No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) In an open cast mine for equipment like shovels etc the maximum cable length permitted is
A) 300 meters
B) 200 meters
C) 400 meters
D) 1000 meters
E) 500 meters
2) The Board of member may at any time resign his office by a notice in writing addressed to?
A) Ministry of Mines
B) Central Government
C) none of these
D) Chairman
3) Detonators should not be transported in vehicle at a time more than
A) 250
B) None of these
C) 150
D) 180
E) 200
4) Registers of daily attendance of persons employed in Below ground workings shall be maintained in
A) Form-C
B) Form-E
C) Form-F
D) Form-D
E) Form-B
5) As per the M. V. T. Rules, 1966, every training centre shall be under the charge of at least a whole time or part time… as specified by Chief Inspector.
A) Engineer
B) Agent
C) General Manager
D) Supervisor
E) Training Officer
6) For depillaring area of gassy coal mines of II and III degree the amount cluster of lights in addition to cap lamp of individuals required to be provided is:
A) A cluster of 10 to 12 cap lamps,
B) All the above
C) None
D) A cluster of 15-20 cap lamps
E) 250 watt bulbs 4 or more
7) The following are not a part of duties of Training officer as per the M.V.T. Rules, 1966
A) Every training officer shall keep a record of this work
B) To maintain records of the supervision in respect of the practical training
C) To organise and supervise the training of every person
D) To carryout safety awareness camps
E) To maintain records of the training given to every person
8) Representative factor of Dust plan is
A) None
B) Not more than 2000:1
C) Not less than 2000:1
D) Not less than 1200:1
E) Not more than 1200:1
9) During suspension or cancellation of managers certificate; or any certificate granted by Board, the Inspector who conducted the enquiry shall, within days from date of conclusion of his enquiry, send a report to the Board.
A) 3 days
B) 45 days
C) 15 days
D) 30 days
E) 60 days
10) Water and Air Pollution Control Acts were declared in the year?
A) 1974 &1986
B) 1972 &1982
C) 1970 &1980
D) 1975 &1985
E) 1974 &1981
11) The notice of reopening of a coal mine shall be given to
A) None of these
B) Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector & District Mining officer
C) Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector, District Magistrate
D) Chief Inspector Regional Inspector, Chiief of Polution Control Board.
E) Chief Inspector, Regional Inspector, Controller IBM
12) Adult means a person who has completed?
A) 18th year
B) 19th year
C) 23 year
D) None
E) 20 year
13) Manager shall simultaneously exhibit copy of the notice after such dangerous occurrence or on a special notice board at the office of mine for a period of
A) Not less than 15 days from the date of exhibition
B) Not less than 3 days from the date of exhibition
C) Not less than 14 days from the date of exhibition
D) Not less than 7 days from the date of exhibition
E) Not less than 30 days from the date of exhibition
14) Which of the choice is wrong regarding its provision ? At every mine first aid station shall be provided and maintained at above ground at,
A) top of every shaft
B) Every workshop
C) Every place where more than 45 persons employed
D) Every screening plant
E) None of the Options
15) The minimum qualification for having appointed as a Ventilation Officer of a coal mine with an average output of 20000 tonnes per month and degree-II in gassiness shall be
A) Overman Certificate
B) First Class/ Second Class
C) First Class
D) Second Class
E) Degree in Mining Engineering
16) Every stopping between the main intake and main return airways shall be constructed of masonry or brickwork or of concrete without reinforcement, not less than centimeters in thickness
A) None of the Options
B) 28
C) 20
D) 38
E) 25
17) The spontaneous heating and subsequent burning of coal if any inside the dump may cause
A) It may burn and release dangerous gases
B) Explosion
C) It may burn and collapse and cause slide and settlement
D) Heating of the material and fire on the surface
E) Heat the moisture and cause steam
18) Substitution is the control which reduces the risk upto
A) 75 percent
B) 50 percent
C) 90 percent
D) None of the Options
E) 95 percent
19) Owner, Agent or Manager shall appoint Workmen’s Inspector
A) where 150 or more persons are ordinarily employed
B) where 1500 or more persons are ordinarily employed
C) where than 1000 or more persons are ordinarily employed
D) where 50 or more persons are ordinarily employed
E) None of the Options
20) A minor injury is defined as "the injury other than serious bodily injury or reportable injury, which results in the enforced absence from work of the person injured for a period at least exceeding….....
