No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) A device which will automatically lock the belt against turning backward, without interfering with normal movement of the belt is called-
A) Pull cord
B) Holdbacks
C) combination of Holdback & back stay
D) Back-stay
E) Automatic catch
2) During shovel operation angle between boom axis & horizontal line is maintained at-
A) Any angle
B) 45 degree
C) 90 degree
D) 60 degree
E) 30 degree
3) Power factor of an alternator depends on
A) Sleep factor
B) Load
C) Armature losses
D) Core Losses
E) Speed of rotor
4) In case a mine is situated partly in one district and partly in another, the District Magistrate for the purpose of Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 shall be the one authorized in this behalf by .
A) Central Government
B) Regional Inspector of Mines (RIM)
C) State Govt Concerned
D) Chief Inspector of Mines (CIM)
5) The shape of slope failure surface in soil or dump is
A) Step pattern
B) Non-linear
C) Wedge
D) Linear
E) Bi-linear
6) A delay detonator has a delay element positioned between
A) Fuse head and priming charge
B) Detonator tube and fuse head
C) Neoprene plug and base charge
D) Neoprene plug and neoprene sleeve
E) Priming charge and base charge
7) In a mine, seven trucks are assigned to one shovel. If the shovel loading time per truck is 6 min and truck cycle time is 30 min, the Match Factor is
A) 1.4
B) 2.9
C) 4.5
D) 4
E) 3.5
8) A haul road maintained in Zigzag Pattern on one side of the pit is called
A) Spiral System
B) Cross System
C) Linear System
D) Z System
E) Switch back system
9) What is the hardness of Quartz in Moh's scale-
A) 5
B) 7
C) 9
D) 6
E) 8
10) Any workings having an inclination of degrees or more from the horizontal, adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger to persons from falling or rolling of materials.
A) 60
B) 30
C) 75
D) 45
E) 15
11) The height of any pillar to be left in situ in clay for the purpose of measurement in opencast workings shall not exceed metres and if the height exceeds metres, its base shall not be less than metres in diameter.
A) 1.5, 1.5, 1.5
B) 1.8, 1.5, 1.25
C) 2.8, 1.5, 1.25
D) 2.5, 1.25, 1.5
E) 2.0, 1.25, 1.5
12) The ratio of weight per unit volume of loose rock mass after blasting or loosening and weight per unit volume of solid rock mass in the bench is called
A) Swing factor
B) Powder factor
C) Swell factor
D) Bucket factor
E) Density
13) Some of the typical benefits of planned program of ground dewatering are
A) Lower haulage cost
B) Option A & C but not B
C) Improved slope stability
D) Option A, B and C
E) Efficient working condition
14) What is the Iron Concentration for preparing Iron Ore Pellets
A) 58%
B) 59%
C) 60%
D) 55%
E) 63%
15) As per DGMS Circular No 36/1972,find the minimum width of the bench in m with the following conditions is:
a) Height of the bench is 10 m,
b) Width of excavator working on the bench is 6 m,
c) Width of the tipper plying on the bench is 3
A) 9
B) 10
C) 3
D) 8
E) 6
16) Purpose of sub-base layer in constructing haul road is to
A) reduce water seepage
B) All of the above
C) improve strength
D) provide coating on the road
E) improve friction between tyre and road
17) Which one of the following is not a mechanical property of rock?
A) Strength
B) Porosity
C) Hardness
D) Deformability
E) Elasticity
19) What is the function of fuse in a fluid coupling?
A) It is used for reducing motor power consumption
B) It is used for starting the belt conveyor
C) It ensures safety of the motor by blowing out when the belt conveyor is overloaded
D) It helps in cleaning running conveyor belt.
