No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) Cap lamp is a
A) Intrinsically safe apparatus
B) Neither intrinsical or flame proof apparatus
C) Flame proof aparatus
D) Partly intinsically safe apparatus
E) None of these
2) In an underground mine, when will you change transport system from rope haulage to belt conveyor_ .
A) None of the Options
B) When average production is enhanced from 300Te to 800te/day
C) Roof failures occur
D) Introduction of roadheader
E) Option A and B
3) Which fault is uncommon in coalfields
A) None of them
B) normal fault
C) reverse fault
D) step fault
E) trough fault
4) A fault in which the ends do not overlap and where the fault plane hades forward towards the displaced bed is called a
A) step fault
B) None of them
C) reverse fault
D) trough fault
E) normal fault
5) For a belowground mine with average output in excess of 2,500 tonnes, the minimum qualification of a manager is
A) None of them
B) A Second Class Manager’s Certificate .
C) A First Class Manager’s Certificate not restricted to opencast mines only
D) A Second Class Manager’s Certificate not restricted to opencast mines only
E) A First Class Manager’s Certificate .
6) Every plan or section prepared or submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 shall be on a scale having a representative factor of
A) None of them
B) 2000:1 only
C) 4000:1 only
D) 1000:1 only
E) 2000:1 or 1000:1
7) As per CMR 2017, width of the coal bench shall not be
A) None of the above
B) All of the above options
C) 3 times of the width of Dumper
D) less than height of bench
E) width of widest machine plying on the bench plus 2m
8) General Body of air does not include
A) None of them
B) Atmosphere in return airway
C) Atmosphere in roof cavities
D) Atmosphere in depillaring districts
E) Atmosphere in sealed off area
9) No person shall work or travel on any ledge or footpath less than meters wide, from where he is likely to fall more than 1.8 meters, unless he is protected by guard rails, fence or safety belt or rope suitably fixed and sufficiently strong to prevent him from falling.
A) 1.8
B) None of them
C) 2
D) 1.2
E) 1.5
10) Unused workings shall be inspected once in
A) 15 days
B) 30 days
C) 7 days
D) None of these
E) Daily
11) During electric shot-firing, the shot-firer shall use a well-insulated cable of sufficient length to permit him to take proper shelter and in case of belowground working sufficient to take two right angle turns of pillar, and in no case, shall this cable be less than meters in length
A) 50
B) 90
C) 60
D) 45
E) None of them
12) What would be the bord & pillar development gallery height in a coal seam of thickness varying from 3.4 to 4.2 m that is to be extracted to full seam thickness during depillaring?
A) 4.2 m
B) 2.8 m
C) 3.4 m
D) 3.0 m
E) 3.8 m
13) What should be the minimum width of haul road in an opencast mine deploying 4 m wide dumpers?
A) 12 m
B) 22 m
C) 17 m
D) 8 m
E) 10 m
14) Size of a bord & pillar panel/district in an underground coal mine with a given mining system primarily depends on
A) Incubation Period
B) Shaft Capacity
C) Dip of the Seam
D) Pillar Size
E) Depth of Working
15) For the purposes of securing adequate ventilation, the owner, agent and manager shall ensure that the wet bulb temperature in any working place does not exceed degrees centigrade, and where the wet bulb temperature exceeds 30.5 degrees centigrade.
A) 33.5
B) 30.5
C) 30
D) None of them
E) 32
16) Coward’s diagram is related to-
A) Mine Explosion
B) Mine Inundation
C) Mine Gas
D) Spontaneous Heating
E) Mine fire
17) AFC stands for
A) Automatic Flowing Carrier
B) Armoured Face Conveyor
C) Advanced Flexible Conveyor
D) Advanced Face Conveyor
E) Armoured Flexible Conveyor
18) To prevent the liberation and accumulation of dust and the propagation of airborne dust, in every belowground working, every working face and the floor, roof and sides of every roadway or airway within…… meters thereof shall be, unless naturally wet throughout, regularly washed down to prevent accumulation of dust and shall be kept thoroughly wet during the work shifts
A) None of them
B) 45
C) 60
D) 90
E) 24
19) The average powder factor in solid blasting in Indian underground coal mines vary from .
