No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) Stulled stoping is applicable in a _______
A) thin, regular and low value mineral vein
B) thick, irregular and low value mineral vein
C) thick, regular and low value mineral vein
D) thin, regular and high value mineral vein
E) A & B
2) When stemming is insufficient then there is a chance of
A) misfires
B) excessive vibration
C) high powder factor
D) over breakage of strata
E) blown out shots
3) Choose the correct statement
STATEMENT 1- If the explosive strength is high then velocity of detonation will be high. STATEMENT 2- If the powder factor increases then blasting cost will also increase.
STATEMENT 3- Decking is the separation of column of explosives in the borehole
A) Only statement (3) is Correct
B) Only statement (2) is correct
C) Only statement (1) is Correct
D) Statement(1),Statement (2) & statement (3) are correct
E) Statement (1) & statement (3) are correct
4) When a fourth resistor is connected in series with three resistors, the total resistance increases by
A) 50percent
B) 25percent
C) 33percent
D) 67percent
E) 75percent
5) Ultimate Pit Limit of a Mine is not Related to
A) Value of the Mineral
B) Availability of Land
C) Profit
D) Pit Planning Facility
E) Blasting Parameter
6) Which three of the following information/documents are essential to be provided while applying for permission under 128(2)(a) of MMR, 1961 to approach within 60 metres of waterlogged workings
(1) Outlines of disused or abandoned workings proposed to approach.
(2) Outlines of workings proposed to be extended.
(3) Distance of proposed workings from outlet(s) of the mine.
(4) Height & width of the proposed workings.
(5) Two copies of plan showing required information.
A) 2,3,4
B) 2,4,5
C) 1,3,5
D) 1,2,3
E) 1,2,5
7) A diamond open pit is working at a depth of 500 meter from surface. The pit boundary can not be widened and the Kimberlitic ore extends up to a depth of 1000 m from the surface. The ultimate permitted pit slope is 56 degree. The most suitable technology for transport of Kimberlitic ore from the bottom benches is--
A) Pocket Conveyor
B) Pipe Conveyor
C) Sand Witch Conveyor
D) Conventional Conveyor
E) Areal Rope Way
8) Cut and fill method follows
A) Overhand method
B) None of these
C) caving method
D) Underhand method
E) Both A & B
9) If a shaft or winze is vertical and exceeds in depth, there shall be provided for each bucket or other means of conveyance a detaching hook
A) 50 metres
B) 30 meters
C) 60 metres
D) 40 metres
E) 45 metres
10) Biggest disadvantages for Open Raising is
A) lack of ventilation.
B) Frequent climbing up and down by ladder.
C) None of these
D) Workers are exposed under freshly blasted face. ,
E) damage of Pipes and ladders etc from blasting.
11) Match the following
Equipment Ore Thickness (meter) Action
(P) Dragline (1) (6 --12) (a) crowding
(Q) Shovel (2) (30 --40) (b) hoisting
(R) Surface Miner (3) (0.2 -- 0.4) (c) cutting
A) P-1-b, Q-2-a, R-3-c
B) P-2-b, Q-1-a, R-3-c
C) P-2-b, R-1-a, Q-3-c
D) P-2-a, Q-1-b, E-3-c
E) None of the above
12) If the ratio between compressive strength and tensile strength of rock is 10.0, friction angle of the rock in degrees is
A) 84.3
B) 25.4
C) 30
D) 5.7
E) 54.9
13) Which one of the following is not a mechanical property of rock?
A) Hardness
B) Porosity
C) Deformability
D) Strength
E) Elasticity
15) When rocks are deposited one above the other in uninterupted succession, they are saide to be . When thy are laid down upon the eroded surface of older strata, the two series of strata are said to be and the plane of contact between them is called
A) Beds, bedding plane, stalagmite
B) Beds, bedding plane, unconformable
C) Conformable, unconformable, unconformity
D) Unconformable, conformable, unformity
E) Bedding plane, unconformity, stalagmite
16) pillars are left for support of winzes and raises
A) Rib
B) Crown
C) Post
D) All of these
E) sill
17) What is the minimum distance of relieving hole that shall be placed to deal with misfired hole
A) 5cm
B) 20cm
C) 15cm
D) 30cm
E) 50cm
18) Examples of class 2 explosives are
A) relays, delay detonators, Detonator
B) Safety fuse, Igniter cord, connectors
C) Cordtex, detonating fuse, plastic igniter cord
D) Blasting gelatine, soligex, special gelatine
E) Aquadyne, ANFO, Energel
19) A high value mineral deposit exist at a height of 1000 MSL in Himalayan Range (an eco sensitive area). The best methodology of transporting mineral is
A) Dredging / Pipe Line
B) Areal Rope Way
C) Trucks
D) Conveyor Belt
E) Rail Road
20) In a mine 6 no of accidents took place in a year causing loss of 60 man days. Average daily employment in the mine during the year was 500 and mine worked for 300 days. What is the Severity index for this particular year for the mine?
