No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) Mohs hardness of Fluorite is
A) None of the above
B) 4
C) 5
D) 3
E) 2
2) Fill in the blanks. Rocks are called massive when bedding planes in them are more than apart, bedded when between , and flaggy when less than .
A) 2m, 75mm & 2m and 75mm respectively.
B) 1.2m, 75mm & 1.2m and 75mm respectively.
C) 3m, 50mm & 3m and 50mm respectively.
D) 1.2m, 50mm & 1.2m and 50mm respectively.
E) 1m, 75mm & 1m and 75mm respectively.
3) Which statement(s) about Ore is/are true
A) Ores are those minerals from which metal are extracted conveniently and profitably
B) all minerals are not ores but all ores are the minerals.
C) All A, B & C
D) Ore is natural rock or sediment that contains minerals
E) Both B & C
4) Which of the following(s) is/are not correct as per Mohs scale of hardness.
A) Quartz>Apatite>Calcite
B) Corundum Quartz
C) Only B & C
D) Gypsum
E) All the above
5) Identify, which is not the Base metal ore
A) None of these
B) Copper
C) Lead
D) Zinc
E) Tin
6) The tendency of a crystallized mineral to break along certain directions yielding more or less smooth, plane surfaces is
A) None of these
B) Hardness
C) Cleavage
D) Tenacity
E) Fracture
7) in case of improper stemming what will happen during firing of shot
A) blown out shot
B) blown through shot
C) none of these
D) socket
E) misfire
8) While selecting a tractor for ripping purpose it is necessary to considear
A) Tractor weight
B) all the above
C) only A & B
D) the tractor H.P.
E) the down pressure on the tooth
9) The parameter does not attribute to mine haul road design.
A) intersection
B) curve/super elevation
C) traffic pattern
D) fragmentation
E) grade
10) What is responsible for jointing of rocks?
A) Precipitation
B) Genesis and various forces acting on the rock
C) Genesis
D) none of these
E) Forces acting on the rock
11) Mohs hardness of Gypsum is
A) 6
B) none of the above
C) 5
D) 3
E) 4
12) Which of the following affect slope stability
A) blast induced ground vibration
B) ground water
C) only A & B
D) Thermal and electric conductivity of rock
E) all the above
13) Which statement(s) about Mineral is/are true
A) In large solid form, trace minerals can change the colour apperance of a mineral by reflecting the light in a certain way
B) streak is the colour of mineral in powdered form
C) streak shows the true colouer of the mineral
D) only A & B
E) all the above
14) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. the softer the overburden material, the higher may be the stripping ratio.
b. current stripping ratio is more than the average stripping ratio.
c. slope monitioring in the mine is done by scintific agency.
A) a-F, b-F, c-F
B) a-T, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-T, b-F, c-T
E) a-F, b-F, c-T
15) Geological Plans & seactions show the
A) distribution of rock formations and structures (e,g, faults and folds) at the Earth surface
B) physical and mechanical properties of rocks
C) physical properties of the roks
D) Profile of the earth surface
E) mineable reserve of the mine
16) Mohs hardness of Calcite
A) 2
B) none of the above
C) 3
D) 5
E) 4
17) Under indian conditions, the loading capacity of a good condition shovel with 2 cubic meter bucket capacity, well fragmented rock and two eight hours working shift per day is around
A) 1 to 1.5 lakh cubic meter
B) 2.5 to 3.0 lakh cubic meter
C) None of the above
D) 4.5 to 5.5 lakh cubic meter
E) 5.5 to 6.5 lakh cubic meter
![]() |
18) Identify
A) Apron Feeder
B) Vibratory Grizzly Feeder
C) Excavator chain assembly
D) Wobbler Feeder
E) Vibratory Feeder
19) Disadvantage of high benche inclues
A) grater need for angled blast holes in the front row of blast
B) Only A & B
C) high overbreak
D) difficulty in grade control
E) all the above
20) Match the following
a. jointed ground 1.angled blast holes,
b. high bench height 2.faster delay interval
c. alternate bands of hard & soft rock 3.deck charging
A) a-2, b-1, c-3
B) a-3, b-1, c-2
C) a-3, b-2, c-1
D) a-1, b-2, c-3
E) a-1, b-3, c-2
21) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. ripping should be done in the direction of scraper loading.
b. sound waves travel sub surface material at different speed.
c. Relative rippability of the rocks can be known with the help of an instrument known as Refraction Seismograph.
