(Jr.Overman T&S Gr-C)
PART -A- 20 Questions- 20 Marks
i. General Knowledge and Current Affairs
ii. Reasoning & Mathematical Ability
iii. Awareness about Coal Industries
DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE- 80 Questions 80 Marks
1) General Safety and Legislation
Duties and responsibilities of workmen,
competent persons and officials (excluding managers, assistant managers);
discipline amongst workers and control of staff. Provisions of the Coal Mines
Regulations, 2017, relating to Coal mine working; explosives and shotfiring;
loading, transportation and dumping; precautions against danger from fire,
dust, gas and water and of other provisions and Rules, enforcement of and
compliance of provisions under the regulations to which overman is responsible.
Writing of reports required to be made by overman under the regulations. Hazard
Identification, risk assessment and risk management, safety management plan.
Mine Gases: Generation, Properties and Effects, Detection of Mine Gases,
Methanometers and Multi Gas Detectors, Gas Chromotograph, Flame Safety Lamps.
Dangerous occurrences in mines and dealing with the same; accidents, their
causes and preventions; accident reports; not disturbing the place of accident.
Mine rescue; physiological effect of mine gases; rescue equipment and First
Aid. Sanitation and health; miners’ diseases, their symptoms and preventions.
2) Methods of working
Nature of occurrence of coal seams;
geological disturbances and their effects on working conditions; dangers and
precautionary measures while approaching geological disturbances areas. The
purpose and utility of boreholes in mines; shaft sinking; safety devices;
temporary and permanent supports in sinking and working shafts; examination of
shafts and outlets. Opencast methods of mining; mechanized and manual methods;
deep hole drilling and blasting; shovel and dumpers; dragline; bucket wheel
excavators; surface miner; benching; maintenance of haul roads; precautions
while extracting developed pillars by opencast method and other safety
precautions; methods of reclamation; dump management; high wall mining. General
principles of bord and pillar and longwall method; multi-section workings;
methods of depillaring under
3) Ventilation,
Precautions against Explosions, Fires and Inundation
Natural and mechanical
ventilation ; ventilation of headings and sinking shafts; siting of auxiliary
and booster fans; distribution, measurement and control of air in mines; estimation
of air quantity requirements; methods of coursing of air; anemometer;
hygrometer; maintenance of ventilation appliances. Pollution of air;
irruption/occurrence of gases in mines; properties of gases; detection and
measurement of firedamp and noxious gases; sampling of air; determination of
environmental condition; standards of ventilation. Design and construction of
flame and electric safety lamps; their use, examination and maintenance.
Suppression and treatment of coal dust; suitability of stone dust; sampling and
analysis of mine dust. Elementary knowledge of causes and prevention of
firedamp and coal dust explosion, limits of inflammability of firedamp.
Prevention, detection and control of spontaneous heating / fire; sealing off
fire areas; fire stopping and their examination; precautions against outbreak
of surface fires; fire fighting on surface and belowground. Inspection of old
workings. Sources of danger from surface and underground water, precaution to
prevent inundation and irruption of water; precautionary measures while
approaching abandoned and water logged areas, boring machines for exploratory
work; water dams; water danger plan. Recovery of mines after explosions, fires
and inundation; precautionary measures during re-opening and dewatering of
4) Elements
of Mining Machinery
Safety aspects and
safe use of different kinds of machinery used in underground and opencast mines
e.g. SDLs, LHDs, Continuous Miners, Shuttle Cars, Crushers, Conveyors, blast
hole drills, rippers; scrappers; shovels; draglines; dumpers; road graders;
dozers; wheel loaders; bucket wheel excavators; spreaders; surface miners;
Brakes (including service and parking brakes); Use of steam and internal
combustion engines in mines. Application of electricity in mines; safety
precautions. Winding equipments; ropes and guides; signaling and decking
arrangements; safety devices; examination of winding equipments and shaft
fittings. Haulage and transport; types of haulage; rope haulage and
locomotives; self-acting inclines; haulage roads in underground and opencast
working; rails and tracks; their maintenance and inspection; tubs; signaling;
safety devices; codes of practices; traffic rules; unsafe practices;
derailments. Different types of pumps; principles and use of siphons; drainage
and water lodgments. Code of practice for transport, installation, erection,
use and shifting of underground and opencast machinery. Belt conveyors and
safety appliances.
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