E) It reduces the conveyor belt speed
20) Different process involved in EIA for obtaining Environmental clearance
A) Public consultation
B) Screening
C) All of the above
D) Scoping
E) Appraisal
21) A shock tube initiating system ,such as Nonel,
A) it is not affected by static electricity or strong currents
B) need electrical circuit testing & shot firing equipment
C) it creates a lot of noise
D) Does not need detonators for initiation
E) it can not be used in under water condition
22) The ratio of meterage of drilled hole and volume of broken rock(cu. m) is known as-
A) Profile smoothness
B) Drillability Factor
C) Powder Factor
D) Percentage Pull
E) Specific Drilling
23) Zenith angle is measured in
A) None of the above
B) Vertical plane
C) Horizontal plane below the sea level
D) Horizontal plane
E) Inclined plane
24) After extraction of ore from cupper mine, what process removes the metal from the ore
A) De-silting
B) Smelting
C) Settling
D) Crystallization
E) Evaporation
25) Number of brakes in a dumper is
A) 2
B) 3
C) 1
D) 5
E) 4
26) Ultimate Pit Limit of a Mine is not Related to
A) Availability of Land
B) Pit Planning Facility
C) Blasting Parameter
D) Profit
E) Value of the Mineral
27) Project feasibility report is aimed at
A) Justifying the Investment
B) Publishing capability of the company
C) Informing the project affected people
D) Attracting the customer
E) Giving details of resources
28) The rock mass classification system that considers "active stress" factor is-
A) C-Factor
E) Q- System
29) Flexible cable in case of open cast mines when used with electrically operated heavy earth moving machineries shall not exceed a length of
A) 300 m
B) 200 m
C) 400 m
D) 100 m
E) 500 m
30) Magnetic declination is an angle made by
A) Horizontal axis to the north pole
B) Geographic axis to the equator
C) The magnetic axis to the equator
D) Horizontal axis to the south pole
E) The magnetic axis to the geographic axis of the earth
31) Water Danger Plan maintained may not show the following feature
A) every reservoir, dam
B) surface drainage system
C) Details of Pumps
D) every borehole and shaft
E) every dyke, fault
33) Which condition may lead to a dump slope failure
A) None of Above
B) Slope angle is greater than angle of repose
C) sum of slope angle and angle repose equals to 90 degrees
D) Slope angle is less than angle of repose
E) It's does not depend on angle of repose
34) Which of the followings is not a dust related disease ?
A) Byssinosis
B) Siderosis
C) Silicosis
D) Ancylostomiasis
E) Stannosis
35) “River”, as per its definition, means any stream or current of water and includes its banks extending up to
A) 7.5 m
B) 50 m
C) Nearest forest
D) Higest known flood level
E) 15 m
36) Unless otherwise provided as per statute, Workings cannot be extended to within metres of the boundary of any mine and in case of disputed boundary, no working shall be made within metres thereof until the dispute is settled.
A) 7.5m , 7.5m
B) 10m , 7.5m
C) 12.5m , 10.0m
D) 9m, 9m
E) 15.0m, 12.5m
37) What is chemical form of T.N.T.?
A) C6H7(NO3)3O2
B) C2H4(NO3)2
C) C7H5N3O6
D) C6H2(NO2)3
E) C3H5(NO3)3
38) It is an important constituent of granite and a chief constituent of sandstone where it occurs in broken form. Its hardness is 7 (Seven). Name the mineral.
A) Topaz
B) quartz
C) orthoclase
D) Magnetite
E) gypsum
39) If the value of ore is Rs. 500 per tonne, Production cost Rs. 300 per tonne, & cost of overburden removal Rs. 50 per m3. The break even Stripping ratio in m3/tonne is-
A) 01:03
B) 03:01
C) 04:01
D) 02:01
E) 01:04
40) Notice of intentional flooding in writing shall be given to the Chief Inspector, the regional inspector and to the management of all adjoining mines not less than prior to such intention.
A) 60 days
B) 14 days
C) 90 days
D) 7 days
E) 21 days
41) What is dry fog dust suppression system?
