No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) Personal risk assessment procedure advised by Circular No.2 of 2014 ensures that
A) All work activities are to be given a final check to identify and control any potential hazards that may have not already been addressed prior to commencement of activities
B) Checks after the work is complete whether all the measures used for control of hazards are taken up or not
C) None of the options
D) Persons learn about safety management System
E) Persons learn about risk assessment
2) When a person received an electrical shock, the first thing to do is ---
A) Cover all burns with a dry loose dressing.
B) Call the Ambulance
C) Place the victim on one side with the head down.
D) Make sure the power is turned off
E) Ask a bystander to help you move the victim.
3) People who work in a Human Resource Department should have Knowledge of......
B) Finance
C) All the options
D) Organisational Behaviour
E) Marketing
4) The Chief Inspector and any Inspector may, with a reason to believe that an offence under this Act has been or is being committed, they can search or seize any material or evidence
A) As per the provisions of the Mines Act only,
B) As per the provisions of the Metalliferous Mines Regulations only,
C) As per the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973,
D) As per the provisions of local police act,
E) They cannot seize any material but can only request for it in writing,
5) Personnel man must be a person who must have the following skill
A) Human relation skill
B) Sensibility
C) Conceptual skill
D) None of the options
E) Options A, B and C
6) which option is correct ? If a project costs Rs 400,000 and is expected to yield an annual income of Rs 80,000 then 'Pay-out' period is :
A) 3 years
B) 6 years
C) 5 Years
D) 2 years
E) 4 years
7) Work study consists of
A) None of the options
B) Evaluation of human work
C) Effective use of plant and equipment
D) Options A, B and C
E) Effective use of human effort
8) Carriage Inward is normally debited to
A) Marketing Account
B) None of the options
C) Manufacturing Account
D) Options A, B & C
E) Profit and Loss account
9) Which colour codes are used in Risk Calculator to depict risk levels
A) White, red, yellow & green
B) White, red & green
C) Red, orange, blue & yellow
D) Red, blue & green
E) Red, orange, yellow & green
10) The medical appliances in respect of provisions to be made under section 21 are detailed in
A) Mines Regulations
B) Mine first aid rules
C) Mines rules
D) Pit head bath rules
E) In circulars
11) For computing any notice period to be given a person
A) None of the options
B) The un-availed leave of a person shall not be taken into consideration
C) Any of the above
D) Full un-availed leave of a person can be taken into consideration
E) 50% of the un-availed leave of a person can be taken into consideration
12) The limitation of hours of work above ground is ................
A) 48 hrs per week.
B) 9 hrs per day
C) 9 hrs per day or 54 hrs per week.
D) 8 hrs per day or 48 hrs per week.
E) 9 hrs per day or 48 hrs per week.
13) As per Section 34, if a person worked in any other mine within the preceding_____ hours, he shall not be allowed to work
A) 12
B) 10
C) 16
D) 8
E) 18
14) Net working capital refers to
A) Current assets minus current liabilities
B) Total assets minus current assets
C) Current assets minus fixed liabilities
D) Current assets
E) Total assets minus fixed assets
15) The pressure head created by the ‘Phreatic surface’ is
A) 1.5 atm
B) 0.5 atm
C) 1 atm
D) 1.3 atm
E) Zero
16) A future target or end result that an organization wishes to achieve
A) all the options
B) Mission
C) Goal
D) Purpose
E) Vision
17) In today’s scenario, financial management is mandatory for any organization as it helps in
A) all the options
B) Maintaining cash flow
C) Capital budgeting
D) Shaping out dividend policies for shareholders
E) Profit maximization
18) Which of the following statements is/are true in respect of the decision taken by the committee constituted under section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952:
(a) All questions referred to a meeting of the committee shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on that question member.
(b) In case of an equal division of votes or opinions, the chairmen shall exercise an additional vote.
(c) Any member disagreeing with the decision of the committee cannot enter a note of dissent to form the part of the report.
A) (b) only
B) (a),(b) & (c)
C) (a) & (b) only
D) (a) only
E) (c) only
19) A breakage, fracture of failure of any essential part of any machine or apparatus has happened, whereby the safety of persons may be endangered. The owner, agent or manager shall forthwith inform about the occurrence within --------Hours of every such occurrence and give notice thereof in____ of First Schedule as per MMR, 1961.
