- Farm bills
- Post-covid world
- Future of artificial intelligence
- Do we need more engineers or entrepreneurs?
- How to revive Indian economy?
- Leaders are born or made?
- Status of women in india.
- Post Covid effect in our life
- Why many startups are failing in India?
Interview Questions Asked from GATE Rank-34 SC Category Are as follows
Interview Date- 15th July 2021
- They are asked my name and where I did my B.Tech from.
- What have I been doing since 2020.
- My GATE rank and Score.
- Then they asked about trainings.
- Whether I had seen dumper and shovel and what were their capacities.
- What is spontaneous heating.?
- How to prevent it?
- What is ignition temperature of coal?
Interview Questions Asked from GATE Rank-34 OBC Category Are as follows
Interview Date- 16th July 20211.Job se related jo job kar rahe hai kahin bhi
2. Nmdc ka to kuch bhi nahi puchh rahe.
3.UG coal ke hazards
4. Deeply in blasting and detonation
Interview Questions Asked from GATE Rank-68 Are as follows
They were asking only few questions technical only
At first after entering the room the ask name, college name, final grade, year of completion of graduation and all to everyone.
Past experience related questions if any....
As I'm a fresher they asked me have you ever visited any mine
I told them about my vocational training and mine visits
After that they asked me questions about the mine where I had done training like production ore grade method of working and stripping ratio and all.
The Personal Interview is purely technical there was panel of three with one female.
At first they ask us to give you introduction one by one then talk about the topic for 1or 2 min. One by one
After that GD started
One of my friend was asked explain
1. process of u/g coal mine from start to end
2. Explain Blasting in brief why, need, how, types, environmental impacts and all.
3. Favorite subject- (ROCK SLOPE ENGINEERING)
Explain various
Interview Questions Asked from ADITYA KUMAR GATE Rank-11 Are as follows
- My NMDC interview for Executive Trainee was scheduled on 15th July 2021.
- Shortlisting was done on the basis of GATE scores, in the ratio as mentioned in the Official Notification, category wise.
- The place of interview was a 5-Star Hotel at Connaught Place, New Delhi named “The Connaught"
Following was the whole procedure :
- Document Verification
- Group Discussion
- We were divided into a group of 10.
- Our topic was “Future of AI Technology”. Other groups got topics like “Post-COVID World”, “Farmers Protest”.
- Each person was first allowed to speak for 1 min about the topic initially.
- Then, after everyone has spoken, GD started.
- In total GD took around 20–30 mins (10 mins indivisual speaking & 10–20 mins discussion.
- Interview
- There were 3 Interviewers.
- Questions asked were completely technical and no HR questions were asked.
- On average interview lasted for 10-15 mins for each person.
The procedure (Doc verification, GD, Interview) started around 12 noon and we were free by 5 pm in the evening.
Since, my branch was Mining Engineering. Some of the Questions asked.
- Where have you done your graduation from ?
- What have you done after your graduation ? [If you have graduated earlier than the year of application]
- Have you seen any Mine ?
- How does a Drilling Machine in a surface mine works ? [Specifications, Principles involved etc.]
- Specifications of Dumpers, Shovels etc. of the mine where you have done you Internship/Training.
- Which is your Favorite Subject ?
Interview Questions Asked from NIKHIL SINGH GATE Rank-341 Are as follows
GD at NMDC was quite different from those of other PSUs. The candidates were made to sit in an array with no table in the front and no piece of paper was given to write the points.
After giving the topic everyone was asked to introduce themselves and after that we were asked to state our views on the topic. Once everyone has given their views then the house was made open.
Topic: Status of Women in India
They always give common topics on which every one can say something like some of my other frnds had: Farm Bills, Impact of COVID, How to prepare for 3rd wave, Leaders or Entrepreneurs, etc.
Since my batch was very friendly and co-operative so the GD went very smooth.
Everybody gave good points and I backed others point with facts and also I helped 2 guys speak up their points so guess that earned me brownie points.
The PI at NMDC was more like a viva and lasted for an avg. of 5 mins for every candidate with only technical questions and no HR questions at all.
I got in and saw 3 panellists out of which 1 was a lady so I started wishing from her. After which I was made to sit. The questions were very basic. It went like
P1: So, what is your name?
I answered.
P2: From which college had u done your graduation and which year?
I answered.
P1: What is your fav. subject?
I said I liked every subject but if u want to know a certain subject, then it would be Mine Development and Ventilation.
P1: So have u visited any Mine
I said yes and I said the name of the mines Haldibari UG and Moonidih UG to which P2 asked
P2: Have u seen a Ventilation room?
I said yes
P2: What all things were there?
I answered
P3: Which type of fan was used and size of fan?
I answered the type of fan but wasn’t knowing the exact dia. Of fan so I admitted it politely then
P1: Its ok can u say an approximate size.
I said yes sir…about the size of this room
P1: good, so why do they have used forcing fan in Moonidih and not exhaust what if we use exhaust?
I answered with detailed explanation and they were quite satisfied with my answer.
P2: What do we call such kind of ventilation system in which the air passes from lower level then to upper level?
It was Deccessional ventilation.
P2: Do u know duct? Why do we use duct?
Answered them with reference to Moonidih mine
P1: What are methods of diverting air?
I said stoppings and using a booster fan can be used. But the panellist wasn’t satisfied… he wanted to hear what he wants and since I didn’t know it so I accepted.
Then he said that haven’t u seen “X” (I can’t recall what he said) thing in moonidih then I said, “ that I have visited to the longwall panel not B&P. Then he said …its okay it isn’t used in B&P.
The lady wasn’t asking questions but she was just observing.
They said that I can leave.
I felt that this wasn’t enough and I wanted to tell them more about me… so I asked
“Sir, if you allow me then I want to tell something about me”
They said…its ok and showed me my documents that I submitted for DV saying that “here we have all about u”(which literally just had my results and nothing else)
I said no sir, apart from that there is a lot more about me that i can tell.
They refused again so I said thank you and left.
Overall I think interview was just a formality for Mining branch (other branch interviews were like genuine and lasted about 12-15mins.) and they will be selecting on basis of GATE score.
Kindly do share you GD and interview questions so that it can be helpful to future candidates. Mail to - info@mineportal.in
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