Mine Management
1. What do you understand by Management ?
2. What are the functions of Management in Mining ?
3. Define ‘organization’ ?
4. Who is a best leader? Write the qualities of a good leader.
5. Define ‘productivity’? How productivity of any mine described.
6. Define ‘ergonomics’ ? How it helps in improving mine productivity and safety ?
7. Define ‘democratic and Lassez-Faire behaviours’ ?
8. What are the functions of personnel management in a mine?
9. Role of Materials Management in Mines Safety.
10. Write the organizational structure of a Mining Company.
11. How productivity of a mine is decided ? (ex: OMS, EMS, Powder Factor, Availability & Utilisation of Machineries in % etc)
Long Qn :
1. Define management ? What are the different functions of management, describe briefly any three functions.
2. Write the principles of management as propounded by Henri Fayol an eminent Mining engineer by profession.
Unit III
(ii) Who is a safety officer? State his qualifications for appointment as per the monthly output of coal. (8)
14. What are the precautions you will take to avoid the danger of spontaneous heating in a coal mine where the system is being worked in panels ? (8)
15. State the general requirements about Mine Plan. (8)
16. Describe DGMS based Risk Assessment and Risk Management Approach. (16)
12. a. Write on the duties of a manager on receiving information of a disaster due to inundation in an underground coal mine. (16)
13. a. Specify the responsibility of the owner of a major mine in implementing the safety management plan. (16)
b. (i) Write the responsibilities of contractors deployed in a mine as per C.M.R and various other rules in employment of work person s belowground. (8)
(ii) Write the statutory requirement on Taking Shelter' both in opencast and underground mines.
8. An accident occurred in a depillaring district of an underground coalmine by ‘air-blast’ and one crew of a driller and a helper who were taking rest in the gallery were killed on the spot. Outline the investigations and write a report of enquiry into the accident using the standard format.
3. (a) State the manner in which the notice of accidents are required to be given under the mining regulations in our country. 4
(b) What should be the height and width of benches in a mechanized opencast mine using shovel-dumpers and draglines ? 4
(c) Outline the duties of competent persons appointed in mines. 2
5. (a) Give a list of plans and section that are required to be maintained for a metal mine. 3
(b) Outline the provisions regarding safe use of winding ropes in mines. 4
(c) What precautions are required to be maintained in connection with ventilation control devices such as stoppings, door and air-crossings ? 3
6. (a) Who is given preferential right while granting a mining lease and why ? 4
(b) What is an industrial dispute ? Discuss in brief about the machineries for settlement of a dispute in a mining industry. 6
7. (a) Where should a rescue station be located ? What are its functions ? 3
(b) What are pit head baths ? Where are they required to be provided ? 3
(c) Define accident. What are the objectives of accident analysis ?
(ii) What are the specified limits of working hours in opencast mines ?
(iii) What is the composition of a committee constituted under the Mines Act ?
(v) What is the role of automatic contrivance in a shaft ?
2. (a) What is court of inquiry ? How does it differ from a committee ? 3
(b) What is a workmens Inspector ? What is the minimum qualification for their appointment and what are their functions? 5
(c) How will the leave with wages be calculated in case of a person who works a part of the time belowground and rest of the time either on the surface or in opencast workings ? 2
3. (a) State the manner in which the notice of accidents are required to be given under the mining regulations in our country. 4
(b) What should be the height and width of benches in a mechanized opencast mine using shovel-dumpers and draglines ? 4
(c) Outline the duties of competent persons appointed in mines. 2
4. (a) What are the safety features that should be maintained in haulage roadways? 4
5. (a) Give a list of plans and section that are required to be maintained for a metal mine. 3
(b) Outline the provisions regarding safe use of winding ropes in mines. 4
(c) What precautions are required to be maintained in connection with ventilation control devices such as stoppings, door and air-crossings ? 3
6. (a) Who is given preferential right while granting a mining lease and why ? 4
(b) What is an industrial dispute ? Discuss in brief about the machineries for settlement of a dispute in a mining industry.