A) Fog is created by combination of oil and water
B) Fog is created by combination of water and compressed air
C) Dust extraction system which requires nether water nor air compressor
D) Using ventilation system /exhaust system to remove the dust
E) Fog is created by water pumped through high pressure pump,
42) The blasting technique used for controlled throw is known as
A) Cast blasting
B) Plaster shooting
C) Pop shooting
D) Both Options C and D
E) Coyote blasting
43) Prospecting means-
A) search of ore
B) None of these
C) shaft shinking to access the deposit
D) opening up of deposit
E) estimation of reserve
44) The maximum number of shots that a shot firer may fire in any shift by using a multi shot exploder
A) 50
B) 100
C) 120
D) 60
E) 80
45) In a 10 m high bench of an opencast mine 10 holes of 100 mm diameter are blasted with explosive having specific gravity of 1.0 producing 1570 m3 of rock. If the holes are charged up to 80% and no sub grade drilling is done, then the powder factor for the blast in kg/m3 is
A) 0.55
B) 0.4
C) 0.5
D) 0.35
E) 0.45
46) With the increase of depth, overall slope angle of the pit must
A) increases upto 200 m and then decrease
B) increase
C) remain the same
D) None of the above
E) decrease
47) The phenomenon of chemical or physical alteration of rock at its surface by its reaction with atmospheric gas and aqueous solutions is known as
A) Rock weathering
B) Rock freezing
C) Rock folding
D) Rock fracture
E) Rock thinning
48) Numerical modelling uses to describe the physical conditions of geological scenarios using numbers and equations
A) Chemical Model
B) Physical Model
C) Solid Model
D) Logical Model
E) Mathematical Model
49) In mine valuation, the value of the property depends on
A) Cost of production
B) Reserve
C) Market Value of Mineral
D) Life
E) All of these
50) While doing Blasting with ANFO, to get maximum energy output & oxygen balance reaction, approximate ratio of Ammonia Nitrate to the Fuel Oil will be
A) 96.4% AN : 3.6% FO
B) 93.4% AN : 6.6% FO
C) 92.4% AN : 7.6% FO
D) 95.4% AN : 4.6% FO
E) 94.4% AN : 5.6% FO
51) Which of the following Reserve is least in quantity?
A) Developed
B) Inferred
C) Proved
D) indicated
E) Mineable
52) To Measure the Performance of Blast, which factor is calculated?
A) Power Factor
B) Tonnage Factor
C) Stripping Ratio
D) Space Factor
E) Powder Factor
54) Selection of Crusher does not depends on
A) Grindibility of ore
B) Abrasion Index
C) Compressive strength of the Rock
D) Feed Size and reduction Ratio
E) Capitol Cost
55) No person shall work or be permitted to work at any place having an inclination of degrees or more from the horizontal, where he is likely to slip or overbalance, unless he is secured by a safety belt or life line or is otherwise safeguarded.
A) 60
B) 15
C) 75
D) 30
E) 45
56) Mining of minerals having more than 100 Ha Mining Lease requires approval from
57) For wider range of size reduction which one of the following will be the best?
A) Heavy Duty Cone Crusher
B) Stamp
C) Jaw Crusher
D) Standard Cone Crusher
E) Gyratory Crusher
58) A Manganese Mine has total 42 Million Tonnes in reserve. If the recovery is only 50% and the production is planned at 1 lakh Tonnes per month. What would be the life of mine?
A) 17.2Y
B) 17.5Y
C) 17Y
D) 17.6Y
E) 17.8Y
59) Match the Following:
Original rock Metamorphic rock
P) Mudstone (i) Biotite Schist
Q) Shale (ii) Chlorite Schist
R) Basalt (iii) Marble
S) Limestone (iv) Slate
A) P- ii,Q-iii,R-i,S-iv
B) P- iii,Q-i,R-iv,S-iii
C) P- iv,Q-ii,R-i,S-iii
D) P- ii,Q-iv,R-i,S-iii
E) P- i,Q-ii,R-iii,S-iv
60) Ore grade for which revenue from the recoverable reserve exactly equals the cost of mining , processing and Caital is known as
A) Average Grade
B) Liquidation Grade
C) Break Even Grade
D) None of These
E) Cut Off Grade
62) A surface mine blast design has 10 holes in a row. The length of blast hole is 9m having a diamter of 200 mm.The spacing & burden are 6m and 5m respectively. The length of subgrade drilling is 1m and the density of rock is 2.5tonne/m3 .Assuming no back break, find the output per blast in tonne if one row of holes is blasted
A) 6500
B) 5000
C) 5500
D) 6000
E) 7000
63) Universal Blade (U - Blade) is used in the following machines
A) Dozer
B) Shovel
C) Front end Loader
D) Drill
E) Crane
64) Match the following
Equipment Ore Thickness (meter) Action
(P) Dragline (1) (6 --12) (a) crowding
(Q) Shovel (2) (30 --40) (b) hoisting
(R) Surface Miner (3) (0.2 -- 0.4) (c) cutting
A) P-1-b, Q-2-a, R-3-c
B) None of the above
