GATE MINING is not that tough as it seems to be. There are
few reasons why we are saying so:
i. Mining engineering students are very less as
compared to other branches.
ii. There is no much development since many years in
terms of technology, methods etc so syllabus is more or less same every year.
Hence questions are framed from same sets of existing formulas and topics.
iii. Mining books are also very few so, professors
who sets question have limited text book access.
iv. Compared to other branches there are not many
companies who recruit from GATE score so students are not much enthusiastic
regarding it and hence less number of candidates.
How to prepare for GATE Mining Exam?
As said above
GATE Mining is not that tough. You can crack it by following simple steps.
i. Don’t waste your time in searching for a
coaching classes as you won’t find a good institute. Reason being that
compare to other branches there are not so many exams in mining field like IES,
State Level Exams etc so no mining engineer will dare to give his full time in
giving coaching just for one exam, also number of students are very less
and scattered too. You can take help from your seniors doing M.Tech/PhD as they have cleared GATE exam and have broader knowledge. If you find any good professional coaching institute then you can go for it.
ii. GATE mining syllabus is same as your B.Tech
syllabus so try to make good notes of your syllabus. You can find various notes
in our blog- https://mineportal.in/blog/blogs_category.php?id=190&s=mining-notes
iii. Make a group of like minded people and start
preparing on your own. Join Whatsapp/Telegram Group and share your notes/doubts/queries and participate in discussion. More you discuss more you will learn.
iv. If you are confused as how to start then follow
content of AK Gorai book. Buy text book of each subject and thoroughly read
them and solve numericals based on that.
v. Try to practice as many as questions you get.
You will find various mining exam questions in our blog-
vi. Solve Previous years GATE Mining Papers as many as times you can. Understand the concept.
vii. To feel exam like pressure and make yourself more perfect in solving questions buy any available test series- https://mineportal.in/gate-package.php
viii. Read the success story of AIR-3 of GATE Mining 2018 exam and get some idea of preparation- https://mineportal.in/blog/blog_details.php?id=26&s=air-3-success-story
viii. See the GATE Mining preparation recommended books - https://bit.ly/2E51x5A
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