1) Which method is preferred to other mining
methods were ground surface is to be required to prevent from subsidence?
A) Block caving
B) Cut and fill method
C) sub level caving
D) Top slicing
E) None of these
2) Radius Rod is used for
A) Turning radius of road ways
B) Marking the shaft periphery while sinking
C) All the above
D) Mesuring the Radius of wheel
E) None of the above
3) LHD can run on
A) Ininclination upto 1 in 7
B) on stowed sand floor
C) drivage of height upto 2.5m
D) all the above
E) Hard floor
4) Hose pipe for loading the SMS/SME must
have -
A) None of the above
B) all the above
C) flexible properties
D) elastic properties
E) antistatic properties
5) The chemical formula of the magnetite is?
A) Fe3O4
B) FeO
C) Fe2O3
D) Fe2O4
E) FeCO3
6) Accuracy of the sampling largely depends
A) Grade of the ore body.
B) all the above
C) number of sample collected from the
D) only A & C
E) geology of the ore body
7) In hard rocks, to achieve good core
recovery the drill should be run at speed
and pressure
A) low, heavy
B) high, low
C) moderate, moderate
D) low, low
E) high, high
8) It is a carbonate rock which is compound
of calcium carbonate (Ca CO3) & Magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) is -
A) Gypsum
B) Limestone
C) Shale
D) Magnesite
E) Dolomite
9) What is responsible for jointing of rocks?
A) Precipitation
B) Forces acting on the rock
C) Genesis
D) Genesis and various forces acting on the
E) all the above
10) Minerals like Orthoclase and Felspar undergo
which method of chemical decomposition?
A) Reduction
B) Hydrolysis
C) Hydration
D) none of these
E) Oxidation
11) Systematic support rule is desinged based on
A) depth of deposit
B) method of extraction
C) Roof rock load density
D) all the above
E) width of gallery/drivage
12) In the Moh’s scale of hardness, the minerals
in increasing sequence of hardness are
A) gypsum, topaz, calcite, diamond
B) gypsum, calcite, topaz, diamond
C) topaz, gypsum, calcite, diamond
D) calcite, gypsum, topaz, diamond
E) calcite, gypsum, diamond, topaz
13) Which explosive is blasted by safety fuse?,
A) None of these
C) Gunpowder
E) Slurry
14) Identify the fact(s) which is/are related to
poor haul road on surface.
A) fuel consumption
B) life of tyre
C) all the above
D) productivity
E) only B & C
15) The resistance to stresses of rocks depend
A) Cohesive strength only
B) none of these
C) Cohesive strength and internal friction
D) Hardness
E) Internal friction only
16) Angle of dip is measured using which
A) none of these
B) Theodolite
C) Compass
D) Clinometer
E) Tacheometer
17) Support design in a drive is based on
A) None of these
B) life of the drive.
C) type of machinery, ventilation requirement
of the connected part of the mine,
D) type of rock through which the drive has
been excavated.
E) All of the above.
18) In a winz of size 2.8m x 1.8m, the density
of ore is 3.2 t/m3 and the average pull blast is 1.4m, then tonnage of ore
blasted/round will be -
A) 22.58
B) 20
C) none of these
D) 21
E) 22
19) The rock-mineral insoluble in water is
A) Calcite
B) Pyrite
C) none of these
D) Rock salt
E) Gypsum
20) Igneous rocks are classified as acid rocks
and basic rocks on the basis of which content
A) Pyrite
B) Magnetite
C) Heamatite
D) Silica
E) Bauxite
21) Which of the following statement(s) is/are
A) The loss of ore is more with shorter level
B) Short level interval is preffered if the
deposit has not been proved adequately during exploration stage.
C) Only C & D
D) The loss of ore is less with shorter level
E) Percentage of extraction has no relation
with the level interval
22) If the value of ore is Rs 600 / ton,
production cost excluding overburden removal cost is Rs 400 / ton and cost of
over burden removal is Rs 50 /m3, the break even stripping ratio in m3/ton is
A) 3:4
B) 1:4
C) 1:3
D) 4:1
E) 3:1
23) The delay interval betrween rows of hole
should be the delay interval
between the holes in a row
A) less than
B) equal to
C) more than
D) more than or equal to
E) less than or equal to
24) The streak of Pyrite is
A) Black
B) None of the above
C) Reddish
D) Cherry red
E) Yellow
25) The width of the ore body which can be
economically mined is:
A) Grady width.
B) none of these
C) Assay width.
D) Actual width.
E) Stopping width.
26) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. All slope failures occures suddenly.
b. first sign of instability in slope is
exhibited by the formation of tension cracks on the crest of the slope
c-accelerated rate of movement in the slope leads to failure.
A) a-T, b-T, c-T
B) a-F, b-T, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-F
D) a-T, b-F, c-T
E) a-F, b-T, c-T
27) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. Blake jaw crusher has little tendecy to
chock than Dodge Jaw crusher.
b. a 32 x 54 Jaw Crusher measures 32"
from jaw die to jaw die at the top opening and 54” across the width of the two
jaw dies
c. Jaw crusher is used for both primary and
secondary crushing.
A) a-F, b-T, c-F
B) a-T, b-T, c-F
C) a-F, b-F, c-F
D) a-F, b-T, c-T
E) a-T, b-F, c-T
28) In respect of dipper shovel
"crowding" means?
A) winging the bucket round
B) raising bucket to dumper height
C) Piercing the bucket into broken mineral
D) Leveling of floor
E) moving the shovel from one place to
29) What should be the condition for choosing
cut and fill stoping
A) economic is favourable
B) high extraction rate
C) weak H/W and F/W
D) ore body is srtong
E) all the above
30) Shorter level interval is prefered when
A) the deposite has not been proved
adequately during exploration stage.
B) All of the above
C) some of the orebody has been missed during
initial prospecting stage
D) None of the above
E) the deposit is irregular in dip, quality
and extent
31) Shrinkage stoping is suitable for ore body
A) steep dip, firm ore, thickness 3-12m,
comparatively strong H/W & F/W with irregular boundaries
B) Horizontal Flat dip, comparatively stable
H/W & ore, ore body up to 12m thick, bedded deposit
C) None of these
D) steeply as well as mildly dip, reasonably
firm ore, small as well as large ore body with irregular boundaries
E) irregular ore bodies of any shape, poor
rock conditions
32) Identify the true and false statement---
a. sand only can be used for pneumatic
b. very dry material is best suitable
for pneumatic stowing.
c. Of all the methods of stowing
mechanical stowing is the cheapest.
A) a-F, b-F, c-F
B) a-T, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-F, c-T
D) a-T, b-T, c-T
E) a-F, b-F, c-T
33) Identify true and false satement
a. Blasting by tapping current from electric
power lines is never practised in shaft sinking.
b. Spider in shaft sinking operation prevent
undue swinging of the bucket during its travel.
c. The core recovery process in conventional
drilling generally takes 75 to 90% of the total time spent on drilling.
A) a-T, b-F, c-T
B) a-F, b-F, c-F
C) a-F, b-F, c-T
D) a-T, b-F, c-F
E) a-F, b-T, c-F
34) Factors affecting slope stability are
A) slope geometry
B) only A & B
C) all the above
D) HEMM used in mining
E) method of mining
35) The charging and blasting of holes in Drop
raising is based on the method of
A) cast blasting
B) None of the above
C) Vertical Crater Retreat
D) upward raising
E) delay blasting
36) Identfy the true and false statement--
a. cut and fill mining is a versatile method
b. selective mining is not feasible in cut
and fill method
c. the disadvantage of shrinkage stoping is
that it is a cyclic operation.
A) a-F, b-F, c-T
B) a-F, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-F, c-F
D) a-F, b-T, c-T
E) a-T, b-T, c-F
37) Which of the following test may be used to
provide an indirect estimate of uniaxial compressive strength
A) none of these
B) displacement test
C) point load test
D) post peak test
E) servocontrolled test
38) Manual carrying of materials should not be
allowed along a road or footpath having an inclination of
--------------------degrees or more from the horizontal
A) 20
B) 30
C) 15
D) 25
E) 45
39) the outer layer of the Earth is called
A) None of the above
B) outer core
C) crust
D) Mantle
E) inner core
40) Match the following
a-jointed ground 1-Angled
blast holes,
b-high bench height 2-faster delay interval,
bands of hard & soft rock 3-deck
A) a-3, b-1, c-2
B) a-3, b-2, c-1
C) a-1, b-2, c-3
D) a-1, b-3, c-2
E) a-2, b-1, c-3
41) sand and water mixture delivery rate in
stowing is 360 cubic per hour. The ratio of sand:water is 1:1.5 by volume. What
is the volume sand stowed in cubic meter per hour
A) 170
B) none of the above
C) 144
D) 100
E) 120
42) Hardness of a Mineral is defined as
A) Ability to scratch other substance
B) Strength to withstand compression
C) Resistance to abrasion in its surface
D) all the above
E) only A & C
43) Inclined shaft with hoisting is prefered
A) For mining steeply inclined deposit
B) When exploration may be required during
shaft shinking
C) For mining moderately inclined deposit
D) For the purposes as mentioned in both A
& E
E) For achieving high production and long
44) is
the direction of extension of a deposit.