A) 36 hours
B) 72 hours
C) 24 hours
D) 48 hours
E) 18 hours
21) While assessing risk of an activity, one must consider ...........................
A) Existing controls against the activity
B) Existing political condition
C) Existing demand for coal
D) Existing market price of coal
E) Existing manpower
22) Deep hole drilling and blasting is defined as "drill holes more than meter in depth and used for opencast working".
A) 6
B) 3
C) 4
D) 8
E) 5
23) General body of air means the general atmosphere in a seam but not include general atmosphere in.........
A) In any bore hole drilled in coal
B) Both B & C
C) Both A & B
D) The sealed off area
E) Roof cavities
24) As per Coal Mines Regulations, the term " general body of air" does not include the atmosphere of the following:
A) Return airways
B) none of these
C) roof cavities
D) Sealed off areas
E) Intake airways
25) No person shall function as a trainer unless he has attended not less than on safety in mines
A) 12 lectures
B) 6 lectures
C) None of these
D) 18 lectures
E) 24 lectures
26) Except in cases where the delay involved may result in danger to life, RTP shall not proceed beyond any place where a base is to be established until there have been provided at such base
A) one RTP
B) one qualified medical practitioner.
C) hygrometer
D) two Flame Safety Lamp
E) All the options
27) Which one of the following person shall not be act as shot- firer in degree II and III gassy mines ?
A) Sirdar + GT
B) none
C) Over man + GT
D) Shot firer + GT
E) Manager + GT
28) According to CMR, the combination of likelihood of a specific unwanted event and its potential consequences is defined as......
A) Risk
B) Risk Management plan
C) Risk Assessment
D) Accident Analysis
E) All the options
29) The maximum air velocity at Longwall working faces shall not exceed
A) None of the Options
B) 3m/sec
C) 8m/sec
D) 4m/sec
E) 6m/sec
30) According to Regulation 11 of The CMR, 2017, which of the following certificates are granted by the Board?
A) Haulage Driver's certificate
B) Engine driver's certificate
C) Both A & B
D) Both B & C
E) Locomotive driver's certificate
31) For determination of percentage of inflammable gases, sample shall be analyzed within days of samples collected.
A) 14 days
B) 3 days
C) 4 days
D) 7 days
E) None of the Options
32) Based on coward diagram a methane air mixture containing 9.5% of methane and 20% oxygen can be classified as…
A) Optimum or stoichiometric mixture
B) Impossible explosion
C) Weak explosion
D) Potentially explosive mixture
E) None
33) Minimum depth of 'locking ' of both brick and RCC stoppings in shale roof and floor should be
A) 1.0m
B) 1.5m
C) 15cm
D) 30cm
E) 50cm
34) No bussiness shall be transacted at a meeting of the Board unless at least___ members, including the chairman are present.
A) 2
B) 6
C) 4
D) 3
E) 5
35) Minimum age of a person for having appointed as competent person shall not be less than
A) 20
B) 16
C) 21
D) 19
E) 18
36) Which of the following safety provisions are not required to prevent runaway of tubs in forward or backward direction
A) run away switch
B) stop block
C) back stay
D) safety hooks, jazz-rails
E) check rail
37) The auxiliary fan shall be with the switchgear controlling power supply to the in-bye face equipment
A) dependent
B) Interlocked
C) All the Options
D) None of the Options
E) Independent
38) In Winding shaft, code of signals to stop the cage is
A) three rap
B) two rap
C) None of the Options
D) one rap
E) options A, B & C
39) Reportable injury means any injury other than serious bodily injury, which involves the enforced absence of injured person from work for a period of:-
A) 72 hours
B) 72 hours or more
C) 72 hours or less
D) 24 hours or less
E) 24 hours or more
40) Submission of Annual Returns in Shram Suvidha portal on online is issued in -----
A) DGMS (S&T) Cir. (General) No. 1 of 2015
B) DGMS (S&T) Cir. (General) No. 2 of 2016
C) DGMS (S&T) Circular No. 1 of 2016
D) DGMS (S&T) Cir. (General) No. 2 of 2015
E) DGMS (S&T) Cir. (General) No. 3 of 2015
41) In absence of regular Mine manager who will exercise the Duties of Manager in an emergency under Rule 24 of the Mines Rescue Rules 1985
A) Safety officer
B) Next to Mine Manager
C) Principal Officer of the Mine in mining discipline present at surface
D) Mine Agent
E) Chief Manager mine
42) In every below ground mine of gassy seams of first degree, if the average montly output exceeds tonnes, the
manager shall be assited in work by ventilation officer?
