1. Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences
- Structure and composition of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.
- Meteorological parameters - pressure, temperature, precipitation, humidity, mixing ratio, saturation mixing ratio, radiation and wind velocity, adiabatic lapse rate, environmental lapse rate. Wind roses
- Interaction between Earth, Man and Environment. Biogeographic provinces of the world and agroclimatic zones of India. Concept of sustainable development.
- Natural resources and their assessment. Remote Sensing and GIS: Principles of remote sensing and GIS. Digital image processing and ground truthing. Application of remote sensing and GIS in land cover/land use planning and management (urban sprawling, vegetation study, forestry, natural resource), waste management and climate change.
- Environmental education and awareness. Environmental ethics.
- Basis of Ecosystem classification. Types of Ecosystem.
- Biodiversity and its conservation: Definition, types, importance of biodiversity and threats to biodiversity. Concept and basis of identification of 'Hotspots'; hotspots in India. Measures of biodiversity. National parks, Sanctuaries and Protected areas in India
2. Energy and Environment
- Sun as source of energy; solar radiation and its spectral characteristics. Fossil fuels: classification, composition, physio-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas. Shale oil, Coal bed Methane, Gas hydrates. Gross-calorific value and net-calorific value.
- Environmental implications of energy use; energy use pattern in India and the world, emissions of CO2 in developed and developing countries 6 including India, radiative forcing and global warming. Impacts of large scale exploitation of solar, wind, hydro and nuclear energy sources.
3. Environmental Pollution and Control
a) Air and Noise Pollution
Sources and types of Pollutants - Natural and anthropogenic sources, primary and secondary
pollutants. Criteria air pollutants.
- Sampling and monitoring of air pollutants (gaseous and particulates), frequency and duration of sampling. Principles and instruments for measurements of ambient air pollutants concentration.
- Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Impact of air pollutants on human health, plants and materials. b) Noise Pollution:
- Sources, weighting networks, measurement of noise indices (Leq, L10, L90, L50, LDN, TNI). Noise dose and Noise Pollution standards. Noise control and abatement measures: Impact of noise and vibrations on human health. c) Water Pollution:
- Types and sources of water pollution. Impact on humans, plants and animals. Measurement of water quality parameters: sampling and analysis for pH, EC, turbidity, TDS, hardness, chlorides, salinity, DO, BOD, COD, nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, heavy metals and organic contaminants.
- Microbiological analysis - MPN. Indian standards for drinking water. Drinking water treatment: Coagulation and flocculation, Sedimentation and Filtration, Disinfection and Softening.
- Wastewater Treatment: Primary, Secondary and Advanced treatment methods. Common effluent treatment plant.
4. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- Integrated solid waste management; Waste hierarchy; Rules and regulations for solid waste management in India. Municipal solid waste management: Sources, generation, characteristics, collection and transportation, waste processing and disposal.
- Hazardous waste management: Characteristics, generation, fate of materials in the environment, treatment and disposal. Management of biomedical waste, plastic waste and E-waste: Sources, generation and characteristics; Waste management practices including storage, collection and transfer.
5. Global and Regional Environmental Issues
- Global effects of air pollution - Greenhouse gases, global warming, climate change, urban heat islands, acid rain, ozone hole.
- Ecology and various ecosystems; Biodiversity; Factors influencing increase in population, energy consumption, and environmental degradation.
6. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
- Environmental Management Systems; Environmental auditing: Environmental Impact Assessment; Life cycle assessment
- Environmental Law and Policy - Objectives; Polluter pays principle, Precautionary principle; The Water and Air Acts & rules with amendments; The Environment (Protection) Act (EPA) 1986; Indian Forest Act, Forest Conservation Act 1980, Wildlife Protection Act, National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, CEPI, National Environment Policy; Principles of International Law and International treaties.
- Energy and Environment: Energy sources - overview of resources and reserves; Renewable and non-renewable energy sources; Energy-Environment nexus.
- Sustainable Development: Definition and concepts of sustainable development; Sustainable development goals; Hurdles to sustainability.
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