No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) The Mines Act shall not apply for excavations being made for prospecting purposes, if one of the following conditions fulfils.
A) None of the options
B) The excavation made shall not extend below superjacent strata
C) Option A or B
D) The excavation made shall not be in the watery strata,
E) Options A and B
2) Safety issues in un-organised mining sector is recommended in ...................
A) 10th N.S.C
B) 6th N.S.C
C) 8th N.S.C
D) 5th N.S.C
E) 7th N.S.C
3) OMS represents the
A) Manpower distribution plan
B) All the options
C) Frequency
D) Productivity
E) Production
4) Mine closure plan is divided in to how many parts?
A) None of the options
B) 3
C) 2
D) 5
E) 4
5) The number of shots to be fired shall be fixed by the manager based on
A) The assistance available to the blaster
B) Time for preparing charges
C) The travel time
D) Type of the mine
E) All the options
6) Under the provisions of the Mines Act, 1952, who is/are responsible for the maintenance of bathing places with shower bath and locker-rooms at or near pitheads of a mine.
(a) Agent; (b) Manager; (c) Owner;
A) (a) & (c)
B) (a) & (b)
C) (b)
D) (b) & (c)
E) none of the options
7) Which of the following statements is/are false in respect of the decision taken by the committee constituted under section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952:
(a) All questions referred to a meeting of the committee shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on that question member.
(b) In case of an equal division of votes or opinions, the chairmen shall exercise an additional vote.
(c) Any member disagreeing with the decision of the committee cannot enter a note of dissent to form the part of the report.
A) (b) only
B) (a) only
C) (a) & (b) only
D) (a),(b) & (c)
E) (c) only
8) Preparation of charge, charging and stemming of shot hole shall be carried out or by the personnel supervision of a competent person defined as
A) Explosive carrier
B) Coal cutter
C) None of the Options
D) Mistry
E) Blaster
9) What is/are the advantages of Ergonomic design of equipment?
A) All the options
B) Minimizes operators fatigue
C) Reduces accidents
D) Job satisfaction
E) Improves productivity
10) Net working capital refers to
A) Total assets minus fixed assets
B) Current assets minus current liabilities
C) Current assets
D) Total assets minus current assets
E) Current assets minus fixed liabilities
11) process chart is a graphic representation of the sequence of all the operations and inspections involved in a process or procedure.
A) Travel
B) Flow process
C) Operation
D) Outline
E) None of the options
12) Class Room Training on Gas Testing shall be provided as per of Mines vocational training rule, 1966.
A) Schedule D
B) None of the options
C) Schedule G
D) Schedule E
E) Schedule F
13) Is the capacity to affect the behaviour of others.
A) Aggression
B) Trait
C) Leadership
D) Power
E) All the options
14) "Super elevation " is a term used for designing of ..........
A) Pit
B) None of the options
C) Dump
D) Benches
E) Haul road
15) A victim has lost a lot of blood through a deep cut in his leg. He is breathing fast and seems pail and restless. He is probably…
A) Having a heart attack
B) In nervous state
C) Choking
D) Having a stroke
E) In shock
16) The person working in the following location is said to be employed in underground
A) In shaft sinking process at a depth of 30 meters,
B) None of the options
C) Options A, B & C
D) In hard rock tunnelling,
E) In deep mines of more than 100 meters deep,
17) Elastic bandages are used…
A) To allow circulation to a severed limb.
B) When applying a splint.
C) To Control swelling and support injuries such as sprains or strains.
D) After removing splints
E) To control bleeding
18) What is the maximum gradient where locomotives cannot be used ?
A) 1 in 4
B) 1 in 12
C) 1 in 10
D) 1 in 7
E) 1 in 15
19) In recent years autonomous working groups have come to play an important part in may businesses. What are their essential features ?
A) creation of teams which have a high level of autonomy and control over their immediate working environment.
B) A group of experts brought into research new ways of producing a product.
C) None of the options
D) bringing together of various individuals who have a common interest in solving certain problems.
E) The group reports directly to the senior management above them in the hierarchy of the firm.