A) 4.1 to 5.0 t /Kg
B) 1.0 to 1.5 t /Kg
C) 6.0 to 7.0 t /Kg
D) 3.1 to 4.0 t / Kg
E) 2.0 to 3.0 t / Kg
20) Method of mining is dependent on
A) Thickness of the seam
B) depth of the seam
C) All of these
D) gas content of the seam
E) gradient of the seam
21) Height of underground gallery during development shall not exceed
A) 1.8m
B) 2.5m
C) 3.0m
D) 2.0m
E) 2.2m
22) Percussive drills are generally suited best for rocks of strength.
A) low to medium
B) medium to high
C) only high
D) only low
E) only medium
23) Sand:water ratio in stowing mixture with rise in hydraulic gradient.
A) leaks
B) decreases
C) remains same
D) increases
E) fluctuates
24) At every winding shaft, other than a shaft in the course of being sunk, the gap, both vertical and horizontal, between the protective roofing and the top of cage, when the cage is at the bottom of the shaft, shall not exceed centimeters
A) 25
B) 10
C) 15
D) 12
E) None of them
25) every entrance into a mine shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that its lowest point (which means the point at which a body of rising water on surface can enter the mine) shall be not less than meters above the highest flood level at the point.
A) 1.5
B) 1.2
C) None of them
D) 3
E) 1
26) For opencast mines, in which material handled per month is in excess of 20,000 cubic metre, the minimum qualification of a manager is
A) A Second Class Manager’s Certificate restricted to opencast mines only
B) A First Class Manager’s Certificate not restricted to opencast mines only
C) A First Class Manager’s Certificate restricted to opencast mines only
D) A Second Class Manager’s Certificate not restricted to opencast mines only
E) None of them
27) In every opencast coal mine, wherein the average material handled is up to and including 1 million cubic metre the manager shall be assisted by assistant managers.
A) None of them
B) Four
C) Six
D) Ten
E) Two
28) Unless otherwise permitted, the diameter of drum or sheave of the winding engine shall be at least
A) None of these
B) 110 times the diameter of the rope
C) 150 times the diameter of the rope
D) 120 times the diameter of the rope
E) 100 times the diameter of the rope
29) RMR is calculated on the following factor
A) Weatherablity and Ground water seepage
B) Layer thickness
C) Strength of the rock
D) Structural feautures
E) All of these
30) means such working in a mine where work has been temporarily stopped, but which are accessible and inculde unused working.
A) Disused Working
B) Discontinued Working
C) Unused Working
D) Accessibe Working
E) None of them
31) In every belowground mine consisting of gassy seams of first degree, the average output of which exceeds 5,000 tonnes or of second or third degree the average output of which exceeds tonnes, the manager shall be assisted in the work of supervising the maintenance of ventilation system of the mine in accordance with the provisions of these regulations by a ventilation officer
A) None of them
B) 6,000
C) 2,500
D) 5,000
E) 10,000
32) At every shaft, other than a shaft in the course of being sunk, where a winding engine is used for the purpose of lowering or raising persons, there shall be provided an effective automatic contrivance to prevent overspeeding and overwinding, hereinafter called the ‘Automatic Contrivance”, which shall prevent the descending cage from being landedat the pit bottom or other permanent landing at a speed exceeding meters per second
A) 2.4
B) 3.6
C) 1.5
D) 4.8
E) None of them
33) Process of underwater mining of sand, clay, tin and placer deposits of gold is known as
A) Dredging
B) Placer mining
C) Hydraulicking
D) None of the options
E) Leaching
34) At every shaft, including a shaft in the course of being sunk, where winding is effected by means of an engine, there shall be at least turns of the rope on the drum when the cage or other means of conveyance is at its lowest working point in the shaft
A) Three
B) Two
C) Five
D) Ten
E) None of them
35) Which of the following is added as sensitizers in explosive
B) NaCl
C) Charcoal
E) Gun Powder
36) The specific gravity of which coal is the highest?
