Hello Aspirants
As Coal India Management Trainee(Mining) exam is round the corner and you must be wondering about how to prepare for the same. So here are our advice or say suggestions for you all.
Lastly CIL had taken off campus selection in 2012 & 2017 and type of question asked in both exams were entirely different from each other.
In 2012 questions were directly from GATE-2010 & GATE-2011 paper due to which exam was tough and cut-off were low. All those who had qualified written exam were called for interview as number of candidates qualified written exam due to toughness of exam were nearly equal to vacancy. And leaving few all those who were called for interview were selected.
In 2017 questions specially mining part was very easy compared to 2012 . Questions were from N C Dey , GATE Mining Book By A K Gorai and few from GATE papers. So cut off went too high for written exam. You can see the cut off list here- https://mineportal.in/blog/blog_details.php?id=62&s=cil-mt-mining-2017-cut-off
So to prepare for Coal India Management Trainee(Mining) 2020, every candidate must do :-
For Mining Subject:-
1)Revise N C Dey Book as much as possible
2)GATE MINING BOOK by A K Gorai (only one mark type numerical/theoretical)
3)GATE Mining Previous Papers(Theoretical Questions and all one mark que)
4)Practice as many as questions you can either by following and test series/books/previous years mining exam papers.
For Non Tech:-
There is no limit to General Aptitude syllabus or say questions . And you cannot get command over this subject in a one or two month time. No need to get demotivated if you are not able to solve questions quickly. Try to solve as many as questions daily which will boost up your problem solving skill as well as confidence. You can follow books which we have recommended- https://mineportal.in/blog/blog_details.php?id=64&s=books-recommendations-for-cil-mt-mining-exam
Or any other SSC/BANK/Govt Job exams papers.
For General Knowledge read news papers, watch DD News. You can also follow Pratiyogita Darpan etc.
Just keep in mind General Aptitude is the part which will keep you ahead of others as everyone can mug up mining books but to solve General Aptitude question a students intellectual ability is needed and which comes by hard working and daily practice.
As there will be 200 MCQs and time will be 180 minutes which means for one question you will have 54 sec. So numerical based questions are going to be very less and even if it is there then you can solve it very quickly i.e. it will be formula based. No need to waste your time on solving numerical which seems to consume time.
More importantly donot waste your time in searching for any coaching for the preparation. As till date there is no such coaching which can provide quality guidance and also you will loose handful of good time in moving here and there.So try to prepare yourself. Make a group of friends offline/Online i.e. whatsapp/telegram and discuss regularly.Also till the coal india come out with 2020 exam syllabus, prepare according to CIL MT'2017 syllabus. Kindly keep in mind that you dont have time to think anything else other than study.
Keep Your Moral and Confidence High. Everyone is in same state.
Best Wishes
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