No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) What would be the capacity of a flat belt conveyor in ton/ hour, if the bulk density of material is 0.8 t/m3, belt width is 1.0 m, angle of repose is 45o and velocity is 100 m/min?
A) 1200
B) 900
C) 1300
D) 1000
E) 1100
2) The point load strength index (Is) of a rock is 0.5 MPa. What will be the approximate compressive strength of that rock?
A) 14 MPa
B) 11 MPa
C) 10 MPa
D) 13 MPa
E) 12 MPa
3) For a surface mine, the scaled distance for safe ground vibration due to blasting is given by 25 m/kg 1/2. In order to protect a structure at a distance of 500 m from the blasting site, the maximum charge per delay shall not exceed .
A) 600 kg
B) 500 kg
C) 300 kg
D) 200 kg
E) 400 kg
4) The following data are provided for a surface mine :
Production Target -10,000 te/shift
Available hours per shift -6 hours
No. of working days in a year – 300 days
No. of shift per day-3 shift
The annual producton target in M Te is -------
A) 8.19
B) 5.76
C) 7
D) 10
E) 9
5) To ovoid freezing of NG explosive the chemical mixed is
E) gun cotton
6) Notice for proposal of exploration for methane from coal seam notice to be submitted to the Chief Inspector shall not less than_____months prior to the date of such exploration?
A) 15 days
B) 1 year
C) 30 days
D) 45 days
E) 6 months
7) While working with HEMM over underground workings, no person shall be allowed to remain belowground within what distance from the point of blasting measured in any direction in the same or adjacent mine
A) 45m
B) 100m
C) 200m
D) 300m
E) 150m
8) The coal carrying capacity of a trough belt of 1000mm wide at a speed of 30 m/min is around
A) 120 tph
B) 105 tph
C) 70 tph
D) 50 tph
E) 130 tph
9) For intentional flooding, notice of such intention or proposal to the Chief Inspector and the Regional Inspector before days.
A) 60 days
B) 30 days
C) 14 days
D) 45 days
E) 7 days
10) Which of the following features should be shown in water danger plan?
A) All of these
B) Highest Flood Level of the area
C) River, stream, water course, reservoir
D) Position of dyke, fault and geological disturbances
E) Surface contour lines
11) which is used for raising and lowering the rods of circular section
A) coolbarrel
B) sludger
C) retaining key
D) bulldog
E) Jaws
12) If the bench height is 10m, burden 4 m, specing 5m, sub-grade drilling 1m, explosive per hole 110 kg, density of rock 2500 kg/m3, then powderfactor will be
A) 6.5
B) 4.5
C) 5.5
D) 6
E) 5
13) The angle of slope of the bench wall from horizontal is called
A) bench slope angle
B) angle of draw
C) ultimate pit slope angle
D) none of them
E) critical angle
14) Bulk strength of explosive can be calculated by
A) VOD of Explosive
B) Detonating pressure x Density
C) VOD x Density
D) Weight strength x Density
E) Detonating pressure of explosive
15) Which certificate is mandatory for appointed as a shot-firer in opencast coal mines ?
A) Overman’s Certificate
B) Sirdar’s Certificate
C) First-aid Certificate
D) Manager’s Certificate
E) Gas-testing certificate
16) To get lumpy coal or to minimize the coal dust the blasting technique is adapated is
17) In a mine standard operating procedure is required for improving .
A) Safety
B) Efficiency
C) Option A and B
D) All of the above
E) production cost
18) A mining method should be developed and designed to economically mine a deposit of ore/mineral/fossil fuel taking care of ___,___and___ fulfilling production demand and statutory requirements.
A) safety; production; productivity
B) production; productivity; conservation
C) safety; conservation; productivity
D) conservation; safety; environment
E) safety; environment; production
19) Temperature increases with respect to increase in depth due to
A) Geomechanical gradient
B) Geostatic gradient
C) Geothermal gradient
D) Increase in rock density
E) Geochemical Gradient
20) operation of tracing the broken and lost parts in a borehole and withdrawing them to surface know as
A) Lining
B) drilling
C) boreholeservey
D) fishing borehole
E) wire line
21) Which is not correct to reduce dust formation
A) Sharp bits shall be used
B) water is to sprayed on haul road
C) All of these
D) wet drilling shall be done
E) dust respirator shall be provided
22) Which of the following is the oxidizing agent in an explosive ?