A) Apparent Dip
B) Actual Depth
C) True Dip
D) None of the above
E) Strike
45) Productivity of a highly mechanized mine
depends on .
A) Manpower availability
B) % Utilisation of equipment
C) % availability of equipment
D) % availability of equipment and %
Utilisation of equipment
E) % Utilisation of equipment and Manpower
46) Diamond drill is considered satisfactory for
obtaining reliable boreholes samples because -
A) It is more safe
B) It is more efficient
C) It is cheap
D) None of these
E) It can bore a hole for a long distance
& in any direction
47) If the bedded planes are separated by more
than 1.2 m apart then the rocks are said to be ?
A) Rubble
B) Flaggy
C) Fractured
D) Bedded
E) Massive
48) Geological Plans & seactions show the
A) physical properties of the roks
B) mineable reserve of the mine
C) both A & B
D) distribution of rock formations and
structures (e,g, faults and folds) at the Earth surface
E) physical and mechanical properties of
49) Hydraulic retarder in dumper
A) prevent it's tilting while unloading.
B) None of the above
C) prevent it's speed from exceeding certain
limits when travelling a steep down slope
D) limit it's speed as fixed by the manager
E) stop the vehicle if get uncontrolled
50) A fault that runs some angle between dip
& strike of the bed is called -
A) Oblique fault
B) wrench fault
C) Strike fault
D) Hinge fault
E) Horst
51) The layout of a quarry should depict
A) only A & B
B) Access to the benches and exit roads for
the dumpers
C) the position of overburden and mineral
D) all the above
E) position of back filled areas
52) The method of stoping best suited to low
grade deposits of horizontal to mild dip and of thickness upto 5m is---?
A) Breast stoping
B) None of these
C) Open stoping
D) Shrinkage stoping
E) Sublevel stoping
53) The material chosen for manufacture of
ampoules for stemming should be
A) All of these
B) adequately strong
C) resistant to wear by abrasion and to heat
D) antistatic
E) non inflammable
54) In soft rocks, to achieve good core necovery
the drill should be run at speed
and pressure
A) low, heavy
B) moderate, moderate
C) high, high
D) low, low
E) high, low
55) What is the purpose of lining the borehole?
A) To easy drilling operation,
B) To prevent water percolation
C) To prevent caving of sides
D) None of the above
E) For having finished walls of borehole
56) Identfy the true and false statement---
a. process of blending is desirable to
achieve a constant feed comming to the process plant.
b. any measure taken to improve transport
operation in the mine will substantially improve the economy of the mine.
c.overall quality of ore available to the consumers may be affected in earlier
phase of opencast mining.
A) a-T, b-T, c-F
B) a-T, b-F, c-T
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-F, b-T, c-F
E) a-F, b-T, c-T
57) Most prominent Disadvantage of Compartment
raising is
A) consumtion of large quantities of timber
and sluggish ventilation
B) Top end of the raise has to be travelled
through temporary ladder.
C) frequent repairing of the platform.
D) Labour intensive.
E) None of these
58) Identfy the true and false statement---
a. shovel having dipper stick attachment to
the bucket instead of cables is more suitable for hard digging.
b. Laminated and stratified rocks upto
hardness 7 (seven) on Moh's scale are suitable for ripping by a ripper.
c. disadvantage of high bench may include
high over break
A) a-T, b-F, c-F
B) a-F, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-F, c-T
D) a-T, b-T, c-T
E) a-F, b-F, c-T
59) Calculate the yield of drill machine per
meter in tone from the following data : Dia of hole - 115 mm Type of magterial
- Lime stone (S.G.-2.5) Burden and spacing - 3 m & 3 m
A) 22.5
B) 30.5
C) 40.5
D) 35.5
E) 26.5
60) It is an advantage to have levels at short
intervals if
A) the deposit has not been proved adequately
during exploration stage
B) the deposit is irregular in dip, quality
and extent
C) the ore body is thin
D) Only A, C & D
E) some of the ore body has been missed
during initial prospecting stage
61) Rserve staion is a place for
A) place for rescue
B) fresh air base
C) temproary rest shelter
D) place for temproary storage of exlposive
E) none of these
62) The streak of Magnetite is
A) Reddish
B) Metallic
C) Cherry red
D) None of the above
E) Black
63) Drilling and charging parameters as follows.