A) a-F, b-T, c-T
B) a-F, b-F, c-T
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-F, b-T, c-F
E) a-T, b-F, c-T
22) What are the “UNSAFE WORKING CONDITIONS” at Mines? Choose from the following.
A) Congestion in the workplace.
B) all are correct.
C) Narrow roads.
D) Defective tools or equipment.
E) Improper method of working.
23) The main purpose of Block modeling is to determine the
A) Grade of mineral in the block
B) Direction of fault plane in the block
C) Numbers of fault planes present in the block
D) Direction of dip in the block
E) Volume of ore body
24) factor(s) which play a great role in the stripping ratio calculation is/are
A) cost of stripping and extraction of ore
B) cost of ore dressing
C) all the above
D) only A & B
E) cost of transportation
25) what is sil?
A) igneous intrusion
B) Roof
C) patch deposit
D) Vein
E) Lode
26) Which of the following mineral(s) can be scrached by fingernail ?
A) Only A & D
B) Gypsum
C) Apatite
D) Fluorite
E) Talc
27) A 1.1m wide belt conveyor carries material of bulk density 1.35 t/cubic meter at a speed of 1.75m/sec. The average cross sectional area of material is W*W/11. Where W is the width of the belt in m. The carrying capacity of the conveyor in tph is
A) 1200
B) 936
C) 1000
D) 850
E) 1125
28) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. The working principle of jaw crushers is based on the reciprocating movement of the movable jaw that compresses and crushes the rock.
b. a 32 x 54 Jaw Crusher measures 32 across the width of the two jaw dies and 54 from jaw die to jaw die at the top opening.
c. Dodge jaw crusher has little tendecy to chock than Blake jaw crusher.
A) a-F, b-F, c-T
B) a-T, b-T, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-T, b-F, c-F
E) a-T, b-F, c-T
29) Which of the fact(s) is/are true with high bench height
A) over brake effects are more serious
B) None of these
C) all the above
D) drilling accurecy becomes more critical
E) blasted rock pile becomes too high to work safely
30) Hydraulic retarder in dumper
A) prevent it's tilting while unloading.
B) stop the vehicle if get uncontrolled
C) prevent it's speed from exceeding certain limits when travelling a steep down slope
D) None of the above
E) limit it's speed as fixed by the manager
31) Accuracy of the sampling largely depends on
A) geology of the ore body
B) only A & C
C) all tyhe above
D) number of sample collected from the source.
E) Grade of the ore body.
32) Minimum metal percentage, at which mining is profitable, is known as
A) Mill grade
B) None
C) Average grade
D) Cut off grade
E) Economical grade
33) Which of the following factor(s) need to be consideared for selecting proper ripping technique ?
A) only A & B
B) ripping direction
C) all the above
D) spacing between the passes
E) ripping speed
34) Degree of rippability mostly depends upon
A) specific gravity
B) degree of weathering
C) hardness
D) only A & B
E) all the above
35) The displacement of blocks created in the rock due to faulting take place in which direction ?
A) Inclined
B) Vertical
C) Any direction
D) none of these
E) Horizontal
36) The following data are provided for a surface mine Production target - 10,000 te/shift Available hours per shift - 6 hours No. of working days in a year - 300 days No. of shift per day - 3 shift
The annual producton target in M Te is -------
A) 8.19
B) 5.76
C) 7
D) 9.00
E) 10.00
37) Which of the following are the examples of an inadequately maintained haul road?