C) P-2-b, R-1-a, Q-3-c
D) P-2-b, Q-1-a, R-3-c
E) P-2-a, Q-1-b, E-3-c
65) If the ratio between compressive strength and tensile strength of rock is 10.0, friction angle of the rock in degrees is
A) 30
B) 25.4
C) 54.9
D) 84.3
E) 5.7
66) In cycle time calculation of Haul Truck, which one of the following is not part of the fixed time
A) Load Time
B) Dump Time
C) Spot Time
D) Travel Time between loading and unloading site
E) Digging and swing time
67) Dilatancy of rock is associated with
A) Increase in shear strain due to cracking of rock
B) Increase in moisture due to treatment of rock
C) Decrease in volume due to compression of rock
D) Increase in surface area after fragmentation
E) Increase in volume due to cracking of rock
68) In an open cast mine the working height of the bench shall not exceed X m and angle of slope shall not exceed Y degrees from the horizontal. Then, X and Y are given by
A) 3 and 30
B) 6 and 45
C) 3 and 45
D) 6 and 60
E) 5 and 60
69) In a point load test on 50 mm dia core specimen, rupture was observed at a load of 6000 kg. The Point Load Strength Index of the specimen in kg/cm2 is-
A) 240
B) 550
C) 320
D) 500
E) 450
70) Which of the following is not the cause of “Fly rock”
A) Faulty connection
B) Excess Burden
C) Overcharging of holes
D) Insufficient stemming of holes
E) Geological disturbances
71) The grade for which the net present value is zero is known as-
A) mill grade
B) breakeven cut off grade
C) computed grade
D) effective grade
E) cut-off-grade
72) The excavation quantities from an opencast iron ore mine for the FY 2017-18 are as given below: a) Ore production=3 million tonnes ;Over burden handling=18 million tonnes, Density of Ore=2.5 tonne/cu. m, Density of OB is :3 tonne/cu. m. The stripping ratio is.
A) 1:2
B) 1:1
C) 1:3
D) 1:4
E) 1:6
73) The feasibility study of an opencast mine revealed the following- Recoverable value per tonne of ore = Rs. 1000. Production cost per tonne of ore = Rs. 500. Stripping cost per tonne of waste = Rs. 50. The breakeven stripping ratio in m3/te will be
A) 20
B) 30
C) 15
D) 25
E) 10
74) In a mine developing shovel & dumper, the distance from the crest of the bench to the centre of the dumper including safety berm & clearance is 7.5m,the dumping radius & cutting radius of the shovel are 15 & 12m respectively. The width of the working bench of the mine in m.is-
A) 10.6
B) 14.5
C) 19.7
D) 17.8
E) 34.5
75) The statement irrelevant to smooth and constant grade of haul road with respect to dump truck movement is
A) maintainance of high average speed
B) increase in engine temperature
C) minimisation of transmission shift
D) reduction of fuel consumption
E) reduction of spillage
76) In case of blast design :
Statement(1) The burden depends on depth and diameter of blast hole.
Statement (2) The burden depends on rock type.
Statement (3) The Burden depends on charge length
A) Only statement (2) & (3) are true
B) Only statement(1) is true
C) Only statement(3) is true
D) Statements (1),(2) & (3) are true
E) Only statement(2) is true
78) The ratio of the volume of overburden required to be removed in order to extract 1 tonne of ore is calledA) Powder factor
B) None of the option is correct
C) Blasting factor
D) Reserve ratio
E) Stripping ratio
79) Which material is used as heavy media in Heavy Media Sseparation
A) Dolomite
B) Silica
C) Galena
D) Hematite
E) Magnetite
80) In bucket wheel excavator, buckets are attached
A) all of the option
B) On an endless chain
C) both on an endless chain and the periphery of a wheel
D) on the front of boom body
E) on the periphery of a wheel
82) In a dragline "fair lead" carries-
A) bucket drag rope
B) bucket hoist rope
C) boom hoist rope
D) drag chain
E) boom drag rope
83) Components : Vortex finder, Feed chamber, volut, Apex valve represents
A) Cyclone
B) Hammer Crusher
C) Cone Crusher
D) Gyratory crusher
E) Jaw Crusher
85) Which process is adopted to enrich diamond from Kimberlitic rock
A) Magnetic Method
B) Flotation Method
C) None of the above
D) De-watering Method
E) Heavy Media Separation Method
86) Arrange the steps for mining closure plan:
(a) Financial assurance provision
(b) Pre-Mining environment description
(c) Operational impact assessment
(d) Mine development selection
(e) Closure impact assessment
(f) Closure measures selection
A) none of the above
B) b-a-e-d-f-c
C) a-f-d-e-b-c
D) b-d-c-f-e-a
E) d-c-e-f-b-a
87) What is the minimum obstruction free travelling space required between the conveyor and one side of the roadway of a roadway conveyor?