20) 11th National Conference on Safety in Mines made recommendations on
A) None of the above
B) Small Scale Mining, Large scale Mining & Transportation Machinery
C) Small Scale Mining & Transportation Machinery
D) Contractual Workers & Transportation Machinery
E) Small Scale Mining, Contractual Workers & Transportation Machinery
21) Sources of job satisfaction are
A) Work
B) all the options
C) Personal factors
D) Work environment
E) Organization
22) Where it is not possible to show the complete boundary of leasehold on the same plan
A) Another plan has to be made on a scale where all boundaries can be seen
B) Use a Google map
C) None of the above
D) Make a similar plan with same scale and paste them carefully
E) An additional key plan showing boundaries and the outline of the workings shall be made
23) In business, margin of safety can be increased by 1.Decreasing in sale price 2.Reducing fixed cost 3.Reducing variable costs
A) 1
B) 3
C) 2
D) 1,2 &,3
E) 2 & 3
24) Dyke or other intrusion shown on a plan with a solid line in colour.
A) Black
B) Yellow
C) Blue
D) Green
E) Red
25) As per the Mines Act, 1952, a Calendar year means the period of 12 Months beginning with the in every year.
A) 1st January
B) 1st December
C) 1st August
D) 1st March
E) Ist April
26) The contours shall cover whole area lying within meters of any part of the working if there are any underground workings or surface workings
A) 300
B) 100
C) 200
D) 400
E) 150
27) Which of the following cell is Sometimes used to investigate the shear behavior of discontinuities ?
A) Extensometer
B) Lead cell
C) None of Above.
D) Load Cell
E) Triaxial cell
28) Which of the following method is used for recording path of movement during method study?
A) Two handed process chart
B) Therblig
C) None of the options
D) Simo chart
E) Chronocyclo graphs
29) When a person employed in a public utility service intends to go on strike in breach of contract, he shall give his employer a notice of strike before
A) 4 weeks before strike
B) 5 weeks before strike
C) 6 weeks before strike
D) 2 weeks before strike
E) Two months before strike
30) This is not a part of environment management Plan (EMP)
A) Environment Impact Analysis
B) Forest Clearance
C) All the options
D) EMP implementation and monitoring
E) Environment Pollution Control
31) A private vehicle shall not be allowed within the mine premises unless authorized by ...................
A) Agent
B) Manager
C) All the options
D) Owner of Mine
E) Assistant Manager
32) Which one of the following training is provided to enhance decision making skills:-
A) Management games
B) Action learning
C) All the options
D) Behavioural modelling
E) On the job training
33) VED analysis of inventory management stands for
A) Valuable-Easy-Difficult
B) Very-Essentially-Desired
C) None of the options
D) Vital-Essential-Desirable
E) Valuable-Effective-Difficult to obtain
34) The committee under section 12 meeting can be adjourned if the number of persons including the chairman is
A) less than 4
B) None of the options
C) less than 5
D) less than 3
E) less than 2
35) As person appointed in writing by a manager as a competent person to supervise or perform a work should attained the age of
A) 16 years
B) 18 years
C) 20 years
D) 21 years
E) 17 years
36) ISO 14001 is related to ......................
A) Quality
B) Environment
C) Health
D) safety
E) None of the options
37) If a person fails to appear in the medical examination ,he shall be given another notice at least days before in writing in Form by manager.
A) 15,L
B) 9,M
C) None of the options
D) 10,N
E) 12,K
38) As per Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014 points to be looked for in, one of the following points does not belong to ‘Chemical atmosphere
A) Presence of any acids, bases, solvents, heavy metals
B) None of the above
C) Fumes and vapours
D) Poisons, particulates
E) Water with reduced oxygen
39) The return which the company pays on borrowed funds is termed as
A) Dividend
B) Interest
C) Bonus
D) Options A, B and C
E) None of the options
40) When the plan is prepared the statutory restrictions in respect of any specified workings shall be shown in the following manner
A) Make a separate plan for the area with statutory restrictions
B) None of the above
C) only A & B
D) Attach a paper with the copy of the statutory restrictions
E) Depict on the same plan on which the subject area is also shown
41) The owner or agent shall arrange to supply the materials and appliances for safe operation in mines, and within ------------- days of receipt of requisition for the material, intimate the manager in writing about the action taken
A) Six days
B) Five days
C) Three days
D) Four days
E) seven days
42) Which of the following statement is true?