A) all above
B) Pot holes or washouts
C) Inadequate gradient
D) Bumps and muddy areas
E) Inadequate berms
38) The streak of Graphite is
A) Black
B) Greenish black
C) Brown grey
D) Grey
E) Brown
39) The most suitable equipment for smoothening the haul road is
A) Wheel Dozer
B) Road Roller
C) Ripper Dozer
D) Dozer
E) Grader
40) Hardness of human nail varies between
A) 0.5 to 1.5
B) None of these
C) 2.5 to 3.5
D) 3 to 4
E) 1.5 to 2.5
41) The quarriable reserves depends upon
A) None of the above
B) life of the mine
C) all the above
D) total reserve within the mine boundary
E) stripping ratio
42) While fixing the annual production target of a mine which of the following need to be considered
A) only A & B
B) production from neighbouring mine
C) permitted capacity of the mine
D) all the above
E) the demand of ore
43) For a surface mine, the scaled distance for safe ground vibration due to blasting is given by 25m/kg1/2 . In order to protect a structure at a distance of 500 m from the blasting site, the maximum charge per delay shall not exceed .
A) 600 kg
B) 500 kg
C) 300 kg
D) 400 kg
E) 200 kg
44) Match the following:-
Title Regulation No.
1. Notice of opening a.3
2. Notice of reopening b.10
3. Notice of disease c.7
4. Notice of discontimnuance d.6
A) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
B) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
C) 1-c, 2-b, 3-d, 4-a
D) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
E) None of the above
45) In which fault the hanging wall appears to have moved up with respect to the foot wall?
A) Hinge fault
B) Reverse fault
C) none of these
D) Strike-slip fault
E) Normal fault
46) The stress developed in the top layers of the rocks which disintegrate due to repeated variations in temperatures is
A) Bending stress
B) Shear stress
C) Tensile stress
D) Compressive stress
E) none of these
47) Which is the characteristic of Nonel blasting?
A) It has greater shock to the surrounding
B) Increase noise
C) It can not be used in a place where there is a chance of stray current
D) It is noiseless in character
E) It has tremendous effect on explosive column
48) Folds develop in which type of rock
A) Sedimentary rock
B) Sedimentary and metaphorpic rock
C) any type of rock
D) Metamorphic rock
E) Igneous rock
49) Identify the statement that does not hold good for rockbolts
A) Installation is easy and can be mechanised
B) Nominally affect the effective excavation dimension
C) Stabilises ground excavation
D) Can be recovered after mining
E) All of these
50) Which of the following(s) is/are true about mineral
A) Only A & B
B) it is naturally occuring, solid crystalline substance
C) it is homogenous
D) it has a specific chemical composition
E) all A, B & C
51) Diamond Drilling can be used to bore hole in
A) All Direction
B) Vertical Direction only
C) only vertical and horizontal direction
D) Horizontal Direction only
E) Incline direction only
52) Design of Horizontal and Vertical alignments, super-elevation, sight distance and grades, is worst affected by
A) C & D both
B) Speed of the vehicle
C) Length of the vehicle
D) Height of the vehicle
E) Width of the vehicle
53) mechanisms of ripping includes
A) crushing
B) loosening
C) ploughing
D) only A & C
E) all the above
54) objective of drilling & blasting operation at surface mines should be to achieve
A) reduction in overall mining costs
B) optimum fragmentation
C) minimum damage to the environment
D) only A & B
E) all the above
55) Mica is
A) Rigid
B) None of these
C) Elastic
D) Flexible and elastic
E) Flexible
56) What is the composition of ANFO
A) 6.25%-7% Fuel oil and 93.75% to 93% oxidizer
B) 5.5%-6% Fuel oil and 93.5% to 94% oxidizer
C) 6.75%-7% Fuel oil and 93.25% to 93% oxidizer
D) None
E) 6.5%-7% Fuel oil and 94.5% to 93% oxidizer
57) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. The objective of slope monitoring is to detect any instability well in advance.
b. if the failure in the slope is unavoidable then it can be brought down in a predictable mannare c- if the instability in slope is detected at a later stage then it will be easy to check the instability.
A) a-T, b-F, c-F
B) a-T, b-F, c-T
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-F, b-F, c-T
E) a-T, b-T, c-F
58) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. process of blending is desirable to achieve a constant feed comming to the process plant.
b. any measure taken to improve transport operation in the mine will substantially improve the economy of the mine.
c. overall quality of ore available to the consumers may be affected in earlier phase of opencast mining.
