Paper-II (Technical)
Mining Engineering Paper -1
(Mining Methods; Rock Mechanics & Ground Control; Mine Ventilation;
Mining Geology)
Section — A: Mining Methods (70 Marks)
Underground Coal Mining: Rank of Coal, Banded constituent of Coal, Size gradation
of Coal, Analysis of Coal (Ultimate Analysis & Proximate Analysis), Types of Coal
(Non-Coking Coal & Coking Coal), Caking or Agglutinating Index, Protodyaknov
Index, Composition of Different Coal Burning Gases, Incubation period of Coal. Coal
Mining Methods: Board & Pillar Mining (Dimension of Pillar and Galleries at
different depths, Percentage of Extraction, Tributary Area, Load acting on pillar,
Strength of pillar, Factor of safety of pillar, Line of extraction), Hydraulic Mining,
Auger Mining, Contour Mining, Strip Mining; Underground Metalliferous Mining:
Gestation Period, Cut-off Grade, Break-Even Cut-off Grade, Raise or Winze, Raising
Methods (Open Raising by drilling, blasting, mucking, Two or Three
Compartmental raising, Raising by long hole drilling, Raising with Alimak Raise
Climber, Raise borers, Drop Raising Method), Sampling, Average grade of an ore
block, Metal Mining Methods (Overhand Stoping, Underhand Stoping, Breast
Stoping, Sub-Level Stoping, Long Hole Stoping or Blast Hole Stoping, Room and
Pillar Mining, Shrinkage Stoping, Cut and fill Stoping, Square Set Stoping, Block
Caving, Sub Level Caving); Opencast Mining Methods: Stripping Ratio, BreakEven
Stripping Ratio, Parameters of the working Bench, DGMS norms in Opencast
Mining, Types of Ramps, Determination of Powder factor, Types of Slope Failure,
Determination of Factor of Safety of Slope, Pit Limit Optimization; Subsidence in
Mines: Angle of Draw, Caving height or Thickness of the immediate roof.
Section - B: Rock Mechanics & Ground Control (50 Marks)
Methods of Rock Exploration: By direct penetration, Geophysical Prospecting
(Seismic Method, Electrical Method, Gravity Method, Magnetic Method); Rock
Quality Designation (RQD); Physical and Mechanical Properties of Rocks: Unit
Weight, Specific Gravity of Solids, Determination of Specific Gravity of a Soil
Sample, Void Ratio, Porosity, Density, Dry Density, Bulk Density, Saturated
Density; Moisture Content; Degree of Saturation; Permeability; Anisotropy and
Isotropy; Stress; Strain; Strain Energy; Modulus of Elasticity of Rock; Poisson
Ratio; Unit Volume Change Relationship between Elastic Constants; Deformability;
Hardness; Classification of Rock Strength: Compressive Strength, Tensile Strength
& Shear Strength); Seismic Velocities related to material properties; Rock Mass
Strength Indices: Point Load Strength Index & Slake Durability Index; Testing of
Rock Samples: Uni-axial Compressive Strength Test, Brazilian Test, Bending Test,
Punch Shear Test; Types of classification of Rock Masses; Determination of Shear
Strength; Principle Stress; Mohr’s Circle Analyses; Shearing on an inclined plane;
Generalized Hoek-Brown Strength Criterion; Determination of Factor of Safety of
Slope: Plane Failure & Circular Failure; Stress and Displacement Distribution in
Circular Excavation; Determination of Length of Roof Bolt; Determination of mean
Shear Strength using short anchor tests.
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