If mine is abondoned for more than 6 months and owner change then plan
Working near raiwlay, how many map
WI term
Fault colour
SOP to be prepared by
Intital training certificate form
WI to be appointed
Conveyor numeric
Standard of laterine
Shed provision
Form P
Form N
Work study
Parapat standard
Risk assessment
11NSC main theme
SOP to be prepared by ka right anser kya hai?
Please share management and first aid questions of today's exam
What is stopping widh?
Haul road gradient
Fault color answer ???
What are not accident as per MA
Mines rule definition, answer was welfare i guess
Max risk score?
*CI for surveying ___days of notice to manager
*committee term period
*2 qualified mining engg
*min member in a committee for meeting
*reg 38?
*under sec 22 OAM can send objection to CG in _ num of days
* which of the following is not a notified disease
* weekly day of rest reg num ?
* person working in OC should not work more then _ hrs in a week
* leave should not include ?
* fine for not following the rule/reg
* mine is abondoned for >60 days then returns should be submitted in _days
*how copies of plans req, after disabaondment
* parapet wall dimentions
* cable lenght of rope shovel in oc
* air reciever hyd test _ times of max permissible working pressure
*NSC 10 and 11 mainly focuses on
* first aid for glass struck in any part of the body
* first air for chemical spillage on face
*risk assessment objective
* risk assessment formula
* break even analysis points
* work study consisting of
*PERT is which method
* form for medical standards
* PME from
* WI term
* white wash in latrine _months
*how many latrines for 253 persons
* how many latrines per woman
* injury rate is calculated on _ num of persons
* annual returns are recovered under which schedule
*carrying capacity of belt.
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