A) 12, Form IV-B
B) Immediate -Form-IVA
C) 24, Form IV-A
D) 12, Form IV-A
E) 24, Form IV-B
20) The forecasting techniques used for material planning is/are
1. Product requirement
2. Trend analysis
3. Correlation
A) 3
B) 2 & 3
C) 2
D) 1 & 3
E) 1
21) The Duties of Certifying Surgeons are prescribed in Rule.__of the Mines Rules 1955
A) 22
B) 24
C) 23
D) 21
E) 25
22) "Committee" is
A) Constituted under section 12 of The Mines Act, 1952
B) Constituted under section 17 of The Mines Act, 1952
C) Constituted under section 13 of The Mines Act, 1952
D) All the options
E) Constituted under section 14 of The Mines Act, 1952
23) Reportable injury means any injury which involves the enforced absence of the injured person from work for a period of .
A) 24 hours
B) 72 hours or less
C) 72 hours or more
D) 72 hours
E) 36 hours
24) The techniques to determine the uniaxial compressive strength and deformability of rock material are given by
25) As per Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014 points like impact, entanglement, piercing, crushing, suction, abrasion etc, are covered under
A) None of the above
B) Frictional aspects
C) Metal to metal aspects
D) Dynamic aspects
E) Mechanical aspects
26) In the mines of kankar, murrum, gravel, ordinary sand, ordinary clay, building stone, road metal, provisions of Mines Act shall not apply under certain conditions. One of the conditions to be existent for the Act not to apply is
A) More than 40 persons shall not be employed,
B) More than 50 persons shall not be employed,
C) More than 35 persons shall not be employed,
D) More than 30 persons shall not be employed,
E) More than 20 persons shall not be employed,
27) The process of forecasting is based on
A) Past performance
B) all the options
C) Current analysis
D) Environmental conditions
E) Future trends
28) Delay in a process occurs when
A) None of the options
B) someone stops the process
C) Someone takes late delivery intentionally
D) Options A & B
E) product wait for next event (operation)
29) Whenever a person return to employment in opencast working in a mine, after an absence from work for a period exceeding , he shall undergo refresher training.
A) five year
B) two year
C) one month
D) none of the options
E) one year
30) Risk assessment is possible by:-
A) Identification of Hazards
B) None of the options
C) Estimating degree of Hazards
D) Measurement of Hazards
E) All the three options
31) The width of the ore body which can be economically mined is:
A) Stopping width
B) Grady width.
C) None of the above
D) Assay width.
E) Actual width.
32) Coning and quartering is:
A) A mining method employed in unconsolidated ground.
B) A method employed for obtaining a laboratory sample from the field sample.
C) A mining method employed for the diamond mining.
D) None of the above
E) A cutting and filling method employed in underground mining.
33) Joint survey is a survey done jointly by the management of .....................
A) Two adjacent mines
B) option A & B
C) Group of mines
D) Individual mines
E) None of the options
34) Which of the following operations or places are included in the definition of mine
A) Aerial ropeways
B) Crude conditioning plants,
C) Bore holes,
D) Options A, B and C
E) None of the options
35) Operators' seat in HEMM should be____designed to have adequate comfort while driving.
A) Scientifically
B) Ergonomically
C) Options A and B
D) Technically
E) Manually
36) If any employee contacts a notified occupational disease, the mine management shall give notice to RIM in Form:-
B) V
D) I
37) Effective drainage system both inside and outside the OB dump reduces the ground water pressures
A) In the dump rock above phreatic surface
B) In the water table zone
C) In the dump rock as a whole
D) in the catchment area
E) In the dump rock below phreatic surface
38) Vocational training rules are framed in?
A) 1952
B) 1976
C) 1946
D) 1966
E) 1956
39) Which of the following statements in relation to sustainable development is not true ?
A) Sustainability has the main objective of purely focussing on the natural environment.
B) All the options
C) Sustainable Development not only considers the protection of the environment but also the maintenance of economic viability as well as the social and ethical considerations.
D) Sustainable Development of the entire world is the only solution left with mankind to survive for a longer period on earth.
E) Sustainable development is defined as the development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of our future generations to meet their needs.
40) The notice to be given under section 25, when any person
A) Loses his limb or phalange
B) Dies while on duty,
C) Is inducted in to the safety committee
D) contracts a notified disease
E) meets with an accident
41) Which of the following social issues creating problem for Mining Industry under present mining scenario?