A) 400
B) 4
C) 40
D) 44
E) 4000
21) Granite belongs to which mode of occurrence of igneous rock
A) A&C
B) Metamorhic
C) Hypabyssal
D) Plutonic
E) Volconic
22) In square set, post are members whereas caps and struts are members laid along the dip and strike direction respectively
A) weak, strong
B) horizontal, vertical
C) vertical, horizontal
D) long, small
E) thin, thick
23) Who floated the theory of plate Techtonics
A) Waganer
B) Mukherjee
C) Samson
D) Rutley
E) Alexendar
24) Properties of Emulsion Explosives is
A) It has high VOD
B) Excellent water resistance
C) Safety
D) A & B only
E) A, B, & C
25) Which is not a basic type of stress
A) Volumetric Stress
B) Shear Stress
C) None
D) Compressive Stess
E) Tensile stress
26) In case of cage / skip designed for friction winder, bell frame is used for
A) taking up the load of tail rope.
B) None of these
C) All of these
D) bell out the load from cage / skip.
E) bell mounting.
27) A 24m3 dragline is deployed in an O.B. bench of an opencast mine. It works for 50days at the rate of 7 hours per shift & 3 shifts a day. The cycle time ,bucket fill factor & operating efficiency of the dragline are respectively 50sec, 0.8 & 80percent. The total
A) 1161216
B) 1165168
C) 1261884
D) 1298750
E) 1524789
28) Decline is used for mine entry because
A) Decline allows deployment of heavy machineries in under ground
B) Decline provide more flexibility
C) All of these
D) Decline generates money return fast
E) None of these
30) A bucket wheel excavator with 20 bucket of capacity 0.5m3 each, rotates at 5 revolution per min. the bucket fill factor is 80percent. The excavator loads on the belt conveyor.What is the output in m3 per hour of the bucket wheel excavator?
A) 2659
B) 2978
C) 2000
D) 2400
E) 3875
31) If hole radius is 125mm, burden is 20 times hole diameter, spacing is 1.5 times the burden then the value of spacing is:
A) 5m
B) 6m
C) 12.5m
D) 10m
E) 3.75m
32) If the ore body is thick, rib pillars are left on both side of stope block and crown and sill pillars are left for subsequent extraction in later stage of mining. What is the method of stoping
A) sublevel caving
B) square set stoping
C) sublevel open stoping
D) breast stope
E) cut-&-fill stoping
33) Which of these takes part for hoisting bucket of dragline
A) Drag Couple
B) Hoist Coupler
C) Hoist Rope
D) Drag Rope
E) All of These
35) The longitudinal sub level caving is best suited for
A) Flat Ore Bodoes
B) B&C
C) A&C
D) Narrow ore bodies
E) Steeply dipping ore bodies
36) Destructive testing of roof bolts means
A) None
B) Testing of roof bolt till testing machine fails
C) Testing of roof bolt till it fails
D) Testing of the bolt till it breaks
E) Testing of roof bolt till strata fails
37) Rocks are weak I when subjected to which force
A) Tensile force
B) Compresive force
C) Shear Force
D) None
E) A,B&C
38) Ore grade for which revenue from the recoverable reserve exactly equals the cost of mining , processing and Caital is known as
A) None of These
B) Average Grade
C) Cut Off Grade
D) Liquidation Grade
E) Break Even Grade
39) Which of the following pairs is true
(1) Hitti- Gold,
(2) Donimalai- Iron,
(3) Rare earths- Manavalai kurchi
A) 1&2 only
B) 1 only
C) 3 only
D) 2 only
E) 1,2&3
40) In a mine, seven trucks are assigned to one shovel. If the shovel loading time per truck is 6 min and truck cycle time is 30 min, the Match Factor is
A) 1.4
B) 4.5
C) 2.9
D) 3.5
E) 4
41) where the shaft or winze is vertical and exceeds metres in depth, the bucket or lother means of conveyance, when used for lowering or raising persons, shall be provided with sufficient cover overhead for protection from things falling down the shaft
A) 50
B) 175
C) 150
D) 75
E) 100
42) Lateral entry from ore drive to ore body is called
A) Winze
B) None of these
C) Cross Cut
D) Audit
E) Raise
A) Congestion in the workplace.
