1) To measures the performance of blast which factor is calculated?
a) Tonnage factor
b) Mileage factor
c) Stripping ratio
d) Powder factor
e) All of the above
2) To control the fly rock the blasting technique adopted is ……..
a) Cushion blasting
b) Muffled blasting
c) Coyote blasting
d) Pop shooting
e) Bolder blasting
3) Proximity warning device is to be fitted in _________ as an additional safety feature.
a) Dumper
b) Drill machine
c) Loader
d) Water tanker
e) None of these
4) Adult means a person who has completed?
a) 16th year
b) 18th year
c) 20th year
d) 23rd year
e) 21st year
5) Sound level of AVA should be atleast _____________% higher than the ambient noise
a) 5 to 20
b) 10 to 15
c) 20 to 25
d) 5 to 10
e) 1 to 5
6) Minimum length of blasting cable is
a) 10 m
b) 15 m
c) 20 m
d) 25 m
e) 30 m
7) Eye refraction test for HEMM operators should be conducted once in ____ year(s).
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
8) The quantity of drinking water to be provided in a mine or any part thereof shall be on a scale of at least ….. for every person employed any one time?
a) 1 litre
b) 2 litre
c) 3 litre
d) 4 litre
e) 5 litre
9) In SOPs formulated for different jobs in mining, O stand for –
a) Operating
b) Onroll
c) On the job
d) Overall
e) All of these
10) The hole dia of the jack hammer drill is upto __
a) 40 mm
b) 40-100 mm
c) 60-125 mm
d) 150-300 mm
e) 120-300 mm
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