A) 5000 TONNES
B) 20000 TONNES
C) 15000 TONNES
D) 2500 TONNES
E) 10000 TONNES
43) For below ground mines in excess of------- tonnes output per month, a manager of First class managers certificate not restricted to opencast shall be appointed?
A) 20000 TONNES
B) 5000 TONNES
C) 15000 TONNES
D) 2500 TONNES
E) 10000 TONNES
44) In a mine where, electrical energy exceeding 650 volts in use with installed capacity of all electrical equipments is 1.5 MVA and above.Is Engineer either Mechanical or Electrical appointed under CMR 32 of 2017 is sufficient to hold the general charge of mine?
A) An Engineer holding a degreeor Diploma in electrical engineering as may be recognised by the central govt . Shall be appointed to hold the charge of all the electrical equipments installed at the mine in addition to CMR 32(1)
B) not sufficient
C) no need to additional aoppintments because mine already under the supervision of electrical engineer CMR 32(1)
D) sufficient
E) all are correct
45) Against any order passed/made by the Regional Inspector, an appeal shall lie to the
A) Chief Inspector
B) All three
C) Central Government
D) Committee
E) None
46) An appeal against under Sec.22(3) prohibiting employment in or about a mine may be made within days of the receipt of order to the Central Government
A) 21
B) 20
C) 45
D) 30
E) 25
47) Certificate shall be granted to candidates after such examinations and such form as may specify.
A) The Board of mining examination
B) Central Government
C) none of these
D) Ministry of Mines
E) Chief Inspector
48) How many years practical experience is required for appearing in Sirdar's certificate examination, if candidate has received diploma in mining ?
A) 4 years
B) 6 years
C) 2 years
D) 1 years
E) 5 years
49) Under Coal Mines Regulations 2017, Average output means-----------
A) Average output per month during preceding financial year
B) Average output per month during preceding two financial years
C) none of these
D) Average output per month during preceding four financial years
E) Average output per month during preceding three financial years
50) Which one of the following is not a notified disease under the provisions of Mines Act, 1952
A) Pneumoconiosis
B) Asbestosis
C) Blood Sugar
D) Noise Induced Hearing Loss
E) Silicosis
51) At below ground mine, at least how many legible rescue tracings have to be kept available
A) 2
B) None of the above
C) 0
D) 3
E) 1
52) The owner or manager shall provide suitable residential accommodation for the manager and U/M within a distance of …KM from all mine openings
A) 7
B) 5
C) 6
D) none
E) 4
53) All unused working which have not been sealed off shall be inspected once at least every……… and all isolation stopings built around goaved out areas shall be inspected once at least …….
A) 15 & 15
B) 7 & 7
C) 16 & 30
D) 15 & 7
E) 30 & 15
54) How many years practical experience is required for obtaining Overman's certificate, if candidate has diploma in mining engineering?
A) 2 years
B) 4 years
C) 6 years
D) 1 years
E) 5 years
55) Notice of abondanment shall be given when it is intended to abandon the mine for a period exceeding
A) 60
B) 30
C) 10
D) 20
E) 40
56) Permission for working vertically below any spot laying within a horizontal distance of 15m from either bank of a river or canal or from the boundary of a lake, tank or other surface reservoir shall be applied to
A) The Chief Inspector of Mines
B) Dy Director of Mines Safety
C) All of them
D) Dy. Director General of Mines Safety of the Zone
E) Regional Inspector of Mines
57) While dealing with a misfired shot the relieving hole shall be drilled in such a way that at no point shall it be nearer than cm from the misfired hole.
