1) Shovel-dumper sizing is done on the basis of _____
a) Pay-back period
b) NPV
c) Depreciation
d) Total Profit.
e) None of the above
2) Pil slope is the angle made by the imaginary fine joining the -
a) Top most loe of the bench to the bottom most loe of the bench
b) Top most crest of the bench to bottom most ice of the bench
c) Top most crest of the bench to bottom most crest of the
d) Average of the all bench angle
e) None of the above
3) Of the given types of geological discontinuities and disturbances, ______ are most common in Indian coalfields
a) Fauns
b) Folds
c) Washouts
d) Igneous Intrsutions
e) Ball coal
4) The process of sell healing of coal or other carbonaceous material resulting eventually in its ignition is said as ?
a) Ignition temparature
b) Incubation period
c) Spontaneous heating
d) Combustion
e) None of the above
5) A thick red ‘W’ shown on the mine plan indicate location of
a) Window
b) Water Dam
c) Winder
d) Walk way
e) None of the above
6) In the context of surface mine development, a box-cut is defined as
a) The Initial cut made to open a mine
b) The cut used of extend haul road.
c) The cut looks like an open box
d) The Final cut made to close the mine
e) The cut used for accumulation water
7) If a spanner is not matching will not what a technicians to do ?
a) Change spanner
b) Cut Nut
c) Hammering
d) Chiseling
e) None of these
8) Permissible length of trailing cable for HEMM in CC mines is ?
a) 60 m
b) 90 m
c) 150 m
d) 180 m
e) 300 m
9) Solid blasting in any development face of a gassy degree II seam can be done. Only if the % of inflammable gas is less than
a) 0.3
b) 0.5
c) 1
d) 1.25
e) 0.75
10) White transmitting electric supply through OHL in CC mine, Earthing of apparatus in the mine is carried to surface substation by
a) Armouring of the cables
b) Earthling of poles
c) Running continuous earth wire along the OHL
d) Earthling of alternate poles
e) Earthling of sending end and receiving end poles
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Sudama Pawar
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