A) Lignite
B) Bituminous coal
C) None of them
D) Peat
E) Anthracite
37) Isolation stoppings are whitewashed
A) to keep it cool
B) to detect cracks & to put serial numbers
C) to prevent leakage
D) None
E) To make it visible
38) Coal production in India is predominantly from
A) Blasting Gallery method
B) Surface mining
C) Bord and Pillar mining
D) In Situ Coal Gasification
E) Longwall mining with large panel size.
39) After every installation or recapping of a rope and every renewal or refitting of any suspension gear, the engineer or other competent person shall, after the cages or other means of conveyance fully loaded with materials have made
trips up and down the working portion of the shaft, examine the cappel and other parts of the suspension gear to see that they are in proper working order.
A) Five
B) None of them
C) Two
D) Six
E) Ten
40) A mechanical ventilator used belowground for improving the whole current of air passing along the intake or return airway of a mine or ventilating district.
A) Ventilating fan
B) Auxilliary fan
C) Booster fan
D) None of them
E) Underground fan
41) Which one is common coal face machine
A) Mechanical loaders
B) Drills
C) Coal cutting machines & drills
D) Coal cutting machines
E) All of these
42) Any place in a mine to which any person has lawful access is called
A) A mine which has submitted Notice of Opening to the DGMS
B) Working Place
C) Working
D) None of them
E) District
43) Stacker is commonly used to work in association with
A) All of the options
B) Dragline
C) Shovel
D) Bucket Wheel Excavator
E) Payloader
44) Voltage of hand held portable apparatus shall not exceed
A) 125V
B) 50V
C) 75V
D) 100V
E) 220V
45) Which of the following is not related to a belt conveyor?
A) Pre-start warning
B) Sequence control
C) Impeller
D) Emergey pull chord
E) Discharge Drum
46) If R is RMR, S is gallery span in metre, D is mean rock density in tonne/m3, then the Empirical Formula for Rock Load (RL) in tonne/m3 is given by the relation RL = x D (1.7 - 0.037 + 0.0002 )
A) R; S2; R3
B) S; R; S2
C) S; R; D
D) R2; D; R
E) S; R; R2
47) In Indian coal fields the area of roof exposure normally allowed during depillaring is .
A) 120-150 m2
B) 60- 90 m2
C) 200-300 m2
D) 150-200 m2
E) 90-120 m2
48) Where the shaft is more than metres, suitable arrangements by mechanical means shall be made for persons to descend and ascend so installed and maintained as to be constantly available for use.
A) 30
B) 50
C) 60
D) None of them
E) 100
49) Automatically operated fire detection and suppression system/device shall be mandatorily provided as per CMR 2017 for which of the following machine?
B) Belt conveyor in CHP
D) CM in underground
50) At what percentage of inflammable gas in general body of air electrical power shall be immediately dis connected from all cables & apparatus
A) >0.5
B) 1
C) >1.5
D) ≥1.25
E) >1
51) While extracting with caving on the rise side of the mine,
A) Surface cracks are to be filled up
B) Rows of pillars are left for protection of roadways leading to the dip side
C) All of these
D) Isolation stoppings shall be prepared
E) It shall be ensured that air ventilating the stoppings is directed to the main return
52) Velocity of air measured at 4.5 meters from any face whether working or discontinued on the intake side of the brattice or partition in third degree seam shall not be less meters per minute.
A) None of them
B) 24
C) 45
D) 36
E) 30
53) Who is a competent person?
A) All of these
B) Shot firer
C) Machine operator
D) Fitter
E) Electrician
54) In 3 m of immediate roof of an underground coal, bottom 2 m layer of fine grained sandstone has an RMR of 45 while upper 1 m of coarse grained sandstone has an RMR of 30. What will be the overall RMR of the immediate roof?
