1) Which is the smallest scale?
A) 1 mm = 2m
B) RF = 1/100
C) none of these
D) 1:10000
E) 1 cm = 10 m
2) On a change point
A) An intersight is taken
B) Only a backsight is taken
C) Only a foresight is taken
D) none of these
E) Both foresight and backsight are taken
3) If the R.L. of a B.M. is 100.00 m, the
back- sight is 1.215 m and the foresight is 1.870 m, the R.L. of the forward
station is
A) 100.655 m
B) 99.345 m
C) 98.345 m
D) 100.345 m
E) 101.870 m
4) The multiplicative constant in a
tacheometer with focal length f and stadia wire interval i, is
A) i / f
B) none of these
C) i x f
D) f / i
E) i + f
15) Length of a line measured with a 30 m tape
at temperature of 40oC was 200 m. The tape was standardized at a temperature of
30oC. If the coefficient of expansion of tape material is 0.00012/oC, the
correct length of the line is
A) none of these
B) 199.76 m
C) 198.32 m
D) 201.68 m
E) 200.24 m
16) must
be carried out in plane table surveying.
A) traversing
B) orientation
C) radiation
D) none of these
E) resection
17) Which of the following is not a level?
A) Dumpy level
B) Wye level
C) Miners level
D) Tilting level
E) None of these
18) Local attraction in compass surveying may
exist due to
A) presence of magnetic body near the
B) none of these
C) incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle
D) wearing of the pivot
E) loss of sensitivity of magnetic needle
19) The mid-point of the line joining the points
(8,6) and (2,10) is………
A) (5,8)
B) (4,9)
C) (-6,4)
D) (10,16)
E) (6,-4)
20) The GPS satellite are moving in space a
speed of approximately
A) 4 Km/s
B) 10 Km/s
C) 6 Km/s
D) none of these
E) 8 Km/s
21) If shrinkage factor is 10/11 and its RF is
1/100 then shrunk scale will be-
A) 10.5m
B) 11m
C) None of these
D) 10.75m
E) 10m
22) Given the Whole Circle Bearing (WCB) of a
line AB is equal to 320° 30', find the Quadrantal Bearing (QB) of the line BA.
A) S 39° 30' E
B) S 39° 30' W
C) E 39° 30' N
D) N 39° 30' W
E) N 39° 30' E
23) The following staff readings were obtained
when running a line of levels between two points A and B: 1.08 (A), 2.04, 2.23,
and 2.25 (B). The instrument was moved after second reading. If the RL of point
A is 100 m, the RL of B would be
A) 105.37
B) none of these
C) 103.42
D) 99.02
E) 100.97
24) If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N 60°
W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure respectively of the line
AB will be
A) none of these
B) + 50 m, + 86.6 m
C) + 50 m, - 86.6 m
D) + 86.6 m, - 50 m
E) + 70.7 m, - 50 m
25) What should be the colour of surface
contours shown on the plans maintained under Regulation 65 of the CMR 2017?
A) Red
B) Green
C) Blue
D) Burnt Sienna
E) Black
26) The field observations and plotting of the
plan proceed simultaneously in
A) Contouring
B) Plane table surveying
C) none of these
D) Traversing
E) Chain surveying
27) How many surveyors are statutory required to
be appointed under Regulation 34(1) of the CMR 2017 in a large opencast coal
A) According to production
B) One or more than One
C) One
D) Five
E) Two
28) Horizontal length of a line measured 150 m
at 1 in 2 gradient will be
A) 150 / 2 X 5
B) 150 X 2/5
C) 150 X 5 / 2
D) 150 X 2 /√5
E) none of these
29) If Horizontal length is H, equivalent of
slope is A and slope length is L, which equation is correct?
A) H=LTanA
B) H=LCosA
C) H=LSinA
D) H=L CotA
E) None of these
30) In case of opencast workings, plans and
sections required to be maintained up to date within months.
A) one
B) three
C) nine
D) six
E) twelve
31) A level is set up at a point 150 metre from
A and observed staff reading is 2.525 metre. Find the correct staff reading in
A) 2.5265
B) 2.4577
C) 2.5963
D) 2.525
E) 2.5235
32) In Plane table surveying, the trial and
error method is also known as
A) Bessel's Method
B) Tracing Paper method
C) Mechanic method
D) Lehmann's Method
E) American method
33) The lower plate of a theodolite is known as
A) None of these
B) Vertical circle
C) Both (A) and (B)
D) Horizontal circle
E) Main scale plate
34) The Easting and Northing refer to the
A) the profile of the ground in east and
north direction
B) the slope along east and north direction
at any point
C) none of these
D) the coordinates of a point measured in
east and north direction
E) the direction of east and north at any
35) The method of finding out the difference in
elevation between two points for eliminating the effect of curvature and
refraction, is-
A) None of these
B) Differential levelling
C) Flying levelling
D) Reciprocal levelling
E) Precise levelling
36) The slope correction may be ignored if-
A) To slope of the ground is say 1 in 19
B) None of these
C) The slope of the ground is less than 3°
D) Neither (A) nor (B)
E) Both (A) and (B)
37) If the lower clamp screw is tightened and
upper clamp screw is loosened, the theodolite may be rotated-
A) None of these
B) on its inner spindle with a relative
motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
C) on its inner spindle without a relative
motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
D) on its outer spindle with a relative
motion between the vernier and graduated scale of lower plate
E) on its outer spindle without a relative
motion between the vernier and gra-duated scale of lower plate
38) What is the range of medium range EDM?