7. (a) Where should a rescue station be located ? What are its functions ? 3
(b) What are pit head baths ? Where are they required to be provided ? 3
(c) Define accident. What are the objectives of accident analysis ? 4
8. An accident occurred in an opencast mine during blasting . The shot firer/blaster and a helper who were taking shelter in the blasting shelter were killed on the spot. Outline the investigations and write a report of enquiry into the accident. 10
5. What is a Rescue station, Fire station, Relighting station & station?
6. What is a Dust Plan as per statutory requirement?
9. When you will establish a Rescue room and where it will be located in a coal mine having underground workings?
(ii) Who is a safety officer? State his qualifications for appointment as per the monthly output of coal. (8)
14. What are the precautions you will take to avoid the danger of spontaneous heating in a coal mine where the system is being worked in panels ? (8)
15. State the general requirements about Mine Plan. (8)
16. How will you ensure an Automatic Contrivance attached to winding engine of a Man winding shaft is effective and efficient? (8)
17. How you ensure a winding engine is in perfect working order as per the provisions of M.M.R? (8)
18. Write the statutory requirement on Taking Shelter' both in opencast and underground mines.(8)
19. Define abandoned workings, discontinued workings and disused workings.
20. Write the provisions in the regulation on the slope of spoil bank whose height is 30 m
and its toe.
21. What do you understand about 'Code-of Practice' in relation to mining machinery?
22. a. What are the statutory requirements for a mine plan to apply for a Mining Lease of
b major mineral as per the rule 5 of Mineral Concession Rules? (16)
23. (i) Write the responsibilities of contractors deployed in a mine as per C.M.R and
various other rules in employment of work person s belowground. (8)
24. (i) State the provisions in the Regulations for the safe use of cranes an lifting gears
in an opencast mine. (8)
25. What are the statutory requirements for a mine plan to apply for a Mining Lease of a major mineral as per the rule 5 of Mineral Concession Rules? (16)
MMDR(Amendment) Act 2015
1. How Mining lease is granted by the Central Government ?
2. What is the role of Indian Bureau of Mines in regulating MMDR Act and MCDR.
3. What do you understand by DMF, explain.
4. Explain NMET and its roile in mineral exploration
5. Define Cess & Royalty? What are the factors influencing in the fixation of Cess & Royalty?
Unit III
1. Describe the classification of accidents in opencast mine by place of work and by cause and write its preventive measures?
2. Describe the classification of accidents in an underground coal mine by place of work and by cause and write its preventive measures?
3. (a) Define Mine accident ? Define fatal, serious bodily injury, reportable and minor accidents ?
(b) How will you report an accident in a mine ?
11. Describe Risk Assessment and Risk Management Approach. (16)
12. Write on the duties of a manager on receiving information of a disaster due to inundation in an underground coal mine. (16)
13. a. Specify the responsibility of the owner of a major mine in implementing the safety management plan. (16)
15. a. What are the objectives of Safety Audit and benefits of the Safety audit process?(16)
Unit II :
1. Write short notes on importance of EIA.
2. How environment is affected by various mining activities? Write the different areas of environment impact of Mining.
3. What is the role of materials management in a mine ?
4. Explain ‘ mine closure plan’?
5. Production of an underground mine has gone down drastically ? The OMS is only 0.9 and it produces coal with conventional Bord and Pillar mining method. To improve product and reduce cost of mining what efforts have to be done by the Management.
1. Define abandoned workings, discontinued workings and disused workings.
2. Define H.E.M.M and Deep hole Blasting.
3. Write the provisions in the regulation on the slope of spoil bank whose height is 30 m
and its toe.
4. What do you understand about 'Code-of Practice' in relation to mining machinery?
7. What are the specifications of liquid fuel used in ANFO and why sensitivity test is
conducted in non S.M.E?
8. Define hazardous substance and recipient system as per the Environment
(Protection) Rules 1986.
10. What is risk analysis and state the two major aspects of it.
Part- B (5x1 6 = 80 Marks)
b. What are the statutory requirements for a mine plan to apply for a Mining Lease of
a major mineral as per the rule 5 of Mineral Concession Rules? (16)
b. (i) Write the responsibilities of contractors deployed in a mine as per C.M.R and
various other rules in employment of work person s belowground. (8)
b. (i) State the provisions in the Regulations for the safe use of cranes an lifting gears
in an opencast mine. (8)
b. What are the statutory requirements for a mine plan to apply for a Mining Lease of a major mineral as per the rule 5 of Mineral Concession Rules? (16)
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