B) Defective tools or equipment
C) Improper method of working
D) All of the above
E) Narrow roads
44) In square set, the posts, caps and strut are made up of
A) steel
B) fibre
C) Alluminium
D) precast- concrete
E) seasoned timber
45) Hook's law is applicable within
A) Plastic Limit
B) Fracture point
C) Load Area
D) Elastic limit
E) Bearing Area
46) In the case of multiple rope friction winder, the tension in the rope is distributed uniformly by
A) making the rope longer / shorter.
B) None of these
C) fulcrum
D) triangular plate equalizer
E) All of these.
47) High level of Mechanisation is not suitable for Shrinkage Stope because
A) None of these
B) Heavy Machines can not operate on broken moving muck
C) All of these
D) Maintenance of machine is not possible in stope.
E) Deposit can not be operated by mechanised method
48) Which component is not present in the dragline-
A) crowd pinion
B) Boom
C) Drag chain
D) A-frame
E) Bucket
49) which statement is true for sub level stoping
A) Sub levels are driven in between the haulage levels for making ring drilling and blasting operation from bottom to top sub levels.
B) The method is suitable for a regular mineral body having an uniform grade
C) Only (A) & (C)
D) In this method the main haulage levels are driven at an interval of 60 to 100 m.
E) All of these
50) It is an important constituent of granite and a chief constituent of sandstone where it occurs in broken form. Its hardness is 7 (Seven). Name the mineral.
A) Gypsum
B) Quartz
C) Orthoclase
D) Topaz
E) Magnetite
51) The demerits of shrinkage stoping is that ..
A) dilution of ore
B) blockage of huge amount of blasted ore
C) all of these
D) unsuitable for sulphide ore
E) less flexible
52) Match the following
Locations in a surface mine Pollutants affecting human health
P) Mine Pump 1) Heavy Metals,
Q) Workshop 2) Tricholloroethylene,
R) Roadways 3) Nitrogen Oxide
S) Crushing Plant 4) Silica and Quartz
A) P-2, Q-1 R-4, S-3,
B) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3,
C) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
D) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
E) P-4,Q-2, R-3, S-1
53) The process of extraction of soluble metal compounds by reaction with acid or basic solvents or water is called
A) Grinding
B) Hydraulicking
C) Placer mining
D) Dredging
E) Leaching
54) Vertical or steeply inclined ore body is suitable for-----
A) square set stoping
B) shrinkage stoping
C) Sublevel open stoping
D) cut and fill method
E) All of these
55) What is the extreme condition for which the head frame is designed?
A) Over loading of the cage / skip.
B) Searing of Rope due to over winding.
C) All of these.
D) Both Static Load and Dynamic Load to Head Frame .
E) None of these
56) While constructing a Parapet wall in an opencast mine, which of the following statements are correct:-
Statement (i) Width at top-not less than 1m.
Statement (ii) Width at bottom-not less than3 m.
Statement (iii) The height not less than the diameter of tyre of largest vehicle plying on road.
A) Only statement (i) is Correct
B) Only statement (i) & (iii)are Correct
C) Only statement (ii) & (iii)are Correct
D) Statements (i),(II) & (iii)are Correct
E) Only statement (i) & (ii) are Correct
57) Jora raise Method of raising involves
A) Equipment named Jora is used for raising.
B) None of these
C) All of these
D) A hoist to lift cage through a hole as platform.