A) 30
B) 25
C) 15
D) 10
E) 20
58) Every mine plan prepared under the CMR, 2017 shall not necessarily
A) show the name of the owner
B) show the scale of the plan
C) be on a scale of 4000:1
D) show the name of the mine
E) show the purpose of the plan for which it is prepared
59) Accommodation of a Manager of a mine shall be situated within a distance from all openings of the mine
A) 6 km
B) 5 km
C) 10 km
D) 9 km
E) 7 km
60) The requirement of at least two outlets to surface shall not apply to any underground working for the sole purpose of searching for or proving minerals so long as not more than persons are employed belowground at any to one time
A) 40
B) 25
C) 30
D) 20
E) 50
61) The Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 shall apply to......
A) None of the above
B) Every coal mine, expect coal mine methane.
C) Every coal mine, except lignite.
D) Every coal mine
E) Every coal mine, expect disused working.
62) Minimum velocity required to pass at immediate out bye ventilation connection from face in degree II mine is
A) 30 m/min
B) 45m/min
C) 60m/min
D) None of the Options
E) 15 m/min
63) After an accident/dangerous occurrence in a mine, the owner or manger shall inform to Regional Inspector by telephone and shall give notice within ..... of such accident / occurance?
A) 72 hours
B) 24 hours
C) 48 hours
D) 36 hours
E) 12 hours
64) After obtaining permission for de-pillaring operations, the following step is to be taken
A) Post the conditions imposed in the notice board for a period of not less than 14 days in a legible conditions
B) None of the Options
C) Start the de-pillaring operations with an intimation to DGMS
D) Appraise all supervisory officials and other key personals with all the conditions, stipulated in the permission letter and implication of the same
E) Start the de-pillaring operations with out intimation to DGMS
65) Annual leave with wages shall be calculated for a person employed belowground on the basis of the rate of one day for every -----
A) 15days
B) None of these
C) 12days
D) 30days
E) 8days
66) A notice of construction of the water dam shall be send not less than?
A) 30 days
B) 7 days
C) All
D) 14 days
E) 60 days
67) Permission for extraction of Coal other than Bord & Pillar method is to be applied to
A) Dy. Director of Mines Safety
B) All the options
C) Regional Inspector of Mines
D) The Chief Inspector of Mines
E) Dy. Director General of Mines Safety of the Zone
68) Under Coal Mines Regulations 2017, Notice of Accident or dangerous occurrence in a mine shall be sent to------
A) Both A and B
B) District Magistratre
C) A, B and C all
D) Chief Inspector
E) Regional Inspector
69) Minimum age for having appointed as Manager of a coal mine is
A) 20
B) 21
C) 18
D) 19
E) 23
70) In a coal mine, permissible limit of respirable dust - concentration in milligram per cubic meter of air sample is
A) 2
B) 1.5
C) 3.5
D) 2.5
E) 3
71) The average concentration of respirable dust in mine atmosphere during each shift, to which person is exposed at any working is shall not exceed Where the free silica in air borne dust is or less.
A) 2 mg/m3 and 3%
B) 3 mg/m3 and 3%
C) 5 mg/m3 and 5%
D) 2 mg/m3 and 5%
E) 3 mg/m3 and 5%
72) Which of the following authority, shall provide for the safety and proper discipline of persons employed in the mine?
A) Owner
B) Agent
C) Manager
D) Owner, Agent or Manager
E) Owner, Agent and Manager
73) A jaw clutch is provided with
A) Direct rope haulage
B) Endless rope haulage
C) None
D) Tail rope haulage
E) Main & Tail rope haulage
74) The lighting voltage on the surface of a mine or in an open cast mine may be raised to 250 V, if the neutral or the midpoint of the system is connected with earth and the voltage between the phases does not exceed
A) 440 V
B) 110 V
C) 250 V
D) 1.1 KV
E) 125 V
75) In any mechanised mine having below ground workings, in which the aggregate horse power of all the machinery used exceeds an engineer holding a degree in mechanical engineering, shall be appointed to hold the charge of all mechanical equipment.
A) None of these
B) 3000HP
C) 1500 HP
D) 750 HP
E) 500 HP
76) Which one of the following cannot be detected by flame safety lamp?
A) Methane
B) All the options
C) Carbon dioxide
E) Black damp
77) The Board of mining examination shall consist of Chairman and members possessing degree in mining engineering & other qualifications.