A) At the point of commencement of supply the supplier should provide an Earthed terminal,
B) At the point of commencement of supply the consumer shall arrange for earthed terminal.
C) The supplier should provide for an earthed terminal and charge for it
D) The supplier may or may not provide an earthed terminal.
E) None of the above.
43) If the dust concentration measured in any place in the mine approaches seventy five percent of the allowable concentration the periodicity of the dust sampling should be done once in
A) One month
B) Two months
C) Six months
D) Once in a week
E) Three months
44) A day under the Mines Act is defined as
A) A period of twenty-four hours beginning at sun-set;
B) A period of twenty-four hours beginning at mid-night;
C) A period of twenty-four hours beginning at the time decided by the mine manager
D) A period of twenty-four hours beginning from sun-rise;
E) A period of twenty-four hours different to different places depending on local sun rise;
45) The following is not a function of personnel management
A) Production, planning and control
B) Wages and salary administration
C) Training and development of manpower
D) None of the options
E) Recruitment and selection of manpower
46) Whenever there occurs in or about a mine, an accident causing reportable injury to any person, the owner, agent or manager shall enter in a register such occurrence in the prescribed form and copies shall be furnished to ......................
A) Chief Inspector
B) District magistrate
C) all the options
D) Regional Inspector
E) Central Government
47) Which of the following is not a field equipment where Operator Independent Truck Dispatch System adopted ?
A) Communication server
B) LCD display panel
C) Data radio unit
E) VSMS unit
48) In a cable if flexible metallic covering is used
A) It shall never be used as the earth conductor, and only main earthing core is to be used for earthing
B) It shall not be used alone as the earth conductor, but can be used as an additional earth conductor along with main earthing core
C) None of the options
D) It can be used as the earth conductor instead of main earthing core
E) Another flexible metallic covering shall be used as earth conductor
49) Workings shall not be made and no work shall be conducted within of any railway, or public works, or of any public road or building, or any permanent structure not belonging to the owner
A) 50 meters
B) 150 meters
C) 100 meters
D) 7.5 meters
E) 45 meters
50) Which of the following matches the definition: covering up a weakness by stressing a desirable or stronger trait?
A) Rationalization
B) Projection
C) Compensation
D) None of the options
E) Dysphoria
51) Which of the following is not a part of Managerial Functions?
A) Research and Development
B) Control in Mines
C) Organising
D) Direction
E) Planning
52) The factor of safety of the rope shall not be less than 8 in the winding when the cage or other means of conveyance is at the lowest working point
A) Exceeding 300 meter but not exceeding 500 meter
B) Exceeding 700 meter but not exceeding 1000 meter
C) Exceeding 1000 meter but not exceeding 1500 meter
D) Exceeding 1500 meter but not exceeding 2000 meter
E) Exceeding 500 meter but not exceeding 700 meter
53) If any new installations or additions or alterations are made in telecommunication or signaling apparatus a notice is to be given
A) Immediately after usage,
B) Information during annual returns is sufficient
C) With in seven days in writing before such usage
D) Notice need not be given in such cases
E) Immediately before such usage,
54) The subject matter of personnel management is
A) Capital investment
B) Profit
C) None of the options
D) human being
E) Wages and incentives
55) Employees exposed to radiation should undergo blood count test at least once in every -----------------
A) 2 Years
B) 3 Years
C) 10 months
D) 1 Year
E) 6 months
56) Who gives permission for the magazine?
A) D.M
B) All the options
C) Chief Controller of Explosive
D) I.B.M
E) C.I.M
57) Which of the following is/are the limitation of break even point
1. No loss no profit
2. Assumes fixed costs are constant
3. Assumes quantity of goods produced is equal to quantity of goods sold
A) 1,2 & 3
B) 1
C) 2 & 3
D) 3
E) 2
58) In case of any dispute arising in connection with medical exam, the same shall be referred to the Chief Inspector for his decision within days of the order communicated by the owner, agent or manager of the mine to the said person
A) Forty days
B) Sixty days
C) Fifty days
D) Twenty days
E) Ten days
59) Who may give the notice in writing under section 22A (1) of the Mines Act, 1952.
