(1) a) In the figure shown below, the coordinates (Latitude, Departure) are given in meters. Compute the area of the figure using -
(i) Coordinate method (ii) trapezoidal rule
c) Explain the procedure of reciprocal leveling and discuss how it eliminates the effect of atmospheric refraction and earth’s curvature as well as the effect of improper adjustment of the line of collimation.
a) Describe in brief the origin, formation, mode of occurrence and distribution of major coal deposits in India.
b) Compare the centrifugal pumps with reciprocating pumps.
a) Explain the crater theory of Drop raising method.
b) Describe the Drop raising with drilling, charging, firing and auxiliary operations.
c) Write advantages and limitations of Drop raising method.
a) What is the purpose and importance of rock classification?
b) What is RQD and how is it calculated? Why is the Q system by Barton et al (i.e. the NGI Tunnelling Quality Index) considered to be one of the most comprehensive system of rock mass classification?
c) Briefly describe the steps involved in preparing rock samples for uniaxial compressive strength testing in the laboratory. On what factors does the compressive strength obtained in the laboratory test depends?
a) Define the terms SPM and RPM. Write the ambient air standard for SPM, RPM, SO2, CO2, NO2 for Indian Mining Industry.
b) Write in detail the procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment in surface mine.
a) Discuss various sources of heat in mines.
b) Distinguish between spontaneous heating and mine fire in an underground coal mine.
c) What are the sources of methane in a mine? What are its physiological effects on human being? List various equipment used to measure its concentration in the mine atmosphere. Explain its explosibility with the help of ‘COWARD DIAGRAM’.
a) Describe a self-rescuer with the help of a neat sketch.
b) Discuss the desirable features of self-contained breathing apparatus used for rescue work in mines.
c) What are the main causes of accident in opencast mines? Suggest measures for prevention of accidents due to these causes.
(8) Define with appropriate discussions on the following as stipulated in Mines Act, 1952 and amended thereafter.
a) Certifying surgeon
b) Mine
c) Inspector
d) Owner of a mine
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Nitesh Bharti
kya iska pehla question karna compulsory hai ?