E) It is a method of raising involving a pair of raise
58) In Manual Raise Excavation, man reaches the face of drilling by
A) None of these
B) Climbing through Ladder
C) By lifts
D) Hoisted by Buckets
E) All of these
59) One of the major reason for shank failure in ripping is
A) Operator backing up with tip in ground
B) None of these
C) Dozen hack shoes two wide
D) Downhill ripping
E) Material build up on shank nose
60) which statement is true mechanised sub level stoping
A) Cannot be used for sulphide ores
B) The ore body should be sufficiently wide to accommodate the jumb drill, LHD etc
C) (A) & (B)
D) All of these
E) The method is highly productive & economic
61) is deciding factor for explosive regarding the concentration of energy of a shot
A) Density
B) Volume
C) Porosity
D) Mass
E) Water resistance
62) Universal Blade (U - Blade) is used in the following machines
A) Front end Loader
B) Dozer
C) Crane
D) Shovel
E) Drill
63) Down the hill ripping is preferred over uphill due to following reason:-
A) To avoid operator turning while ripping
B) None of these.
C) To take advantage of machine weight & horsepower
64) If the shaft or winze exceeds metres in depth , there shall be a clear over- run space of not less than metres below the lower landing place
A) 300, 7.5
B) 100, 7
C) 200, 9
D) 150, 10
E) 250, 8
65) For drum winder, the winding rope has to be recapped once in a 6 months because
A) the rope inside the rope capel becomes rusted
B) Bond between the rope and rope capel becomes week with time.
C) End of the Rope entering the capel suffers the most shock.
D) water dripping along the rope makes the rope capel weak.
E) None of these
66) The time study data of an equipment developed in a mine during a calendar month is given below.Total working hours =400 total maintenance hours=100 total hours of actual work = 240 The percentage of utilization of the equipment is-
A) 70percent
B) 50percent
C) 60percent
D) 90percent
E) 80percent
67) Dragline eliminates the following operations in an opencast mine
A) Loading –Hauling-Transporting
B) Drilling -Blasting-Loading-Hauling-Transporting
C) Drilling-Blasting-Loading -Hauling-Transporting -Processing/ washing
D) Loading –Hauling
E) Loading -Hauling-Transporting-Processing/ washing
68) A dump and 3 benches (lifts) each having 15 m height and width of 22 m. If the angle of repose of dump material is 40 degrees, what is the overall slope angle of the dump in degrees
A) 25.6
B) 30
C) 28.5
D) 32.6
E) 20.8
69) Box cut in surface mining means
A) Cut to accommodate overburden
B) Initial cut to start a mine
C) None of these
D) Cut to make garland drainage
E) Cut to make road
70) What is the Iron Concentration for preparing Iron Ore Pellets
A) 63percent
B) 59percent
C) 55percent
D) 58percent
E) 60percent
71) A surface mine blast design has 10 holes in a row. The length of blast hole is 9m having a diamter of 200 mm.The spacing & burden are 6m and 5m respectively. The length of subgrade drilling is 1m and the density of rock is 2.5tonne/m3. Assuming no back break, find the output per blast in tonne if one row of holes is blasted
A) 7000
B) 5500
C) 6000
D) 6500
E) 5000
72) section is generally used for deep shafts for greater stability
A) Rhomboidal
B) Rectangular
C) Circular
D) Square
E) Elliptical
73) A dumper in a mine has a volumetric capacity of 7.65 m3. The specific gravity of the material it carries is 2.4 and the fill factor is 80percent. Weight of material it carries in tonne is
A) 13.1
B) 11.4
C) 14.7
D) 15.3
E) 12.7
74) In the case of over winding at full speed causing the snapping of winding rope, which is the weakest area likely to cause maximum damage to the head frame.
A) The base of vertical member of the head frame furthest from the winding room is the weakest area.
B) All of these.
C) None of these
D) Shaft of the Winding Rope pulley.
E) Base of the Back Stay member.
75) Which of the given minerals is ore of manganese?
A) Cryptomelane
B) All of these
C) Psilomelane
D) Braunite
E) Pyrolusite
76) Choose the Correct statement related to Diesel Shovel & electric shovel
STATEMENT 1- Cycle time of diesel shovel is more as compared to electric shovel.
STATEMENT 2- Utilization of power of diesel shovel is poor as compared to electric shovel. STATEMENT 3- Diesel shovel has poor digging characteristics as compare to electric shovel.
A) Statement (1) is True & statement (2) & (3) are false
B) Statement (1) & Statement (3) are true & statement (2) is false
C) Statement (1) & Statement (2) are false & statement (3) is true
D) Statement (1) & Statement (2) are true & statement (3) is false
E) Statement (2) & Statement (3) are true & statement (1) is false
77) Which of the following explosives has poor water resistance property
A) Emulsion
B) Slurry
C) NG based
E) Gun Powder
78) Which of the following reagents shares around 75percent in an explosive?