A) 15-25kms
B) None of these
C) <5kms
D) >=25kms
E) 5-25kms
39) A plan drawn to a scale of 1:4000 was
measured by a scale of 1:5000. The % error in the area measured would be
A) None of the Options
B) 43.75
C) 25.1
D) 56.25
E) 35.2
40) Quadrantal bearing is always measured from-
A) the south end of the magnetic meridian
B) the north end or the south end of the
magnetic meridian.
C) the north end of the magnetic meridian
D) None of these
E) either the north end or the south end of
the magnetic meridian as the case may be
41) Who will be held responsible for not
recording the full facts when working of the mine have approached to about 120m
from the waterlogged workings in the bound paged book kept for the purpose?
A) Owner
B) Agent
C) Manager
D) All of these
E) Surveyor, the workings come under whose
jurisdiction or of the plans & sections comes under whose charge
42) Which of the following can be taken by a
total station.
(a) A horizontal angle
(b) A vertical angle
(c) The horizontal distance
(d) The slope distance
A) (a) (b) and (d) only
B) (a) (b) (c) and (d)
C) (a) and (b) only
D) (a) (c) and (d) only
E) (a) (b) and (c) only
43) The errors which are eliminated by
repetition method:
A) Errors
due to eccentricity of Vernier's
B) Errors
due to in-adjustments of line of collimation
C) Errors
due to parallax
D) Errors
due to inaccurate graduation
E) Errors
due to inaccurate bisection of the object
A) A, B, C, E
B) A, B, C, D
C) none
D) A, B, D, E
E) A, C, D, E
44) Closed contours, with higher value inwards,
represent a
A) plain surface
B) depression
C) hillock
D) valley
E) none of these
45) The max. permissible angular error in
seconds in a closed u/g traverse of 16 stations measured with a 20 seconds
theodolite is-
A) 160
B) None of these
C) 80
D) 200
E) 120
A) scale of the map
B) none of these
C) ratio of distance shown on ground to the
D) ratio of distance shown on map to the
E) features to be shown on map
50) The is
the great circle of the earth, the plane of which is at right angles to the
axis of rotation of the earth.
A) The celestial equator
B) The terrestrial equator
C) The sensible horizon
D) The visible horizon
E) the celestial horizon
51) In a levelling work started from a point of
100.00 m RL, the sum of backsights is 24.20 m and that of foresights is 22.20 m
up to a certain point. The RL of the end point is
A) 146.40 m
B) 53.60 m
C) 102.00 m
D) none of these
E) 98.00 m
52) The dip of the needle at the magnetic pole
A) 90°
B) none of these
C) 180°
D) 0°
E) 270°
53) Reiteration method is used for measuring
A) volume
B) distance
C) horizontal angles
D) vertical angles
E) area
54) The length of a line measured with 20m chain
was found to be 472m. The true length of the line was to be 471m. What is the
actual length of the chain?
A) None of these
B) 19.75m
C) 19.25m
D) 19.5m
E) 19m
55) What will be the Quadrantal bearing of a
line whose whole circle bearing is 236°25' ?
A) S 43°45' E
B) S 56°25' W
C) None of these
D) S 56°25' E
E) N 56°25' W
56) The bearing of a line PQ is 100° 30' and the
angle PQR is 140°. What is the bearing to the line QR?
A) 60° 30'
B) 30° 30'
C) 230° 30'
D) none of these
E) 209° 30'
57) The true length of a line as per plan found
to be 1200 m. The line was measured in the ground with a steel tape of 30 m and
found to be 1200.50 m. The tape was
A) 1.25 cm too short
B) 1.50 cm too short
C) none of these
D) 1.50 cm too long
E) 1.25 cm too long
58) What should be the colour of DYKE shown on
the plans maintained under Regulation 65 of the CMR 2017?