A) Political Interference
B) Land Acquisition
C) Illegal Mining
D) All the options
E) Interference of local people in mining operation
42) The maximum voltage at which the portable hand-lamps can be used in underground working of mine is
A) 30 V
B) 220 V
C) None of the above
D) Either A or C
E) 110 V
43) In the‘ Safety Management Plans & system’s approach, the following is likely to take place
A) None of the options
B) The risk creator is correctly identified and we can find the best way to educate him and control the risk and thereby avoid the occurrence of any untoward incident
C) The risk is identified through scientific agency
D) The risk creator himself decides the best way to control the risk and thereby avoid the occurrence of any untoward incident
E) The risk is identified through scientific means and thereby avoided
44) While recruiting person, he should be
1) Competent to perform the job
2) Trained to perform the specified job
3) Able to perform the activity
A) 1
B) All of the above
C) None of the options
D) 1, 2 and 3
E) 1 and 2
45) Any person who is found medically unfit, while undergoing medical treatment, the percentage of wages to be paid during treatment period is
A) None of the options
B) 50
C) First 1 month 100 and later 50
D) First 1 month 50 and later 100
46) The dump slope shall not exceed degree from the horizontal.
A) 28
B) 45
C) 60
D) 37.5
E) 33.5
47) The transforming effect on how we work, live, communicate and travels is influenced by:-
A) Globalisation
B) Technology
C) Diversity
D) Ethics
E) None of the options
48) The stop watch technique is/are
1. Method study technique
2. Motion study technique
3. Work measurement technique
A) 2
B) 1 & 2
C) 1,2 & 3
D) 3
E) 1
49) Which of the following monitor the safety in mine?
A) option A,B & C
C) option A & B
E) Safety Committee
50) The period by which loan capital is paid back is known as ...............
A) Buffer stock
B) Beginning period
C) Payback period
D) Gestation period
51) For employees engaged in Driving / HEMM operation jobs, eye refraction test should be conducted once in every ----- Years.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 5
D) 6
E) 3
52) The members of the committee under section 12 are appointed by
A) By Central government only after approval by parliament
B) By Central government in consultation with state governments,
C) Only by Central government,
D) By state government concerned
E) Partly by Central government and partly by owners, and miners, including DGMS
53) From the following, the most important in the ten R’s of purchasing in manufacturing industry is
A) Right attitude
B) Right price
C) Right transportation
D) Right place of delivery
E) Right contracts
54) The Statutory restriction line shall be shown in the plan within a distance of of any body of water.
A) 150m
B) 75m
C) 50m
D) 60m
E) 90m
55) The Value Engineering Technique in which experts of the same rank assemble for product development is called:-
A) Morphological analysis
B) All the options
C) Direct Expert comparison
D) Delphi
E) Brain Storming
56) Safety committee shall be constituted for promoting safety for every mine, where in more than
A) 100 persons are ordinarily employed
B) 150 persons are ordinarily employed
C) 80 persons are ordinarily employed
D) 50 persons are ordinarily employed
E) 120 persons are ordinarily employed
57) A person working above ground shall be allowed a rest of ½ hour after he puts up a continuous work of
A) 6 hours
B) 4 Hours
C) 3 Hours
D) 7 hours
E) 5 Hours
58) Management of risk ascertained is ensured by
A) planning
B) leading
C) controlling
D) organizing
E) All the options
59) For fighting electrical fire, which type of extinguisher can be used
A) all four
B) foam type
C) chemicals give up poisonous or noxious gases
D) soda-acid type
E) dry powder chemical type
60) "Below ground working" means
A) None of the options
B) Any excavation which extends surface ground
C) Any excavation which extends above superjacent ground
D) Any excavation which extends below superjacent ground
E) Options A, B and C
61) Maximum Exposure Limit of dust prescribed for 8 hrs time weighted average in Mine working environment.
A) 5 Mg/m³
B) 7 Mg/m³
C) None of the above
D) 3 Mg/m³
E) 10 Mg/m³
62) in an opencast mine, following are/is steps of risk management
A) measure risk
B) implement the controls
C) develop the controls
D) combination of all
E) hazard identification
63) which statement is correct ? No person shall be required or allowed to work in a mine
A) for more than 10 hours in any day inclusive of overtime.
B) for more than 9 hours in any day inclusive of overtime.
C) for more than 8 hours in any day inclusive of overtime.
D) for more than 58 hours in any week inclusive of overtime.
E) for more than 12 hours in any day inclusive of overtime.
64) An example of fixed asset is
A) None of the options
B) Value stock
C) Options A, B & C
D) Income stock
E) Live stock
65) The number of man-days in the year 2014 were 26500, rest days were 54 and non working days were 46 in the year. Find the number of persons ordinarily employed in the Mine. Total no. of days in the year was 365 Days.