(a) Chief Inspector
(b) Regional Inspector
(c) Central Government
(d) Inspector
A) (b) only
B) (a) & (b) only
C) (a) only
D) (b) & (c) only
E) (a),(b),(c) & (d)
60) In the‘ Safety Management Plans & system’s approach, the following is likely to take place
A) The risk is identified through scientific agency
B) The risk creator himself decides the best way to control the risk and thereby avoid the occurrence of any untoward incident
C) The risk creator is correctly identified and we can find the best way to educate him and control the risk and thereby avoid the occurrence of any untoward incident
D) The risk is identified through scientific means and thereby avoided
E) None of the options
61) A common training center can be approved by Chief Inspector may, in respect of two or more mines
A) Mines of the same management
B) Mines located in a district
C) Mines located in a taluk
D) None of the above
E) belonging to different managements but closer in distance
62) What are the main causes of accident due to dumper in opencast mines?
A) All the options
B) Lack of awareness
C) Design and maintenance of haul road
D) Issue regarding maintenance of dumpers
E) Lack of adequate training
63) Combination of the likelihood of a specific unwanted event and the potential consequences if it should occur is termed as............................
A) Accident
B) Hazard
C) Risk
D) Injury
E) Incidence
64) The composition of atmospheric air contains
A) Only Nitrogen
B) Only Carbandoixide
C) Only Oxygen
D) All of the above
E) Non of the above
65) If a mine is abandoned over a period exceeding 60 days, and during this if a change of ownership of mine occurs, the annual returns are to be submitted within days of the discontinuation
A) 100
B) 60
C) 30
D) 80
E) 10
66) Use of PERT is part of:-
A) Production Management
B) Risk Management
C) None of the options
D) System approach to Management
E) Finance Management
67) In a place where persons are working, the supervisor or competent person posted shall have an experience of
A) Not less than 2 years
B) Not less than 3 years
C) Not less than 5 years
D) Not more than 3 years
E) Not more than 5 years
68) Which of the following matches the definition: attributing of our own unwanted trait onto another person?
A) All the options
B) Compensation
C) Dysphoria
D) Projection
E) Rationalization
69) What are the “UNSAFE WORKING CONDITIONS” at Mines? Choose from the following.
A) Congestion in the workplace.
B) Improper method of working and Poor housekeeping.
C) all are correct
D) Narrow roads.
E) Defective tools or equipment.
70) Reportable injury is defined as any injury which involves enforced absence of the injured person from work for a period of ?
A) more than 48 hours
B) One week
C) More than 36 hours
D) More than 24 hours
E) More than 72 hours
71) The typical length to diameter ratio of rock specimen for testing of compressive strength is
A) 1.5-2.0
B) None of the Options
C) 2.0-3.0
D) 4.0-5.0
E) 3.0-4.0
72) Provision of canteens' is specified under Rule No of the Mines Rules, 1955.
A) 65
B) None of the options
C) 62
D) 66
E) 64
73) Notice served under section 16 shall reach the concerned
A) At least three months before the commencement of any mining operation.
B) At least six months before the commencement of any mining operation.
C) At least one month before the commencement of any mining operation.
D) At least one month after the commencement of any mining operation.
E) At least six months after the commencement of any mining operation.
74) which of following is Statutory requirements for Safety Management in mines?
A) Bipartite Committee
B) Option A & B
C) Workmen's Inspector
D) Safety Committee
E) Tripartite Committee
75) The person appointed to hold the court of inquiry under section 24 of the Mines Act, 1952 have all the powers of a civil court under code of Civil Procedure 1908, (Act V of 1908)....................
(a) for the purpose of enforcing the attendance of witnesses
(b) compelling the production of documents
(c) compelling the production of material objects
A) (a) & (c) only
B) (a) & (b) only
C) (b) & (c) only
D) (a) or (b) or (c) only
E) (a),(b) & (c)
76) purpose of evasse is
A) reduction of power bill
B) Discharge the polluted air at higher level of the atmosphere.
