post may also appear in the
question paper. There is no undertaking that all the topics
above may be covered in the question paper.
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