A) 60
B) 50
C) 40
D) 20
E) 30
55) Where two or more such seams or sections are worked in a mine, the pillars in one seam or section shall, as far as practicable, be vertically above or below the pillars in the other seam or section unless the strata are inclined at an angle of more than degrees from the horizontal
A) 25
B) 30
C) 35
D) 45
E) None of them
57) Which of the following machine eliminates drilling, blasting in opencast mines and has scope of selective mining?
A) Dragline
B) SBSH Drill
C) Dozer
D) Surface Continuous Miner
E) Shovel
58) Disadvantages of Bord and pillar method are
A) Strata control is not easy
B) % of extraction is less comparitive to L/W mining Ventilation is poor
C) Ventilation is poor
D) All of these
E) % of extraction is less comparitive to L/W mining
59) The maximum number of shots that a shot-firer may fire in any one shift shall be based on
A) The time normally required to prepare and fire a shot
B) Type of exploder being used: single shot or multi-shot
C) Use of ordinary detonator
D) All of them
E) The time required by the shot-firer to move between places where shots are fired
60) A Water-danger Plan shall show every source of water such as river, stream, water-course, reservoir, water-logged opencast working on the surface, and also the outline of all water-logged workings belowground lying within ...…meters of any part of the workings measured in any direction
A) 60
B) 100
C) 120
D) 150
E) None of them
61) While sealing off a goaved out panel, the last two opening shall be sealed
A) One after another
B) Intake side opening first
C) Both the openings simultaneously
D) All of these
E) Return side opening first
62) No haul road shall have a gradient steeper than
A) 1 in 14
B) 1 in 18
C) None of these
D) 1 in 10
E) 1 in 20
63) The point load strength index (Is) of a rock is 0.5 Kg/Cm2. What will be the approximate compressive strength of that rock?
A) 13 MPa
B) 7 Kg/Cm2
C) 11 Kg/Cm2
D) 14 MPa
E) 12 MPa
64) Probability of occurrence of pothole will be above underground coal mine workings.
A) high; shallow
B) high; very deep
C) high; deep
D) high; medium
E) low; shallow
65) At every shaft, including a shaft in the course of being sunk, where winding is effected by means of an engine,every engine shall be equipped with a reliable depth-indicator (in addition to any mark on the rope) showing to the winding engineman the position of the cage or other means of conveyance in the shaft, and an automatic device that will ring a bell in the engine room when the ascending cage or other means of conveyance is at a distance of not less than ……. revolutions of the drum from the top of the shaft
A) Ten
B) Five
C) Two
D) None of them
E) Three
66) Shale is not suitable as immediate roof in underground mining because __________________.
A) it has complex geological characteristics.
B) it gives no warning before falling
C) it gives bad sound while testing
D) it has high affinity to moisture and and departs from roof easily.
E) it can't be supported
67) Powered Supports used in mechanised longwall faces are of three types, namely , and
A) chock; shield; chock shield
B) chock; roof bolt; shield
C) prop; chock; roof bolt
D) prop; chock; shield
E) prop; chock; crossbar
68) Most widely used index for detecting the status of spontaneous combustion in mines is .
A) Ratio of CO and O2 deficiency
B) Ratio of CO2 and O2 deficiency
C) Ratio of CO2 and N2 deficiency
D) Absolute concentration of CO2
E) Absolute concentration of CO
69) In suspension gear, every detaching bell or plate used in connection with a safety-hook shall be examined, and the opening therein checked by calipers or gauges, once at least in every days
A) Fourteen
B) None of them
C) Thirty
D) Sixty
E) Seven
70) In every belowground mine, where the average monthly output of which exceeds tonnes or in every opencast mine the average monthly material handled of which exceeds 20,000 cubic metre, the manager shall be assisted in the work of promoting safe practices in the mine by a safety officer
A) None of them
B) 2500
C) 5000
D) 10000
E) 6000
71) A fault in which the older rocks are thrust over new one by lateral compression so that the ends of the broken strata overlap each other is called a
A) normal fault
B) trough fault
C) step fault
D) None of them
E) reverse fault
72) Permissible limit of CO by DGMS for indian coal mines is
A) 90 ppm
B) 150 ppm
C) 50 pmm
D) 100 ppm
E) 15 ppm
73) After 30 minutes of grouting minimum anchorage strength required for a rock bolt to be used in mine is .