Bench height is 10m, burden-4m, spacing-5m, blast hole diameter- 150mm,
explosive per hole-120kg , density of rock -3000kg/cubic meter. The powder
factor in tonne per kg is............
A) 4.5
B) 5
C) 6
D) 5.5
E) None of the above
64) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. Shrinkage stoping is applicable in
comparatively stable hanging and foot wall.
b. shrinkage stoping is safer than sub level
c. the disadvantage of shrinkage stoping is
that it is a cyclic operation.
A) a-F, b-F, c-F
B) a-F, b-F, c-T
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-T, b-F, c-T
E) a-T, b-F, c-F
65) Arrange the designated hole sizes in diamond
drilling in increasing order of hole diamter -
66) Knowledge of Gelogy is important for mining
A) only A & C
B) it helps in search of mineral deposits
C) it helps in evalute possible mining sites
D) it guides mine engineers on the best way
to develop the mine over time.
E) All the above
67) Dilution is best controlled in
A) both A & B
B) both B & C
C) Block Caving
D) Cut & Fill stoping
E) Sub level stoping
68) Placer mining is suitable for
A) Precious metals
B) both C & D
C) Salt
D) Gemstones
E) Coal
69) Match the following
a-hard and brittle ground 1-faster
delay interval,
b-delay in detonation 2-control
ground vibration,
c-large diameter blast holes 3-drilling & blasting is more
A) a-3, b-2, c-1
B) a-2, b-1, c-3
C) a-3, b-1, c-2
D) a-1, b-3, c-2
E) a-1, b-2, c-3
70) Level interval in an underground mine is
decided based the following factors
A) life of each level.
B) None of these
C) mine ventilation system.
D) all of the above
71) Developement of the mine
A) only A & C
B) Enables mine planners to decide upon the
method of stopping
C) enables one to know the quality of mineral
and extent as well as shape, thickness and dip of ore body, nature of country
rock, strength of ore and wall rocks, nature and extent of overburden etc.
D) Provide access and transport facilities
for men, material and the excaveted minerals.
E) all A & B & C
72) The bench height is 6m, depth of the hole is
6.6 m (includes sub grade drilling), spacing is 4 m, burden is 5 m, the density
of the rock is 2, and explosive used is 24kg. Find the powder factor.
A) 12
B) 11
C) 10
D) None
E) 24
73) Which of the following is used in
manufacture of Sorel cement?
A) Quartzite
B) None of these
C) Magnesium
D) Dolomite
E) Fly ash
74) The only producer of diamond in India is
A) Rajasthan
B) None of these
C) Bihar
D) Madhya Pradesh
E) Orissa
75) Developement operations in a mine leasehold
is started
A) all the above
B) When the mineral is economic
C) When the mineral is economic and fund is
available with mine management
D) when there is proved ore deposit
E) if the feasiblity report promises mining
of the mineral deposits a safe and practical proposition with a reasonable
return on the investment.
76) Rock burst events can be facilitated by
A) only A & C
B) high stress concentrations
C) rapid energy release during roof breakage
D) all the above
E) significant accumulation of strain energy
in the rock mass
77) Least ground movement is possible in
A) Sub level stoping
B) Top sclicing
C) Room & Pillar stoping
D) Block Caving
E) Cut & Fill stoping
78) Identfy the true and false statement---
a. cost of removing overburedn goes up as the
quarrying operation extend to the dip side of the property.
b. Safety Management Plan of a mine needs to
be reviewed before deploying new combination of HEMM for overburden removal.
c. break even stripping ratio is constant and
cant change.
A) a-T, b-F, c-T
B) a-T, b-F, c-F
C) a-F, b-F, c-T
D) a-T, b-T, c-F
E) a-T, b-T, c-T
79) What is/are the important objective(s) of any blasting
A) to control blast induced ground vibration
B) Improved fill factor
C) All of above
D) Ensuring the safety of men and machine in
and around the blast site
E) good fragmentation
80) For industrial building (RCC & framed
structures),not belonging to owner of mine, the PPV on the ground adjacent to
structures at dominant excitation frequency <8Hz, shall not exceed mm/sec
A) 10
B) 25
C) 5
81) Fill in the blanks.
Rocks are called massive when bedding
planes in them are more than apart,
bedded when between , and flaggy when
less than .
A) 1.2m, 50mm & 1.2m and 50mm
B) 3m, 50mm & 3m and 50mm respectively.
C) 2m, 75mm & 2m and 75mm respectively.