A) a-T, b-T, c-T
B) a-F, b-T, c-T
C) a-T, b-F, c-T
D) a-T, b-T, c-F
E) a-F, b-T, c-F
59) Which of the following material are best suitable for pneumatic stowing ?
A) only A & B
B) all the above
C) Sand
D) washery refuse
E) boiler ashes
60) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. Generally the individual bench slope is steeper than the overall slope angle
b. open pit lay out with two trenches, one for OB and one for mineral, is suitable if the mineral is at much depth.
c. stratified bedded deposits have a high degree of continuity and regularity.
A) a-T, b-T, c-T
B) a-T, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-F
D) a-T, b-F, c-T
E) a-F, b-F, c-T
61) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. open pit lay out with two trenches, one for OB and one for mineral, is suitable if the mineral is at much depth.
b. a spiral layout is an advantage in hill top deposit.
c. the layout of a quarry also depends on the surface topography.
A) a-F, b-T, c-F
B) a-T, b-T, c-T
C) a-T, b-T, c-F
D) a-F, b-F, c-T
E) a-F, b-T, c-T
62) A turbo charger is a device….
A) Driven by mechanical mean and used to force more air in the combustion chamber of the engine.
B) None of the above
C) Driven by exhaust gases and used to force more air in the combustion chamber of the engine.
D) All of the above
E) Either driven by mechanical mean or by exhaust gases and used to force more air in the combustion chamber of the engine.
63) In case of commercial blasting, energy released by a detonation results in the basic effects
A) Air blast
B) Ground vibration
C) Rock fragmentation
D) All of these
E) Rock displacement
64) The advantage of the Nonel system is/are
A) all the above
B) it is immune to misfires
C) only A & C
D) with use of it sound produced in blasting is decreased substantially.
E) it's resistance to accidental initiation by static electricity, stray current, radio transmission etc.
65) Match the following
a- hard and brittle ground 1-faster delay interval
b- delay in detonation 2-control ground vibration
c- large diameter blast holes 3-drilling & blasting is more economical
A) a-3, b-1, c-2
B) a-3, b-2, c-1
C) a-1, b-3, c-2
D) a-1, b-2, c-3
E) a-2, b-1, c-3
66) The sale value of chromite ore from an opencast pit mine is Rs.6500 per tonne. Coast of mining, excluding stripping cost, is Rs.2450 per tonne. If the cost of stripping is Rs.1150 per cu.m., hte Break even stripping ratio in cu.m/tonne is --
A) 4.25
B) 3.65
C) 3.52
D) 2.18
E) None of the above
67) which form is used for indenting of explosives
A) None of the above
B) RE 5
C) RE 3
D) RE 7
E) RE 11
68) Foliation is a primary structure of which type of rock?
A) Igneous rock
B) Metamorphic rock
C) none of these
D) Not associated with any rock
E) Sedimentary rock
69) In a shovel dumper fleet, the dump is situated 2 km from loading point, if the dumper speed is 26 km/hr in full haul how many dumpers will be required for an optimum condition. Assume fixed cycle time is 10 min/cycle, shovel productivity 950 metric ton/hr and dumper capacity is 95 metric ton.
A) 5
B) 6
C) 4
D) 7
E) 3
70) The material chosen for manufacture of ampoules for stemming should be
A) antistatic
B) All of these
C) resistant to wear by abrasion and to heat
D) adequately strong
E) non inflammable
71) Permissible Peak Particle Velocity (ppv) at the foundation level of structures in mining areas depend on ownership of building, type of structure and .
A) Output per Man-Shift
B) Dominanat Excitation Frequency
C) Air Overpressure
D) Degree of Gassiness
E) Velocity of Detonation
73) Drilling and charging parameters as follows. Bench height is 10m, burden-4m, spacing-5m, blast hole diameter- 150mm, explosive per hole-120kg , density of rock -3000kg/cubic meter. The powder factor in tonne per kg is............