A) 2.0 tons
B) 8 tons
C) 5.0 tons
D) 4.0 tons
E) 3.0 tons
74) A competent person shall examine all the equipment, material and arrangements provided for fire-fighting once at least in
A) seven days
B) fourteen days
C) six months
D) None of them
E) one month
75) During extraction of pillars, splitting or reduction of pillars or heightening of galleries shall not be done for a distance greater than
A) None of these
B) Length of two pillars including the pillar under extraction
C) Length of two rows of pillars ahead of the pillar under extraction
D) Length of two pillars ahead of the pillar under extraction
E) Length of one pillar ahead of the pillar under extraction
76) Is carried out additionally during control blasting for preventing fly rock.
A) Charging
B) Muffling
C) Dressing
D) Drillimg
E) Stemming
77) Duties of Sirdar do not include
A) None of them
B) ensuring that the manholes on the haulage roadways are kept safe, clear of any obstruction, and properly white- washed
C) ensuring that stability of benches is not endangered in opencast coal mines
D) ensuring that no inexperienced person is employed on any work except under the supervision of an experienced person
E) ensuring that the roof and sides of all traveling roadways and working places in his district are made and kept secure
78) Duties of Ventilation Officer do not include
A) regular visiting returns of working districts and old workings including fire stoppings, if necessary, for symptoms of spontaneous heating and fire and report to the manager forthwith any such symptoms observed by him and shall himself take such steps as may be immediately necessary for the safety of the workers
B) examining at frequent intervals all ventilation appliances like doors, brattices, air crossings, regulators, stoppings, booster and auxiliary fans, ventilation ductings and other devices of ventilation control in the mine and report any defect in the same to the manager
C) None of them
D) promoting safe practices generally and to lend active support to all measures intended for furthering the cause of safety in the mine and follow up measures for compliance to the recommendations of the Safety Committee and Workman’s Inspectors
E) checking the speed of main mechanical ventilator, amperage drawn by its electric motor, and fan drift water gauge at least once in a day and he shall investigate any unusual change in the water gauge and report to the manager
79) All cage chains in general use and all other parts of suspension gear between the rope and the cage or other means of conveyance, including the detaching-hook, shall be taken apart, cleaned and carefully examined as to wear and tear and for rust and crack, once at least in every months, or if necessary, at shorter intervals.
A) Two
B) None of them
C) Six
D) Four
E) Three
80) When it is intended to reopen a mine or seam after abandonment, closure or discontinuance for a period exceeding sixty days, the owner, agent or manager shall, not less than days before resumption of mining operations, give a Notice to the Chief Inspector, the Regional Inspector and to the District Magistrate.
A) Ninety
B) Fourteen
C) Sixty
D) Thirty
E) None of them
81) For the purposes of securing adequate ventilation, the owner, agent and manager shall ensure that the percentage of inflammable gas does not exceed 0.75 in the general body of the return air of any ventilating district and in any place in the mine.
A) 0.75
B) 1.25
C) 5.4
D) 4.8
E) None of them
82) Every part of a mine shall preferably be provided with at least ways affording means of egress to the surface.
A) Three
B) One
C) Two
D) Five
E) Four
83) For the purposes of securing adequate ventilation, the owner, agent and manager shall ensure that at every place in the mine where persons are required to work or pass, the air does not contain less than percent of oxygen or more than 0.5 percent of carbon dioxide or any noxious gas in quantity likely to affect the health of any person.