A) 130
B) 90
C) 110
D) 120
E) 100
66) If a person is declared medically unfit and the owner, agent and manager shall provide such person with an alternative employment in the mine provided that
A) Irrespective of cause of unfitness
B) None of the options
C) He shall be on rolls for the past 1 year at least,
D) When inspector asks
E) Such unfitness is directly attributable to his employment in the mine, for which he is medically fit
67) Accident frequency rate is calculated in terms of persons employed?
A) 100
B) None of the options
C) 10000
D) 100000
E) 1000
68) Under the provisions of the Mines Act, 1952, who is/are responsible for the maintenance of Creche in the mine wherein any women are employed and for the use of children under the age of six years belonging to such women.
(a) Agent;
(b) Manager;
(c) Owner;
A) none of the options
B) (b) & (c)
C) (b)
D) (a) & (b)
E) (a) & (c)
69) The provisions of Chapter IV-A of the Mines Rules, 1955 shall not apply to
A) Persons who are employed purely on temporary or causal basis for a continuous period less than six months
B) Persons who are employed for a continuous period of eight months
C) None of the options
D) Persons who are employed for a continuous period of nine months
E) Persons who are employed and are undergoing training
70) As per the principles of motion economy related to the sitting standard work place for males the thigh clearance should range between
A) 8” to 10”
B) 10” to 12”
C) 12” to 14”
D) 6” to 8”
E) None of the options
71) On appeal against notice issued under Section--22A, if the owner, agent or manager is not satisfied he may send his objection in writing to Central Government.
A) Within 15 days of receipt of reply to his appeal to Chief inspector,
B) Within 20 days of receipt of reply to his appeal to Chief inspector,
C) Within 7 days of receipt of reply to his appeal to Chief inspector
D) Within 10 days of receipt of reply to his appeal to Chief inspector
E) Within 30 days of receipt of reply to his appeal to Chief inspector
72) Which Circular is given by MAMID on the subject of Safety is My responsibility campaign
A) DGMS Tech Cir.no 3 of 2013
B) DGMS Tech Cir.no 4 of 2012
C) DGMS Tech Cir.no 4 of 2013
D) DGMS Tech Cir.no 4 of 2014
E) DGMS Tech Cir.no 5 of 2013
73) Which of the following will influence the style of management used by a company ?
A) The culture of the company, the nature of its work and the preferences of the individual managers.
B) The need to focus discussions on policy as a joint process between employees and employer /manager.
C) The desire by the owner to have the workforce that treat him in a fatherly way.
D) None of the options
E) The use of distinct penalties for poor performance.
74) Choose the correct option. Drinking water provided above ground or in open-cast workings shall be effectively cooled by mechanical or other means when,-
A) more than 150 persons are employed
B) more than 250 persons are employed
C) more than 100 persons are employed
D) more than 500 persons are employed
E) During summer season
75) As per Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014 under the head radiation aspects the following is not covered
A) None of the above
B) U-V, infra-red, lasers
C) Sunlight
D) Moon light
E) X-rays
76) The committee constituted under sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952 consists of ................
(a) Chief inspector of Mines;
(b) person to represent interest of the miners ;
(c) person to represent interest of owner of mines;
(d) Regional Inspector;
A) (a) & (d)
B) (a),(b) & (c)
C) (a), (c) & (d)
D) (a),(b), (c) & (d)
E) (a) & (b)
77) The technique used in forming the work system design is/are
1. Method study
2. Work measurement
3. Cycle process
A) 1 & 2
B) 1,2 & 3
C) 2
D) 1
E) 3
78) The term of office of the elected members of Canteen Management Committee shall be ........................
A) 3 Yrs
B) 1 Yrs
C) 2 Yrs
D) 4 Yrs
E) None of the options
79) The minimum number of members in a Board of Examination to conduct business?
A) 8
B) 6
C) 4
D) 2
E) 3
80) Whenever there occurs in or about a mine an accident causing loss of a life or serious bodily injury to any person , the place of accident can be disturbed :
(a) If it is necessary to prevent any further accident;
(b) To rescue any person from danger;
(c) To remove the bodies of the deceased;
(d) If instructed by the owner, agent or manager of the mine
A) (a) or (b) only
B) (a) or (c)only
C) (a) or (b) or (c) only
D) (c) only
E) (b) or (c) or (d) only
81) Which of the following is not a type of flow process chart?