A) Aluminum Powder
B) Magnesium Carbonate
C) Sodium Nitrate
D) Charcol Powder
E) Ammonimum Nitrate
23) Construction of reservoir, water dam, etc. in any mines need prior notice from Regional Inspector before such intention.
A) 60 days
B) 30 days
C) 7 days
D) 45 days
E) 14 days
24) Respirable dust in a coal mine contains 4.5% fee silica. As per the CMR, 2017, the maximum allowable respirable dust concentration, in mg/cu.m, in the mine air is
A) 3
B) None of the above
C) 2
D) 2.5
E) 1.5
25) Function of snub pulley in the belt conveyor system is
A) Braking device
B) None of the above
C) Increasing the angle of wrap
D) Safety device
E) Cleaning device
26) Time dependent failure of rock is known as .
A) Hysteresis
B) Creep
C) Tensile Failure
D) Compressive Failure
E) Shear failure
27) Bore hole survey means - measurement of
A) Deviation
B) none of obove
C) study of core
D) time taken
E) Depth
28) The time study data of equipment deployed in a mine during a calendar month is given below:
Total working hours = 400,
Total maintenance hours = 100,
Total hours of actual work = 240
The percentge of utilization of the equipment is ----
A) 85
B) 60
C) 65
D) 75
E) 80
29) Out of below which tern is not related to opencast mine
A) Boxcut
B) Berm
C) Crest
D) Haighwall
E) None of the above
30) In case of manual opencast mine where any pillar is left ‘in situ’ for the purpose of measurement, its height shall _____ and where the height of such pillar exceeds 1.25 meters, the base of the pillar shall not be less than _____ meters in diameter.
A) None of the above.
B) not exceed 3.5 meters; 3.0
C) not exceed 4.5 meters; 3.5
D) not exceed 2.5 meters; 1.5
E) not exceeds 2.25 meters, 2.0
31) Burden is 25 to 35 times the .
A) Blasthole dia
B) Sub-grade drilling
C) Bench height
D) All the Options
E) Stemming height
32) To avoid vibration on conveyor belt, the rpm of the idler should not exceed
A) 600
B) 400
C) 100
D) 800
E) 200
33) Double tube core barrel is suitable for rocks of
A) soft and friable
B) Homegineous
C) Hard
D) none of them
E) Alluvium
34) In an opencast working, no tree, loose stone or debris shall be allowed to remain within a distance of
from the edge or side of the excavation.
A) 5 m
B) 9 m
C) 3 m
D) 7 m
E) 1 m
35) In opencast mine the height of the bench is 5 m. Then provide the suitable combination of excavation and trasportation.
A) bucket wheel excavator with belt conveyor
B) Both (A) & (B)
C) None of the above
D) shovel & dumper combination
E) surface continuous miner with dumper
36) In the hot strata, if the temperature of hole exceed degree farenheat, such hole shall not be charged.
A) 142
B) 176
C) 157
D) 80
E) 127
37) Which equipment in opencast mines are required to be fitted with Rear Vision Systems ?
A) Drill Machines
B) Excavators
C) Dumpers and tippers
D) Dragline
E) Dozers
38) A mine waste dump of pH 6.1 can be neutralized by adding .
A) Sulphuric acid
B) Calcium carbonate
C) Top soil
D) Sodium chloride
E) Nitric acid
39) If the spoil bank exceeding 30 metre in height shall be benched so that no bench exceeds 30 metre in height and the overall slope shall not exceed
A) 1 vertical to 2 horizontal.
B) 1 vertical to 2.4 horizontal.
C) 1 vertical to 1.8 horizontal.
D) 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal.
E) 1 vertical to 1.2 horizontal.
40) The current requied for the ignition or fused head is
A) 1 amps
B) 3.5 amps
C) 2.5 amps
D) 2 amps
E) 0.5 amps
41) Tensile strength of intact rocks is generally determined in the laboratory by____ Test.
A) Australian
B) Canadian
C) European
D) Dutch
E) Brazilian
42) Methane monitors shall be placed at every____ meters interval along the main pipeline in return air way or at closer interval if so required by the Regional Inspector.