A) None of the above
B) 4.5
C) 6
D) 5
E) 5.5
74) Calculate the powder factor from the following data: Hole Diameter - 165 mm,
Total hole depth - 10 m, B & S = 3 m & 4 m, Carging length - 7 m
Type of Expolosive:- ANFO, Density - 850 kg/cubic meter
A) 1.3 kg/cu.m.
B) 1.4 kg/cu.m.
C) 1.2 kg/cu.m.
D) None of the above
E) 1.06 kg/cu.m.
75) Match the folloiwng blasting elements with the corresponding initiators;
Blasting Elements Initiators
P. Electric detonator 1.Match stick
Q. Safety fuse 2.Booster
R. Detonating fuse 3.Exploder
S. Non cap-sensitive explosive 4.Ordinary detonator
A) None of the above
B) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
D) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
E) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3
76) In the Moh's scale of hardness, the minerals in increasing sequence of hardness are
A) Topaz,Gypsum,Calcite,Diamond
B) Diamond,Gypsum,Topaz,calcite
C) Calcite,Gypsum,Diamond,Topaz
D) Gypsum,calcite,Topaz,Diamond
E) Calcite,Gypsum,Topaz,Diamond
77) Ten detonators each having resistance of 1.0 ohm are connected in parallel. A 12 V exploder is connected to the detonators by two single-core cables of resistance 5 ohm each. The current in the circuit in ampere is
A) 1.2
B) 2.0
C) 1.8
D) 1.0
E) 1.5
78) Which of the following mineral(s) can be scrached by steel tool ?
A) both A & C
B) both A & B
C) Apatite
D) Quartz
E) Feldspar
79) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. shovel having dipper stick attachment to the bucket instead of cables is more suitable for hard digging.
b. Laminated and stratified rocks upto hardness 7 (seven) on Moh's scale are suitable for ripping by a ripper.
c. disadvantage of high bench may include high over break
A) a-T, b-F, c-T
B) a-T, b-T, c-T
C) a-F, b-F, c-T
D) a-F, b-F, c-F
E) a-T, b-F, c-F
80) Consider the following statements for a power shovel:
(i) Output can be increased by reducing the angle of swing for a given depth of cut.
(ii) For a given angle of swing, output will be maximum at optimum depth of cut.
(iii) output can be increased by keeping the depth of cut less than optimum depth,
(iv) output can be increased by increasing size of bucket.
A) (ii),(iii) and (iv) are correct
B) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
C) (ii) and (iv) are correct
D) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
E) (i) and (iv) are correct
81) Calculate the yield of drill macine/m in tonne from the following data:
Dia of hole : 115 mm
Type of material : Limestone (S.G.=2.5)
Burden & spacing : 3 m
A) None of the above
B) 26.5
C) 22.5
D) 40.5
E) 30.5
82) Match the following
Equipment -- Ore Thickness (meter) Action
P.Dragline 1.(6 --12) a.crowding
Q.Shovel 2.(30 --40) b.hoisting
R.Surface 3.(0.2 -- 0.4) c.cutting
A) P-1-b, Q-2-a, R-3-c
B) P-2-a, Q-1-b, E-3-c
C) None of these
D) P-2-b, R-1-a, Q-3-c
E) P-2-b, Q-1-a, R-3-c
83) Productivity of a mechanised opencast mine is best represented by
A) KWH consumption per tonne
B) output per manshift
C) profit per tonne
D) cost of production per tonne
E) all the above
84) In an open pit mine the market price of fresh copper is Rs.1000 per tone. The cost of mining as reported is as Rs.250 per tone. The cost of removal of waste rock is Rs.80 per tonne of waste. What will be the stripping ratio?
A) 3.68
B) 3.03
C) 20
D) None of the above
E) 9.39
85) Pick up the incorrect statement. The super elevation on road is:
A) Directly proportional to the width of the road
B) Inversely proportional to the acceleration due to gravity
C) Inversely proportional to the radius of curvature
D) A & B both
E) Directly proportional to the width
86) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. cost of removing overburedn goes up as the quarrying operation extend to the dip side of the property.
b. Safety Management Plan of a mine needs to be reviewed before deploying new combination of HEMM for overburden removal.
c. break even stripping ratio is constant and cant change.