A) Blue
B) Black
C) Red
D) Green
E) Burnt Sienna
59) A level surface is
A) Tangential to the mean surface of the
earth and perpendicular to the plumb line
B) Tangential to the mean surface of the
C) Parallel to the mean surface of the earth
and perpendicular to the plumb line
D) None of the above
E) All of the above
60) The backsight reading on a bench mark of RL
100 m is 1.45 m. If the inverted staff reading on a foresight is (2.23 m), the
RL of the foresight roof station is
A) 98.55 m
B) 105.13 m
C) 103.68 m
D) none of these
E) 99.22 m
61) Can the future HFL of a river change?
A) increase
B) will be constant for ever
C) increase, decrease both
D) decrease
E) none
62) The full dip of a seam is 1 in 4 due south
calculate the apparent dip in direction S30°E?
A) 12°13'
B) 12°15'
C) None of these
D) 13°12'
E) 15°13'
63) Which of the following statements is
A) A plan generally shows horizontal
distances whereas a topographical map represents both horizontal and vertical
B) A plan shows the difference of level
between any two points and a topographical map shows only horizontal distances
between two points
C) Scale of plans are small as compared to
topographical maps
D) Scale of plans are large as compared to
topographical maps
E) both A & D
64) Most important factor in selecting survey
stations is
A) None of the Options
B) intervisibility
C) Intervisibility and well-conditioned
D) Accessibility and distance
E) Distance between two stations
65) Parallax are eliminated BY:
A) Focusing
the eye piece
B) Levelling
C) Focusing
the objective
D) Centering
A) B & C
B) None
C) A & B
D) C & D
E) A & C
66) The closing error in a closed traverse is
adjusted by
A) Trapezoidal rule
B) Slide rule
C) Bowditch’s rule
D) Simpson’s rule
E) Lehmann's rule
67) A circular curve has a radius of 200m and
deflection angle of 65, the length of the curve is-
A) 262
B) None of these
C) 235
D) 221
E) 227
68) The area of triangle having 40 m base and 10
m height is equal to… m2.
A) none of these
B) 80
C) 200
D) 800
E) 400
69) The best method for estimation of area of
the irregular and curved boundary is
A) none of these
B) Mid ordinate method
C) Trapezoidal method
D) Average ordinate method
E) Simpson’s method
70) How can remove plans and sections maintained
under Regulation 65 of the CMR 2017, from the office of the mine?
A) Cannot remove
B) With approval in writing of the Regional
C) None of these
D) Can remove by keeping a blue print
E) With approval in writing of the Manager
71) If 2 cm on the topographical map represents
1 km on the ground, what would be the R.F?
A) none of these
B) 1: 50000
C) 1:10000
D) 1:5000
E) 1: 100000
72) Manufacturers specify the accuracy of EDM
equipment as
A) ±b ± aD mm, b is in ppm of the distance
measured, D
B) none of these
C) ±D ± ba mm, b is in ppm of the distance
measured, D
D) ±a ± bD mm, b is in ppm of the distance
measured, D
E) ±D ± ab mm, b is in ppm of the distance
measured, D
73) The eye -piece used in a telescope for
astronomical observation or highly inclined shafts, winzes, or raised is-
A) Simple eye
B) Diagonal eye-piece
C) Erecting type eye-piece
D) Ramsden eye-piece
E) None of these
74) The radius of curvature of the arc of the
bubble tube is generally kept
A) none of these
B) 50 m
C) 25 m
D) 10 m
E) 100 m
75) When the instruments is correctly leveled
then height of plane of collimation is synonymous with-
A) Height of instrument
B) None of these
C) Plus sight
D) Intermediate sight
E) Turning point
76) Which surveyor is responsible for
preparation and maintenance of plans required to be maintained under CMR 2017,
where more than one surveyors are appointed in an opencast coal mine?
A) None of these
B) Authorised by Owner only
C) Authorised by Owner, Agent or Manager
D) Authorised by Agent only
E) Authorised by Manager only
77) If 1 circumference = 400g (grads) the unit
of angle measurement is
A) hours system
B) none
C) sexagesimal system
D) centesimal system
E) FPS system
78) The length of a line measured with a 20m
chain was found to be 536m Afterwards it was found that the chain was 0.03m too
short. What will be true length of the line ?
A) None of these
B) 568.1
C) 512.3
D) 534.7
E) 523.5
79) The distance between two stations was
measured 995 m and 996 m respectively by a 20 m and 30 m chain. If the 20 m
chain was 0.10 m long, what was the error in the 30 m chain?