A) 19
B) 15
C) 17
D) 21
E) None of them
84) Main gate and tail gate are associated with .
A) Bord and pillar mining
B) None of the Options
C) Blasting gallery mining
D) Longwall mining
E) Thick seam mining
85) Every main mechanical ventilator in a mine shall be capable of producing adequate ventilation in the mine or part thereof, and shall be installed on the surface at a distance of not less than meters from the opening of the shaft or incline at any point.
A) None of them
B) 15
C) 12
D) 10
E) 9
86) The effective position of box cut for a deposit, where ratio of OB : Ore is least should be
A) At boundary of mineral deposit
B) At the middle of the boundary
C) At any place
D) At high seam solpe end
E) None of the options
87) A fracture in rocks usually associated with lateral or vertical displacement of fractured beds is called a
A) swilley
B) fault
C) roll
D) None of them
E) fold
88) At every shaft in the course of being sunk, where a winding engine is used, Where the shaft exceeds meters in depth, the bucket or other means of conveyance, when used for lowering or raising persons, shall be provided with sufficient cover overhead for protection from things falling down the shaft
A) 200
B) 150
C) 240
D) 50
E) None of them
89) Of the given factors, choose one parameter which is not true in case of depillaring with stowing.
A) Less Safety
B) Slow Production
C) High Humidity at Workplace
D) Low Productivity
E) High Mining Cost
90) At every shaft, other than a shaft in the course of being sunk, where a winding engine is used for the purpose of lowering or raising persons, in respect of every part of the winding installation, including pulleys or sheaves, cages, chains, distribution plates and detaching hooks, the following particulars is not required to be recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose, namely
A) specifications and dimensions
B) date of installation of each part
C) reference to every certificate supplied with the part
D) name of the manufacturer and the year of manufacture
E) schedule of maintenance and servicing
91) Every travelling roadway where the inclination exceeds degrees from the horizontal, shall be provided, in addition to the steps or ladders and rails or ropes, with suitable platforms at intervals not exceeding 10 meters measured along the slope.
A) 55
B) 45
C) None of them
D) 60
E) 30
92) A fault whose general direction or trend is parallel to the strike of the strata is called a
A) traverse fault
B) trough fault
C) step fault
D) None of them
E) strike fault
93) Which of the following prime charecteristics the nonel blasting has
A) It is noiseless
B) It has greater shock to surrounding
C) It has tremendous effect on explosive column
D) It is not suitable for a place where there is stray current
E) None of the options
94) During the extraction of pillars, no splitting or reduction of pillars or heightening of galleries shall be effected for a distance greater than the length of pillars ahead of the pillar that is being extracted or reduced.
A) four
B) one
C) None of them
D) two
E) three
95) All surface structures and supports within a horizontal distance of 10 meters from all entrances to a mine shall be of fireproof material
A) 15
B) 12
C) 10
D) None of them
E) 9
96) Pop shooting or plaster shooting is a type of
A) Muffling
B) All of the options
C) Primary blasting
D) Clay capping
E) Secondary blasting
97) Filling up the void in opencast mines is known as
A) OB removal
B) Trenching
C) Salvaging
D) All of the options
E) Reclamation
98) Which of the following attachment is used behind the set of ascending tubs
A) Safety catches
B) Backstay
C) Stop block
D) Drop war wick
E) All of these
99) Any spoil bank when exceeds 30m height, then what will be the overall slope?
A) 1 vertical to 1 horizontal
B) 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal
C) 1 vertical to 5 horizontal
D) 1 vertical to 2 horizontal
E) 1 vertical to 3 horizontal
100) At every shaft in the course of being sunk, where a winding engine is used, between the centre of the hole for attaching the detaching-hook to the rope shackle and the detaching bell or plate, when the bucket or other means of conveyance is at the top landing, there shall be a clear over-run space of not less than metres
A) 3.6
B) 12
C) None of them
D) 6
E) 4.8
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