A) a-T, b-F, c-T
B) a-T, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-F
D) a-F, b-F, c-T
E) a-T, b-T, c-T
87) Before selecting a suitable vibrating screen, which of the following technical parameter(s) of processing materials need to be known ?
A) all the above
B) only B & C
C) moisture content
D) material properties, such as corrosion, electrostatic etc
E) bulk density
88) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. if the instability in slope is detected at a later stage then it will be easy to check the instability.
b. royality cost does not affect the stripping ratio.
c. current stripping ratio is more than the average stripping ration.
A) a-F, b-T, c-F
B) a-F, b-F, c-T
C) a-T, b-F, c-F
D) a-F, b-F, c-F
E) a-T, b-F, c-T
89) Match the following
a.Jointed ground 1-Large diameter blast hole,
b.high bench height 2.control ground vibration,
c.drilling & blasting is more economical 3-faster delay
A) a-2, b-3, c-1
B) a-3, b-2, c-1
C) a-1, b-2, c-3
D) a-3, b-1, c-2
E) a-1, b-3, c-2
90) Toppling of benches is due to
A) Linear tension
B) Tension at two different direction
C) All of the above
D) tension in multiple direction
E) Overloading of benches
91) In the shovel dumper combination, 2 shovel and 10 dumper are assigned. The loading time of shovel is 5 m and the cycle time of dumper is 20 min. Calculate the match factor
A) 3.75
B) 0.93
C) None of the above
D) 3.35
E) 1.25
92) What will be the approximate carrying capacity of belt conveyorof 1200 mm width if load cross section area of the belt conveyor is 0.15 sq. m, belt speed is 2.5m/s and the bulk density of coal is 1.5 t/cum ? Consider a reducing factor due to 10 degree inclination of belt is 0.95.
A) 2100 tph
B) 1700 tph
C) 1900 tph
D) 2500 tph
E) 1500 tph
93) Which of the following(s) regarding ANFO is/are true
A) Best suitable for dry holes
B) all A, B & C
C) Only A & C
D) On decrease of fuel oil % below 5.7 in ANFO mixture, generation of nitrous fumes increases.
E) On increase of fuel oil % beyond 5.7 in ANFO mixture, generation of CO fumes increases.
94) Two basic system of leaching are chemical and
A) Physical
B) Fungal
C) Mechanical
D) Electrolysis
E) Bacterial
95) Wcich of the following(s) is/are correct as per Mohs scale of hardness.
A) Topaz Feldspar
B) Gypsum
C) Quartz>Apatite>Calcite
D) None of the above
E) only A & B
96) Identfy the true and false statement--
a. Safety Management Plan of a mine needs to be reviewed before adopting a new method of working
b. slope monitoring is carried out by scientific agency.
c. Risk assessment is a tool for optimal utilization of resources for improving the safety standard of a mine
A) a-T, b-T, c-F
B) a-T, b-T, c-T
C) a-T, b-F, c-T
D) a-F, b-T, c-T
E) a-T, b-F, c-F
97) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. Blake jaw crusher has little tendecy to chock than Dodge Jaw crusher.
b. A 32 x 54 Jaw Crusher measures 32 from jaw die to jaw die at the top opening and 54 across the width of the two jaw dies.
c. Jaw crusher is used for both primary and secondary crushing.
A) a-T, b-F, c-T
B) a-T, b-T, c-F
C) a-F, b-F, c-F
D) a-F, b-T, c-F
E) a-F, b-T, c-T
98) Fill in the blanks:-Where float or other similar deposit is worked manually, the face shall be benched & the sides shall be sloped at an angle of not less than degrees from the vertica
A) 60 and 7.5 respectively
B) 30 and 7.5 respectively
C) 45 and six respectively
D) 30 and six respectively
E) 60 and six respectively
99) The rock-mineral insoluble in water is
A) Rock salt
B) Gypsum
C) Calcite
D) none of these
E) Pyrite
100) Fill in the blanks..As long as the air over pressure produced by blast does not exceed , damage to structures is highly unlikely.
A) 150 dB
B) 120 dB
C) 170 dB
D) 160 dB
E) 140 dB
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