A) 0.19 m short
B) 0.12 m long
C) none of these
D) 0.12 m short
E) 0.20 m short
80) If n be the number of sides of the traverse,
then the sum of measured exterior angles should be equal to-
A) (n-4)*90°
B) (n+4)*90°
C) (2n-4)*90°
D) None of these
E) (2n+4)*90°
81) If d is the smallest value of the main scale
and v is the smallest value of the vernier scale, then the least count of the
vernier scale is given by-
A) none of these
B) v-d
C) v
D) d-v
E) d/v
82) The main principle of surveying is to work
A) Lower level to higher level
B) Whole to part
C) Part to whole
D) both C & D
E) Higher level to lower level
83) The volume of a 6 m deep tank having
rectangular shaped top 6 m × 4 m and bottom 4 m × 2 m calculated using
prismoidal formula is
A) 92 cubic meter
B) 96 cubic meter
C) 98 cubic meter
D) none of these
E) 94 cubic meter
84) For a tacheometer the additive and
multi-plying constants are respectively
A) 100 and 100
B) 0 and 0
C) 90 and 100
D) 100 and 0
E) 0 and 100
85) If the altitude of the North Pole is 30o,
the latitude of that place is
A) 60o
B) 1800
C) 150o
D) 30o
E) 330o
86) In quadrantal bearing system, back bearing
of a line may be obtained from its forward bearing, by
A) changing the cardinal points, i.e.
substituting N for S and E for W and vice-versa
B) subtracting 180°, if the given bearing, is
more than 180°
C) adding 180°, if the given bearing is less
than 180°
D) adding 90°, if the given bearing is less
than 180°
E) None of these
87) Diopter is the power of a lens having a
focal length of-
A) None of these
B) 25 cm
C) 75 cm
D) 50cm
E) 100cm
88) Keeping the instrument height as 1.5m,
length of staff 4m, the slope of the ground is 1 in 10, the sight on the down-
slope, must be less than-
A) 15 m
B) None of these
C) 20 m
D) 30 m
E) 25 m
89) The bearings of lines OA and OB are 16° 10’
and 332° 18’ respectively. The value of the included angle BOA is
A) 316° 10’
B) 158° 28’
C) 348° 28’
D) 43° 52’
E) none of these
90) Reiteration method is used to
A) Measure an angle very accurately
B) Measure several angles at the same station
C) locating an unknown station
D) none of these
E) Measure an angle very quickly
91) The three-point problem of plane tabling
involves the method(s)
(i) Lehmann’s method
(ii) Analytical method
(iii) Tracing paper method
(iv) Radiation method
Which of the above are correct?
A) (i)
B) (i), (ii) & (iii)
C) none of these
D) (i) & (iv)
E) (i) & (ii)
92) A tape of 6 mm2 cross-sectional area was
exactly 30 m long at 20°C when graduated on the flat under a pull of 50 N. A
survey line was measured with this tape in three span under a pull of 100 N and
found to be 900 m. If the modulus of elasticity of the material of the tape is
2.1x105 N/mm2 and the average temperature during measurement was 30o C, the
correction for pull is
A) -0.03571 m
B) 0.03571 m
C) none of these
D) -0.1071 m
E) 0.1071 m
93) The smallest possible reading which can be
estimated with Wild N3 precise level is
A) 0.001mm
B) 0.1mm
C) none of these
D) 0.01mm
E) 1 mm
94) What should be the vertical interval of
surface contour lines, which is required to be shown on surface plan of a large
opencast mine without underground workings?
A) Any of these
B) 5m
C) 8m
D) 7m
E) 10m
95) A plan represents an area of 93750 sq.m. and
measures 6.00cm x 6.25 cm. Find the scale of the plot.
A) None of these
B) 1 in 10000
C) 1 in 4000
D) 1 in 5000
E) 1 in 2000
96) The horizontal distance between the staff
point and point of observation is "d" then the error due to curvature
of earth is prepositional to-
A) d²
B) None of these
C) 1/d
D) D
E) 1/d²
97) Which of the following is true about
apparent dip?
(a) Apparent dip is also called the true dip.
(b) Apparent dip is always greater than the
true dip.
(c) Apparent dip is always less than the true
(d) Apparent dip may be less than, or equal or
greater than the true dip.
A) none of these
B) only (a)
C) only (c)
D) only (d)
E) only (b)
98) Curvature correction to the computed volume
is applied when-
A) the successive cross-sections are not
parallel to each other
B) the formation levels at the cross-sections
are at different levels
C) All the above
D) the distance between the successive
cross-sections is quite large.
E) None of these
99) In a triangulation survey, if a triangle has
three sides equal to 11 m, 12 m and 15 m the area will be equal to………m2
A) 75.23
B) 85.23
C) 35.13
D) 45.22
E) 65.23
100) The perpendicular offsets taken at 10 m
intervals from one end of a chain line to an irregular boundary are 3.06, 4.14,
5.6, 4.86, 6.0, 6.6, 7.8, 6.3 and 7.2 m. The area enclosed between the chain
line, the irregular boundary, and the first and last offsets using Simpsons
rule is
A) 456.55 sq. m
B) None of the Options
C) 453.55 sq. m
D) 455.53 sq. m
E) 545.53 sq. m
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