A) 500
B) 100
C) 250
D) 750
E) 200
43) Break even stripping ratio is define as the
A) Ratio of OB removed in cubic meter to recoverable reserve in tone
B) Ratio of volume of OB removed to weight of recoverable reserve
C) Point beyond which mineral cannot be economicaly extracted
D) B & C
E) None of the above
44) VOD of large dia commercial explosives are found in the range of
A) 5.0 - 7.0 Km / Sec
B) 6.0 - 8.0 Km / Sec
C) 4.0 - 5.0 Km / Sec
D) 5.0 - 8.0 Km / Sec
E) 8.0 - 9.0 Km / Sec
45) Rock fragmentation in bench blasting is predominantly due to .
A) None of the Options
B) Tensile stress
C) Gas pressure
D) Shear stress
E) Compressive stress
46) No person shall be permitted to remain on the same bench where charging of holes with explosives is carried within a radius
A) 100m
B) 30m
C) 150m
D) 300m
E) 60m
47) The gradient of road is 1 in 16 , convert into degrees (θ) =
A) Cos -1 (1/16)
B) Tan -1 (1/16)
C) Sin -1 (1/16)
D) Sec -1 (1/16)
E) Cot -1 (1/16)
48) Limiting criteria for working coal seam by opencast method is
A) environmental issue
B) coal and overburden economical ratio
C) thickness of the seam
D) dip of the seam
E) O/B dumping
49) Which of the following features doesn't shown in water danger plan ?
A) Every source of water such
B) Position of dykes and faults
C) Travelling roadway
D) HFL area
E) RL of permanent bench mark
50) Which of the following process / action associated with Bucket Wheel Excavator ?
A) Reaming
B) Terracing
C) Wedge cut
D) Key cut
E) Fan cut
51) Match the following
Equipment Action/purpose
P. Dragline 1.Reaming
Q. Bucket wheel excavator 2.Key cut
R. Tunnel Boring Machine 3.Pulsating impact
S. Hydraulic monitor 4.Terracing
A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
B) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
D) None of the above
E) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3
52) Improved techique of removal of core during drilling with raising drill rods
A) wire line drilling
B) double tube core barrel
C) side coring
D) x ray drilling
E) hammering
53) Which of the following factor is considered for calculation of cycle time of of excavator ?
A) Swing factor
B) Powder factor
C) Swell factor
D) Bucket factor
E) Detonator factor
54) In opencast mine, shovel dumper combination is used for handling the overburden. The distance between the loading point and dumping point is 5 km. The speed of empty dumper is 25 km/hr while the speed of loaded dumper is 20 km/hr. So how much time is take
A) 30 min/cycle
B) 27 min/cycle
C) 20 min/cycle
D) 28 min/cycle
E) 25 min/cycle
55) In indian coal mies, the powder factor in solid blasting vary from .
A) 2.0 to 3.0 t /Kg
B) 1.0 to 1.5 t /Kg
C) 4.0 to 5.0 t /Kg
D) 3.0 to 4.0 t /Kg
E) 1.5 to 2.0 t /Kg
56) A 15 cum dragline works for 30 days @ 6 hrs per shift and 3 shifts a day. The cycle time , bucket fill factor and operating efficiency are 50 s, 0.85 and 75 % respectively. What will be the total volume in cum handled by the dragline in a month?
A) 371790 cum
B) 427860 cum
C) 351720 cum
D) 349970 cum
E) 45750 cum
57) Blasting operation in fire area shall be carried out under the direct supervision of
A) Mining Sirdar
B) Asst Manager
C) Any of these
D) Mining Sirdar & Overman
E) Overman
58) Min. std. of horizontal and vertical illumination in Lux at places where manual work is done in opencast coal mine are---respectively.
A) 15H,10V
B) 15H, 25V
C) 10H, 10V
D) 15H, 15V
E) 10H, 5V
59) NONEL helps in reducing .
A) Air vibration
B) Ground vibration
C) Fly rock
D) Explosive desensitization
E) None of the Options
60) Which firing pattern is not used in opencast blasting
A) None of the above
B) Staggered firing pattern
C) Sepentine firing paytytern
D) Square firing pattern
E) Burn cut firing pattern
61) In an opencast mine bench failure has occurred in which a triangular portion has come out. The type of failure is
A) linear failure
B) None of these
C) wedge failure
D) toppling up
E) curved failure
62) Which explosive may be issued for use or taken into or used in non-cartridge form ?
C) Slurry Explosive
D) Energel
E) Loquid oxygen
63) Calculate the total resistance for 10 numbers of electric delay detonator connected in parallel where the resistance of each detonator is 2 ohms and resistance of connecting wire and blast cable is 7 ohms and 2 ohms respectively?