A) 5
B) 7
C) 6
D) 4
E) 3
78) Elimination is the control process which reduces the hazard
A) 95 percent
B) 50 percent
C) 90 percent
D) 75 percent
E) None of the Options
79) No person shall be appoined as engineer for more than one mine except with the previous permission in writing of the
A) None of these
B) Agent
C) Chief inspector of mines
D) Owner
E) Manager
80) The effect of refraction in levelling work is an error which is
A) Divisive
B) Additive
C) multiplicative
D) None of the above
E) subtractive
81) The mine safety weeks are being organized in mines all over the country regularly since
A) 1963
B) 1961
C) 1960
D) none
E) 1962
82) The purity of oxygen for use in breathing apparatus shall be tested in such a manners as laid down in
A) Schedule IV
B) Schedule III
C) Schedule VI
D) Schedule V
E) Schedule VII
83) Guide rope of winding shaft should be replaced when the diameter of guide rope is reduced between of the original diameter
A) None of the Options
B) 10% and 15%
C) 12% and 15%
D) 10% and 12%
E) 15% and 17%
84) The effect of splitting the air in parallel is?
A) Overall resistance of mine decreases
B) Overall resistance of mine increases
C) Pressure produced by fan increases
D) All the options
E) pressure produced by fan decreases
85) As per the Mines Rules, 1955 what is the term of office of elected members of canteen managing committee
A) 4 years
B) 5 years
C) 2 years
D) one year
E) 3 years
86) Unless otherwise decided by chairman, all meetings of the Board shall be held at?
A) all of the above
B) Dhanbad
C) Nagpur
D) Kolkata
E) Delhi
87) Steep working is considered if
A) None of these
B) Working having inclination of 20 degree or mores
C) Working having inclination of 10 degree or mores
D) Working having inclination of 15 degree or mores
E) Working having inclination of 30 degree or mores
88) In third degree gassy mine the rate of emission of CH4 in general body of air is exceeds….m3/tonne of coal produced.
A) none
B) >10
C) >0.1
D) >1
E) >1 to <10
89) Standing order specifying action to be taken for withdrawal of persons in the event of stoppage of main mechanical ventilator shall be submitted by within days of installation of main mechanical ventilator
A) manager, 30 days
B) GM, 25 day
C) ventilation officer, 30 days
D) agent, 21 days
E) Safety officer, 21 days
90) Minimum standard of illumination in lux at underground haulage engine shall not be less than
A) 20H
B) 50H
C) 10H
D) 40H
E) 30H
91) A mine producing 1000 tonnes of coal per day and 40 persons working in the largest shift. Then the quantity of air passes in cub.m/min. shall not be less than
A) 2500 in middle ventilation connection in the district
B) 2400 in last ventilation connection in the district
C) 2500 in last ventilation connection in the district
D) 2400 in middle ventilation connection in the district
E) None of the Options
92) The protective footwear shall be supplied at intervals of at least...?
A) 2 years
B) 6 months
C) 1 year
D) 3 months
E) all
93) The owner or manager shall submit annual reports to District Magistrate and Chief Inspector on or before……… of every year?
A) 1st feb
B) 14th march
C) 20th may
D) 14th jan
E) 20th feb
94) At what size in micron the dust particles becomes air- borne
A) 100-200
B) 20 – 50
C) 50 - 100
D) <10
E) 10-20
95) Which of the following activities are not included as a function of Rescue Station
A) Imparting vocational training
B) Providing support during rescue & recovery
C) Carry out functions of rescue room
D) Imparting refresher training to rescue trained person
E) Imparting initial training in rescue & recovery
96) Risk Score is a product of
A) probability, exposure and consequence
B) Options A and B
C) probability, likelihood and consequence
D) likelihood and probability
E) None of the Options
97) Committee means a committee appointed under section……… Of the Act.
A) 14
B) 12
C) 13
D) 10
E) 11
98) While approaching within 60 m of water logged working, the height of the gallery in m should not exceed
A) 2
B) 2.6
C) None
D) 2.4
E) 3
99) In case of gassy mine of the Second degree, electric welding apparatus may be used underground only if permission is obtained from
A) None of these
D) Manager
E) Safety Officer
100) Manager shall examine and countersign all Reports, Registers and other Records as required under CMR, 2017:
A) himself
B) himself or may delegate some to Assistant Manager
C) himself or may deligate all to Assistant Manager
D) himself or may deligate all to Under Manager/Assistant Manager/Welfare Officer
E) himself or may deligate all to Safety Officer
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