Mining Geology: Introduction and importance of geology in Mining. Mineral resources of Rajasthan, Mining of important economic minerals in Rajasthan; Various terms used in mining; Introduction and comparison of underground and surface mining.
Stratigraphy: Introduction, standard stratigraphic scale, principle of stratigraphic correlation; Geology of Rajasthan in brief.
Physical Geology: Definition, Origin, Nebular hypothesis of Kant and Laplace, Age of earth, its determination internal structure of earth, weathering, erosion, denudation, Transportation and deposition, Geological work of wind, river, Earth quakes, Volcanoes.
Structural Geology: Primary and secondary structure of rock formation, terms bedding, Dip, True Dip, Apparent Dip, Strike, Overlap, In linear, Outliner. Fold and its components. Different Kinds of faults, joints, Unconformities and their types. Structural features of rocks, Folds and faults-definition.
Petrology: Definition of rock, formation, crystallization, texture, structure and classification of igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rock.
Mineralogy: Definition of mineral, identification by physical, chemical and optical properties; Classification of rock forming minerals; Description of mineral families. i.e. feldspar group, mica group, pyroxene group, amphibole group.
Ore Minerals and Genesis: Metallogenic epochs and provinces. An overview of various Rajasthan Mineral deposits in cratons and mobile belts. Mineralogy and mode of occurrence of Copper lead zinc iron ore, manganese deposit in Rajasthan.
Economic Geology: Definition of ore, gangue, tenore and grade and classification of mineral deposits.
Geological Mapping: Definition of map, scale of map, types, map symbols; Surface and underground geological mapping. Computer based geological data plotting and preparation of map.
Geological aspects of drilling: Drilling methods, selection of sites, angles and direction of bore holes. Core-logging.
Sampling and reserves estimation: Definition of sampling, methods and importance in mining. Definition of reserve, classification and estimation.
Rock Indices: Specific gravity, hardness, porosity, moisture content, permeability, swell index, slake durability, thermal conductivity, point load strength index, protodyakonov strength index, impact strength index.
Prospecting Techniques: Objectives-prospecting methods - principles - Applicability's of printing trenching. Core Drilling, Geophysical methods-Electrical, gravity, Seismic, radiometric.
Global Positioning System and Uses; Types of GPS, Application of GPS Technology, Navigation system, Map preparation.
Introduction to Remote Sensing, GIS and its Applications: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Preparation and study of aerial photographs for Geomorphology, Structural geology and Lithology. Preparation of Geological map using Remote sensing. Introductions of GIS Component of GIS, GIS Application in various field in Geology and Mining.
Mine Surveying: Methods of Measuring Distances, Chain Surveying, Compass Surveying, Theodolite and Total Station.
Contouring and Leveling: Definitions; Characteristics of contours; Tacheometric Contouring, Plotting and interpretation of contours.
Plans and Sections: Legal requirements as to mine plans in India and symbols used; Preparation and preservation of plans and section; Enlargement of plans; Use of ediograph, pantograph and planimeter.
Introduction and Stages of Mining: Contribution of Mining activities of civilization - definitions of terms - Mining Industries in the state and in the country - Pre Mining, mining and post mining - ancillary mining operation, Types of entries to mineral deposits - Shaft, Incline, Adit - applicable conditions - Limitations.
Surface Mining: Applicability and limitations and advantages of surface mining.
Basic Parameters: Size of mine area; Pit depth; Annual production and life of mine; Bench height, width and slope, Pit slope; Cut-off grade; Stripping ratio.
Opening of Benches: Opening of deposits-Trench, Ramp; Width and slope of entry trenches; Driving of entry and opening trenches; Formation of benches.
Drills for Blasting: Introduction to drilling systems; Mechanics of percussive, rotary and rotary-percussive drilling; Different types of drills; compressed & hydraulic, diesel and electric drills; Selection of drills; Jack hammers; sinkers, stoppers, drill jumbos, wagon drills and other blast hole drills; Types of drills steels, bits and their uses. Blasting System: Electric and non electric etho, Delay blasting techniques; Priming; Charge distribution; Mechanisms of rocks blasting; Blasting with cut and solid blasting, Introduction to SMS, PMS, Emulsion and Heavy ANFO.
Mining: Conventional mining of Sandstone, Limestone, Marble and Granite; Recent developments- wire saw including blind cut technique, hydraulic splitting, Minerals Processing: Introduction, Mineral processing techniques, Laboratory sizing, Liberation, Comminution.
Mining Machinery: Dozers; Front end loaders; Power shovels: Back hoes, Draglines; Dumpers, Coal haulers; Motor graders; Scrappers; Rippers; Spreaders; Re-claimers; Continuous surface miner. Various types of loaders cranes and hydraulic excavator used in dimensional stone mines: Quarry layouts. Hole making technique using hole-finder and laser beam. Application and development of diamond tools, formation of stone block and their handling.
Transport: Track and trackless; Mine cars; Haulage track, Low profile dumpers and shuttle cars, their construction, operation.
Explosives: Classification and comparative properties of explosive; Blasting devices; General application and uses; Blasting theory; Safety considerations.
Safety Aspects in Mines: Accidents: classification, Statics causes, analysis and prevention, Safe condition, Unsafe condition, Mine safety: Objective of safety, major factors to be considered for safety, safety week, pit safety committee. safety Organization and safety policy.
Metalliferous Mining in India and World: Historical development; Trend of mining non-coal deposit in india during the last ten years; Geographical distribution of important economic non-coal mineral in India.
Air and Water pollution, Dust in mines. Noise and Vibration: Sources, ill effects, measurement and monitoring, standards; preventive and mitigating measures.
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