A) 34 ohms
B) 29 ohms
C) 7.2 Ohms
D) 9.2 ohms
E) None of these
64) In the rock blasting the term "Impedence of medium" is the product of
A) Propagation velocity and density of medium
B) Wave pressure and poison ratio
C) Propagation velocity and poison ratio
D) Wave pressure and density of medium
E) None of the above
65) For a surface mine, the scaled distance for safe ground vibration due to blasting is given by 25m/kg1/2 . In order to protect a structure at a distance of 500 m from the blasting site, the maximum charge per delay shall not exceed .
A) 300 kg
B) 400 kg
C) 600 kg
D) 200 kg
E) 500 kg
66) Match the following blasting elements with the corresponding initiators.
Blasting elements Initiators
P. Electric detonator 1.Matchg stick
Q. Safety fuses 2.Booster
R. detonating fuses 3.Exploder
S. Non cap sensitive explosive 4.Ordinary detonator
A) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
B) P-2, Q-3, R-4 S-1
C) None of the above
D) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3
E) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
67) Permissible Peak Particle Velocity (ppv) at the foundation level of structures in mining areas depend on ownership of building, type of structure and .
A) Air Overpressure
B) Degree of Gassiness
C) Output per Man-Shift
D) Dominanat Excitation Frequency
E) Velocity of Detonation
68) In the context of surface mine development, a box cut is defined as .
A) The cut to extend haul road
B) None of the Options
C) Any cut which must look like an open box
D) The final cut to close the mine
E) The initial cut made to open a mine
69) A 10 m thick coal block is excavated by a contractor at a cost of Rs.40 per cu.m. The excavated area, measured in the mine plan, is found to be 50 sq.cm. If the mine plan has been drawn to a scale of 1:1000, the payment to be made to the contractor, in la
A) 23
B) 20
C) 25
D) 18
E) 26
70) The scrapers may be used in an operating surface mine practicing simultaneous backfilling and topsoil replacement. For handling the topsoil the scrapers should be ideally used for .
A) Only cutting and loading the topsoil
B) Only cutting (excavating) the topsoil
C) None of the Options
D) Only cutting, loading and transporting the topsoil
E) Cutting, loading, transporting and spreading the topsoil
71) Slope of spoil bank shall not exceed A gree from the horizontal. A is given be
A) 37.5
B) 39.5
C) 40.5
D) 42.5
E) 41.5
72) Shear strength of rock joint is NOT depended on
A) cohesion of the joint plane
B) None of the above
C) applied normal stress
D) applied shear stress
E) friction angle of the joint plane
73) The scale of the mine plans is generally required to be maintained on the scale of .
A) 1:3000
B) 1:3500
C) 1:2000
D) 1:5000
E) 1:2500
74) Which of the following factor is considered for calculation of cycle time of excavating machine?
A) Drill factor
B) None of the above
C) Bucket factor
D) Swell Factor
E) Swing Factor
75) Protodyakonov index is used to determine the
A) Tensil strength of rock
B) Specific gravity of rock
C) RQD of rock
D) Shear strength of rock
E) Hardness of rock
76) What would be the capacity of a flat belt conveyor in ton/ hour, if the bulk density of material is 0.8 t/m3, belt width is 1.0 m, angle of repose is 45° and velocity is 100 m/min?
A) 900
B) 1300
C) 1200
D) 1000
E) 1100
77) Bench failure is caused by
A) over-loading
B) linear tension
C) all of these
D) multi-directional tensions
E) two tensions in inclined directions
78) All corners and bends in the haul oads of an open-cast mine shall be made in such a way that vehicle operator have a clear view for a distance of not less than
A) 30m
B) 20m
C) 45m
D) 25m
E) 35m
79) Who will prepare the a standard manner of extraction of methane from an abandoned or closed mine or part thereof, or from a discontinued working of a mine or part thereof or from an existing working of a mine or part thereof ?
A) None of these
C) Consultant
E) Ministry of Coal
80) Blast casting is a technique in which
A) Coal strata is blasted
B) Ground vibration can be reduced
C) Rock fragmentation can be assessed
D) Explosive energy is used to blast over burden off the coal seam to spoil
E) None of the above
81) The holes charged with explosives but not blasted on the same day are known as
A) Contolled blasting
B) None of these
C) Waiting charges
D) Sleeping holes
E) Muffled holes
82) The contraventions pointing out during inspection of the Chief inspector or an Inspectors shall entered in a register and the copy thereof shall be displayed on notice board within day of the date of such entry for not less than .