A) Method
B) None of the options
C) Machine
D) Man
E) Material
82) The following situation is not an accident as defined under section 23
A) An over-winding of cages,
B) Breakage of gear,
C) Influx of inflammable gas
D) None of the options
E) Breakage of rope,
83) The Mines Act shall not apply for excavations being made for prospecting non coal mineral, if one of the following conditions fulfils
A) The depth of excavation shall not exceed 3 meters,
B) The depth of excavation shall not exceed 5 meters,
C) None of the options
D) The depth of excavation shall not exceed 6 meters,
E) The depth of the excavation shall not exceed 1.5 meters
84) As per the provision of sub-section (1) of section 16, before commencement of any mining operation, notice in writing is to be given to
(a) The Chief inspector;
(b) The Controller, Indian Bureau of Mines ;
(c) District magistrate of the district in which the mine is situated ;
(d) Regional Inspector;
A) (a), (c) & (d)
B) (a) & (d)
C) (a),(b),(c) & (d)
D) (a) & (b)
E) (a),(b) & (c)
85) The rate at which a person’s leave with wages is calculated is @ 1 leave for every days of work performed when working below ground
A) Week
B) 15 days
C) 16 days
D) 10 days
E) 20 days.
86) Which of the following is a reason for supporting a wider span of control within an organisation ?
A) the business accepts that within its management there will be increased contact between managers and employees
B) There is a need for tighter control within the business
C) The management wants to reduce the opportunities for delegation
D) None of the options
E) Management wishes to introduce a process of de-layering
87) Which of the following statements is/are false in respect of the committee constituted under section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952:
(a) A member other than the chairmen may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to Chief Inspector.
(b) The Chairmen may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to The central Government.
(c) The resignation referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) shall have effect from the date of its acceptance
A) (b) only
B) (c) only
C) (a) only
D) (a),(b) & (c)
E) (a) & (b) only
88) Two qualified mining engineers, appointed by Central Government for the committee under section 12 are
A) From the public sectors,
B) Those chosen by the mine owners
C) those recommended by union representatives
D) One from public sector and one from private sectors,
E) Not connected with the industry
89) As per DGMS Tech. Cir. No. 5/2010, Safety features required to be provided in tippers/ trucks/Dumpers include
A) Rear vision system, Blind spot mirror, Service brake, seat belt reminder.
B) Rear vision system, Blind spot mirror, proximity warning device, emergency steering.
C) Rear vision system, Blind spot mirror, proximity warning device, seat belt reminder.
D) Rear vision system, Service Brake, proximity warning device, seat belt reminder.
E) Emergency steering, Blind spot mirror, proximity warning device, seat belt reminder.
90) Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014 ensures that
A) Persons learn about safety management System
B) Persons learn about risk assessment
C) Checks after the work is complete whether all the measures used for control of hazards are taken up or not
D) All work activities are given a final check to identify and control any potential hazards that may have not already been addressed
E) None of the above
91) Which of the following are the competent persons?
A) Dumper operator
B) All the options
C) Dozer operator
D) Blaster
E) Mate
92) The annual returns are covered under schedules
A) Schedule-XIV or Schedule-XV whichever is applicable
B) Schedule-XII or Schedule-XIII whichever is applicable.
C) Schedule-V or Schedule-VI whichever is applicable.
D) Schedule-XI or Schedule-XII whichever is applicable.
E) Schedule-X or Schedule-XI whichever is applicable.
93) Medical examination report/ Fitness certificate is given in?
94) The person appointed under Section____ shall hold the inquiry in public
A) Section 20 of the Act
B) Section 23 of the Act
C) Section 24 of the Act
D) Section 21 of the Act
E) Section 22 of the Act
95) Cracking powder is used in mines
A) Sand
B) Limestone
C) Manganese
D) None of the above
E) Dimension Stone / Granite
96) Heat stroke effects are
A) Causes very high body temperature.
B) Hot red or dry skin.
C) Rapid weak pulse, shallow breathing.
D) All of the above.
E) None of the options
97) What is the maximum speed of explosive van during transportation of explosive form magazine to blasting site?
A) 25 kmph
B) 20 kmph
C) 30 kmph
D) 10 kmph
E) 15 kmph
98) An advantage of recruitment from outside the company is
A) That it is cheaper than internal recruitment
B) that it avoids jealousy within the firm
C) that there is no need to advertise the vacancy
D) that it brings in new experience and skills to the firm
E) None of the options
99) If a mine is abandoned or working thereof is discontinued over a period exceeding days the returns in form I have to be sent
A) Fifty days
B) thirty days
C) ninety days
D) Forty five days
E) sixty days
100) The damage of Environment due to mining is to be managed by suitable methods, procedures and policy is called..................................
B) All the options
D) Environment audit
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