A) 2m
B) 3m
C) 0.75m
D) 1m
E) 1.5m
88) A 24m3 dragline is deployed in an O.B. bench of an opencast mine. It works for 50days at the rate of 7 hours per shift & 3 shifts a day. The cycle time ,bucket fill factor & operating efficiency of the dragline are respectively 50sec, 0.8 & 80%. The total volume of O.B. in m3
A) 1165168
B) 1261884
C) 1298750
D) 1524789
E) 1161216
89) The periphery around the limits of opencast workings shall be fenced with masonry wall using cement concrete not less than m thick and not less than m high, with a parapet top.
A) 1.0 & 1.5
B) 0.3 & 1.2
C) 0.6 & 1.0
D) 0.4 & 1.5
E) 0.5 & 1.0
90) In a mine 6 no of accidents took place in a year causing loss of 60 man days. Average daily employment in the mine during the year was 500 and mine worked for 300 days. What is the Severity index for this particular year for the mine?
A) 4000
B) 4
C) 400
D) 44
E) 40
91) A shovel deployed in a opencast mine required 2hrs for maintenance due to breakdown. Due to breakdown machine stands idle by 1.5hrs. If working hour in a 8hrs shift is 7hrs.Calculate availability Factor.
A) 50%
B) 30%
C) 40%
D) 45%
E) 43.75%
92) Alluvium soil in opencast mines shall either be kept sloped at an angle not exceeding degrees from the horizontal or be kept benched where the height of any bench shall not exceed metres and the breadth thereof shall not be less than the height unless exempted by statutory authorities.
A) 35 degree, 1.5m
B) 35 degree, 2.5m
C) 45 degree, 1.5m
D) 60 degree, 1.5m
E) 60 degree, 2.5m
93) Match the following
Conveyor Components purpose
P) Snub Pulley 1) Loading on to conveyor,
Q) Pull Chord 2) discharging the material on the side of the conveyor ,
R) skirt Board 3) Safety Device
S) Tripper 4) increases the angle of the wrap
A) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
B) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2,
C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
D) P-1,Q-2, R-3, S-4
E) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-3,
94) Which of the following are the examples of an inadequately maintained haul road?
A) Bumps and muddy areas
B) All of the above
C) Inadequate berms
D) Pot holes or washouts
E) Inadequate gradient
95) A place shall not be deemed to be harmless if the 8 hours time-weighted average concentration of airborne respirable dust in milligram per cubic metre of air sampled exceeds in case of manganese ore and the value arrived at by dividing the figure of with the percentage of free respirable silica present in other cases.
A) 3,15
B) 4, 9
C) 5,15
D) 3, 5
E) 5,10
96) What is the factor of safety of slope in an open cast mines?
A) Ratio of Resisting force to Shear Force
B) Not in any relation with Resistance and Driving Force
C) None of the above
D) Ratio of Sear Force to Driving Force
E) Ratio of Driving force to Resisting Force
97) Rolling resistance of a wheel depends upon of this statements
(i) Vehicle load
(ii) Ground material properties
(iii) Ground surface conditions
A) only (iii) is correct
B) only (i) is correct
C) (ii) and (iii) are correct
D) (i) and (ii) are correct
E) (i) and (iii) are correct
99) Which of the following reagents shares around 75% in an explosive?
A) Coal
B) Combustible substances
C) Sensitizer
D) Explosive base
E) Oxidizing agent
100) A surface mine blast design has 10 holes in a row. The length of blast hole is 9m having a diamter of 200 mm. The spacing & burden are 6m and 5m respectively. The length of subgrade drilling is 1m and the density of rock is 2.5tonne/m3 . Assume no back break and one row of holes is blasted . Considering an explosive density of 800kg/m3 and stemming length of 2m, the powder factor from the blast in tonne/kg.
A) 3.97
B) 4.3
C) 4.5
D) 2.5
E) 1.5
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