A) Coal
B) Combustible substances
C) Sensitizer
D) Explosive base
E) Oxidizing agent
79) Compartment raising has the following advantage
A) Climbing in the raise due to fixed stable ladder in the raise.
B) None of these
C) Blasted Muck can be loaded in to Tub.
D) All of these
E) Workers exposure under freshly blasted face is relatively low. ,
80) Mine Shaft Head Frame can be made of the following materials
A) All of these.
B) Steel.
C) Wood.
D) Reinforced Concrete
E) None of these
81) A shovel having bucket capacity of 5m3 operates in an iron ore mine with the following consideration- shovel cycle time = 30 sec utilization factor = 80percent bucket fill factor = 0.85 swell factor = 1.25 shovel operates: 2 shift per day working day per year is 350 Calculate yearly capacity of the shovel, if bulk density of material is 1.7t/m3.
A) 4256879t/year
B) 3546988t/year
C) 5478965t/year
D) 3107328t/year
E) 3623547t/year
82) When the shot is fired the explosive is thrown out of the shot hole without doing any useful work it is called
A) None of these
B) Misfire
C) Blown out shot
D) Blown through shot
E) Hang fire
83) In order to remove continuously waste parting of seams order of minor thickness selectively , the bucket wheel excavator adopts the method-
A) None of them
B) Lateral block Method
C) Half block method
D) Full block Method
E) A combination of full block method & half block method
84) When a shot hole is blasted at a quarry face, fracture of rock takes place
A) by compression shock wave
B) by gas pressure
C) both by tensile and compression waves
D) by shear waves
E) reflected tensile wave
85) Maximum number of shots that a blaster may fire short in a shift by a multishot exploder
A) 40
B) 140
C) 120
D) 80
E) 60
86) The feasibility study of an opencast mine revealed the following-Recoverable value per tonne of ore = Rs. 1000 Production cost per tonne of ore = Rs. 500 Stripping cost per tonne of waste = Rs. 50 The breakeven stripping ratio in m3/te will be
A) 25
B) 20
C) 10
D) 15
E) 30
87) Which of the following method of mining is not suitable for metal mining
A) sublevel stoping
B) Block caving
C) breast stopping
D) Room and Pillar Stoping
E) long wall mining
88) Raising difficult work in Metal Mine because
A) inadequate ventilation,
B) all of the these.
C) None of these
D) Frequent climbing up and down by ladder.
E) chances of falling rock from top.
89) is the portion of the processed ore which is too poor to be treated further for recovery of values.
A) Calibrated Ore
B) Lump Ore
C) Fine Ore
D) Tailing
E) Option A and Option D
90) The base charge of electric detonator is
E) Gun powder
92) This is one of the cheapest and rapid sampling methods used to determining moisture percentage
A) None of these
B) grab sampling
C) table sampling
D) assay sampling
E) coning and quartering
93) Detaching hook is used with cage for drum winding system so that
A) To control automatic movement
B) None of these
C) cage can be detached for winding rope easily for repair and maintenance.
D) cage can get detached from rope in case of over winding.
E) extra load can be detached when ever required.
94) Which of the following rock is most suitable for ripping:-
A) Metamorphics
B) All three (A), (B) & (C)
C) Igneous
D) A & C
E) Sedimentary
95) Flash back arrestor should be provided for .
A) Weigh bridge
B) Option A and Option C
C) Gas welding/ cutting set
D) Compressor
E) Generator
96) Roof fall accidents can be minimised by
A) proper supply of suppot
B) implimentation of support rule
C) formulation of SSR
D) minimising entry of man power
E) all of these
97) in Shaft Sinking, full Bottom Drill method provides the advantages of
A) None of these
B) Fast Cycle Time
C) Use of Sinking Jumbo
D) Longer Drill round
E) All of these
98) In vertical Shaft with multiple landing, the landing intervals are decided by
A) Selection Machinery
B) Depth of the Shaft
C) All of these
D) None of these
E) Mine Winder Type
99) UNFC Code for Proved mineral reserve is
A) 111
B) 122
C) 333
D) 211
E) 311
100) Various drilling patterns developed for blasting solid rock faces are
A) Burn cut
B) Drag cut and Fan cut
C) Pyramid or Diamond cut
D) All of the above
E) Wedge cut or V cut
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