D) 1.2m, 75mm & 1.2m and 75mm respectively.
E) 1m, 75mm & 1m and 75mm respectively.
82) Fold in which the limbs lie exactly one over
A) Isoclinal
B) Asymmetrical
C) none of these
D) Recumbent
E) Symmetrical
83) Which of the following(s) is/are not strata
monitoring instruments
A) none of these
B) Multi point bore hole extensometer
C) tape extensometer
D) stress cell
E) Tell tale
84) Which of the fact(s) regarding sublevel
caving is/are true
A) developement, production drilling and
loading are carried out in separate levels, continuously and independently of
each other.
B) the stopes are easy to ventilate
C) it is suitable for a high degree of
D) only A & B
E) only A & C
85) Gabro is ?
A) Metamorphic Rock
B) None of the above
C) Carbonate Rock
86) Which of the follwoing instrument(s) are
used for measuring bore hole deviation
A) tropari instrument
B) only A & C
C) clinometer compass
D) carlson compass
E) only A & B
87) Foliation is a primary structure of which
type of rock?
A) Igneous rock
B) Metamorphic rock
C) none of these
D) Sedimentary rock
E) Not associated with any rock
88) Identfy the true and false statement---
a. open pit lay out with two trenches, one
for OB and one for mineral, is suitable if the mineral is at much depth
b. a spiral layout is an advantage in hill
top deposit.
c. the layout of a quarry also depends on the
surface topography.
A) a-F, b-T, c-T
B) a-F, b-T, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-T
D) a-F, b-F, c-T
E) a-T, b-T, c-F
89) Which statement(s) about Mineral is/are true
A) streak shows the true colouer of the
B) only A & B
C) streak is the colour of mineral in
powdered form
D) In large solid form, trace minerals can
change the colour apperance of a mineral by reflecting the light in a certain
E) all the above
90) Which of the following mineral has white
streak ?
A) Calcite
B) Chalk
C) only A & B
D) Quartz
E) all the above
91) Identfy the true and false statement----
a. The objective of slope monitoring is to
detect any instability well in advance
b. If the failure in the slope is unavoidable
then it can be brought down in a predictable mannare
c. If the instability in slope is detected at
a later stage then it will be easy to check the instability.
A) a-F, b-F, c-T
B) a-T, b-F, c-F
C) a-T, b-T, c-F
D) a-T, b-T, c-T
E) a-T, b-F, c-T
92) Match the following
A. drop raising 1-Large
diameter blast hole,
B. delay in detonation 2-control
ground vibration,
C. drilling & bvlasting is more
economical 3-Spherical chrge
A) a-3, b-1, c-2
B) a-1, b-2, c-3
C) a-3, b-2, c-1
D) a-2, b-3, c-1
E) a-1, b-3, c-2
93) Which method(s) is/are consideared a form of
overhand stoping ?
A) Shrinkage Stoping
B) Rill stoping
C) only B & C
D) Sublevel Stoping
E) only A & B
94) Cementation method is carried out for shaft
sinking to achieve -
A) to reduce the inflow of ground water
B) to avoin flooding
C) to avoid sand boiling
D) all of these
E) to stabilize the collapsing ground
95) Which of the following(s) is/are true about
A) All- A, B & C
B) it is homogenous
C) it is naturally occuring, solid
crystalline substance
D) it has a specific chemical composition
E) Only A & B
96) For important haul roads the minimum factor
of safety of the slope is?
A) 1
B) None of these
C) 2
D) 2.5
E) 1.5
97) Identify true and false satement
a. All core size drilling is possible with
wire line coring equipment.
b. Wire line coring equipment is used for
drilling hole of AX and EX size only c.Rock roller bits used for rotary
drilling provide cores of the strata passed through.
A) a-F, b-T, c-F
B) a-F, b-F, c-T
C) a-T, b-F, c-F
D) a-T, b-F, c-T
E) a-F, b-F, c-F
98) Which of the following(s) is/are naturally
A) pyrite
B) Iron Ore
C) galena
D) limestone
E) both pyrite and galena
99) Which of the following is not true about
A) The strata are uparched
B) They are convex downwards
C) The limbs dip away from each other at the
D) They are convex upwards
E) Geologically older rocks occupy a position
in the interior of the fold
100) Circular Shaft is more prefered because
A) once development deepens, a circular
design becomes advantageous
B) all the above
C) The circular nature of the design provides
redistribution around the excavation due to the lateral pressures exhibited by
the host rock
D) Most mechanized equipment used in shaft sinking
is more suited to a round shape
E) only A & B
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