A) 3; 14days
B) 1; 15days
C) 7; 7days
D) 14; two weeks
E) 10; 15 days
83) Strength of explosive is determined by
A) Ballistic mortar test
B) Triaxial compression test
C) Direct shear test
D) None of the above
E) Brazillian test
84) Match the following for a typical slurry explosive:
Chemical Purpose
P. Calcium nitrate 1.Cross linking agent
Q. Potassium dichromate 2.Gelling agent
R.TNT 3.Oxidiser
S. Starch 4.Fuel
A) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
B) None of the above
C) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
D) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
E) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
85) Approximate explosive charge per hole for a 150 mm dia hole, 4m stemming height in a 12 m high overburden bench immediately above the coal seam with ANFO as column charge is.
A) 310 kg
B) 110 kg
C) 210 kg
D) 175 kg
E) 160 kg
86) In case of an oxygen balance mix of an explosive, the release of energy on detonation is
A) Medium
B) Maximum
C) Average
D) Minimum
E) None of the other options
87) In this equation σt, represents
the____ of rock.
B) Shear Strength
C) Tensil Strength
E) Compressive Strength
88) Use of Nonel in surface connection is used basically to reduce
A) Fragmented particle size
B) None of the above
C) Noise
D) Powder factor
E) Detonation factor
89) Line drilling is one of the controlled blasting techniques; It involves
A) Single row of closely spaced charged hole along the neat excavation oine
B) Single row of closely spaced uncharged holes along the neat excavation line
C) None of the above
D) Single row of closely spaced buffer holes along the neat excavation line
E) Single row of closely spaced decoupled charged holes along the neat excavation line
90) For a delay blasting of 10 circuits a sequential timer is set on 25 ms between circuit initiations. If the nominal firing time of a detonator is 400 ms, the totals add on time in ms for 10 circuits will be
A) 500
B) 625
C) 400
D) 550
E) 650
91) Min. std. of Vertical illumination in Lux at work place of HEMM
A) 25
B) 5
C) 6.5
D) 5.5
E) 3.5
92) Burden for 57 mm hole in blasting gallery method is .
A) 2.5 m
B) 1 m
C) 1.5 m
D) 2.0 m
E) 3 m
93) Rotary drills are generally suited best for rocks of strength.
A) medium and low
B) medium and high
C) only low
D) only medium
E) only high
94) Percussive drilling is applicable upto maximum depth
A) 300
B) 200
C) 500
D) 1000
E) 700
95) A surface coal mine is worked by 10 m3 shovel – 85 tonne dumper combination. If the shovel bucket fill factor is 0.8, the material swell factor is 0.75 and the average in-situ sp.gr. of the material is 3.5 tonne/m3, the number of shovel bucket loads required to fill a dumper will be nearly
A) 6
B) 4
C) 5
D) 3
E) 7
96) VOD of standard PETN/TNT cast booster is
A) 2500-3500 m/s
B) 4500-5500 m/s
C) 5500-6500 m/s
D) 6500-7200 m/s
E) 3500-4500 m/s
97) A 15yd3 dragline is deployed in an overburden bench of an opencast mine. It works for 40 days at the rate of 6 hours per shift and 3 shifts a day. The cycle time, bucket fill factor, and operating efficiency of the dragline are respectively 50 s, 0.8, and 75%. The total volume of overburden in m3 handled by the dragline is (1yd3 = 0.765 m3).
A) 356918
B) 557685
C) 991440
D) None of the above
E) 634521
98) Match the follwing
Equipment Component
P. Scraper 1.Dribble belt
Q. Dragline 2.Dipper stick
R. Bucket wheel excavator 3.Fair lead
S. Rope shovels 4.Bowl
A) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3
B) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
C) None of the above
D) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3
E) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
99) A surface coal mine is worked by 12 m3 shovel – 100 tonne dumper combination. If the shovel bucket fill factor is 0.8, the material swell factor is 0.75 and the average in-situ sp.gr. of the material is 2.8 tonne/m3, the number of shovel bucket loads required to fill a dumper will be nearly
A) 7
B) 6
C) 4
D) 3
E) 5
100) Two basic system of leaching are chemical and
A) Physical
B) Bacterial
C) Mechanical
D) Electrolysis
E) Fungal
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