Geology: Nature and occurrence of coal seams; description of Indian coalfields; geological features of coalfields; methods of boring, boring through disturbed strata; bore hole survey; interpretation of geological maps.
Opening of coal seams: shaft sinking and drift drivage; methods of sinking: mechanized sinking, in ordinary and water logged grounds and other special methods; shaft supports, temporary and permanent, mechanised stone drifting etc.
Developments and layout of mines including surface and underground arrangements: Layout and development of shaft-top and pit-bottom and haulage arrangements.
Underground Mining Methods: Choice of methods of mining coal seams and factors (depth, seam thickness, inclination, etc.) affecting the same; statutory provisions.
Board and Pillar method: Design of bord and pillar working; statutory provisions, mechanized loaders, continuous miners etc., depillaring and applicable statutory provision; pillar extraction with caving and stowing; mechanization in depillaring; local fall and main fall; indications of roof weighting; air blasts and precautions against the same; precautions against fire and inundation during depillaring; multi-section and contiguous working; liquidation of developed pillars.
Longwall mining: Method of driving single and multiple heading gate roads; orientation of longwall face - advancing and retreating faces; orientation of longwall face; support system for longwall gate roads; powered support; face transfer, operation of shearer and plough; periodic and main fall; mini / short wall mining; communication and telemonitoring.
Thick seam mining: Board and pillar and longwall methods in multi-section; multi-slice methods; inclined slicing; horizontal slicing and cross slicing in ascending and descending orders; under-winning methods; sublevel caving; integral caving; blasting gallery and descending shield methods; hydraulic mining; special methods of thick seam mining.
Other special methods of mining: Wide stall method; methods of mining thin seams; underground coal gasification, coal bed methane / coal mine methane etc.
Opencast Mining: Opening of coal seams and preparation for excavation; box cut, types; selection of site; Layout of Opencast mine, parameters, formation of production benches; ripping; types of rippers; cycle of operation; Construction of Haul roads and ramps, width, super elevation / camber, central bund, side bund, slope, base, sub-base, surface, Surface friction, materials required, drainage, curve, visibility, machines to be used, maintenance, monitoring, Haul road crossings, T-junction, tri-junction, four-way crossings, parameters, Parking of HEMM, parking of dump trucks, GO-line design, Shelter construction, view point construction.
Watering of mine roads for dust suppression, methods to be used, hazards due to overwatering, type of water spraying, spot or strip watering.
Drilling; blast hole drills; performance parameters; requirement of number of drills; blasting; blast design; factors influencing blast design; deep hold blasting; calculation of charge per hole; ground vibration; secondary blasting and problems of blasting; environment friendly non-blasting techniques; safety aspects.
Discontinuous / cyclic methods of excavation and transport: Shovel dumper operation; applicability of electric shovel and hydraulic excavators; cycle time and productivity calculation; estimation of equipment fleet; dragline operation; Dragline balancing diagram; side casting; calculation of reach; cycle time; productivity calculation; bucket capacity requirement; scrappers; types; methods of work; push pull operation etc., Bucket Wheel Excavator - operational methods (lateral block, half block and full block etc.,)productivity calculation; continuous Surface Miner - operational methods (wide / full base methods, wide / full bench, block mining, stepped cut, empty travelback, turn back and continuous mining methods); conveyors; shiftable and high angle conveyors; mode of operation etc.; OITDS operator independent truck dispatch system); in-pit crushing, Coal Handling Plants, strip-mining; opencast mining over developed coal seams; high-wall mining; safety aspects.
Application of concepts of Rock Mechanics for designing the methods of mining and strata control: Theories of ground movement and strata control; strength of stooks; shaft pillar; protection of surface structures; design and stability of structures in rock; design of support and reinforcement for underground excavations and open pits, roof management, consolidated and unconsolidated fills, rock bolts, cable bolts, subsidence; caving of rock mass; bumps; monitoring of rock mass performance; mechanics of rock fragmentation; Dump types, internal and out of pit dumps, Dump construction, size, shape, Site selection and preparation for dumping, Methods of dumping, machines required for dump construction, slope stability; slope angle, benches, berms, factors affecting slope stability, design criteria and monitoring systems; dump stability; dump management.
Use and safe handling of explosives: blasting techniques and their relative efficiency, total cost concept and safety precautions.
Danger from different sources of water; precautions to prevent inundation, siltation, bench and dump failures; designing drainage system, calculation of catchment area, sump and pump capacity, water dams, retaining walls, siltation ponds, gabion walls, water danger plans.
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