C) None of the above
D) all of the above
E) convert the dynamic energy to static energry
77) If the employee leaves the job by himself the amount payable in respect of the leave not taken by him shall be payable
A) With in same month
B) Within three days of such leaving the job
C) Within two days
D) Within 15 days
E) Within next pay day
78) What are the dimensions of parapet wall/embankment acording to DGMS tech. Cir. No. 9 of 2008
A) Top width not less than 1 m, bottom width not less than 2.5 m & height not less than diameter of tyre of largest vehicle plying.
B) Top width not less than 1 m, bottom width not less than 2.5 m & height not less than half diameter of tyre of largest vehicle plying.
C) Top width not less than 1.5 m, bottom width not less than 2 m & height not less than diameter of tyre of largest vehicle plying.
D) Top width not less than 1.5 m, bottom width not less than 2.5 m & height not less than diameter of tyre of largest vehicle plying.
E) Top width not less than 1 m, bottom width not less than 2 m & height not less than diameter of tyre of largest vehicle plying.
79) Which of the following is not under the purview of committee constituted under Sec. 12?
A) To hear and decide such appeals or objections against notices or orders under the act
B) Consider the proposal for making rules and Regulation
C) Enquire into accidents referred it by the Central Govt.
D) Enquire into such other matter referred to it by Central. Govt.
E) Enquire into the accidents referred to it by the chief Inspector
80) which of the following points are specified in Traffic rules ?
A) Right of way
B) Speed limit
C) Parking
D) All the options
E) Overtaking
81) Choose the correct option : The minimum practical experience required for Rescue Room In charge as per the Rescue Rules, 1985 is?
A) 2 yrs in belowground mines and 1 yrs in open-cast mines.
B) 2 yrs in belowground mines
C) 4 yrs in any mines
D) 3 yrs in belowground Mines
E) 3 yrs in belowground and opencast workings
82) Hard board stretcher is required to shift an injured person in case of
A) A and B above
B) None of the options
C) Head injury
D) Spinal cord injury
E) Multiple fractures
83) As per the MMR, 1961 No person shall carry or be permitted to carry any load along a road or footpath having an inclination of degrees or more from the horizontal.
A) 45
B) 30
C) 15
D) 60
E) 10
84) The forecasting techniques used for material planning is/ are 1.Product requirement 2.Trend analysis 3.Correlation
A) 1 & 3
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 2 & 3
85) The comparison of financial data of same time period of different organisations engaged in similar business is
A) Spatial data analysis
B) Options A & B
C) Cross-sectional analysis
D) Time series analysis
E) None of the options
86) If the productive man hours lost are less, their available productive hours will be
A) Same
B) Less
C) Options A, B and C
D) None of the options
E) More
87) Which is not a function of the Safety committee ?
A) To discuss remedial measures against unsafe conditions and practices in the mine.
B) To meet once in every 30 days to consider the matters placed before it.
C) To serve as a forum for communication on safety and occupational health matters.
D) To formulate and implement appropriate safety campaigns.
E) To enquire into canteen irregularities.
88) If a person who fails to respond to the second notice of medical examination without reasonable cause
A) He shall be given a third notice
B) He shall be provided a temporary employment
C) He shall be provided an alternate employment
D) None of the options
E) He shall be liable to be discharged from service
89) Medical standard of fitness to be followed to ascertain the medical fitness of persons seeking appointment is laid down in
90) Which statement is not correct in respect of bye-laws ?
A) If called upon to do so, owner, Agent or Manager of a mine frames and submits draft bye-laws within a period of within two Months to the CIM.
B) If in the opinion of CIM, the draft bye-laws are not sufficient, the CIM may cancel or reject it.
C) It is drafted in consistent with the Mines Act, 1952.
D) The Central Government may make such modifications in the bye-laws as it may think fit.
E) The Central Government may by an order in writing may rescind the whole or part or the bye-laws.
91) Maximum Exposure Limit of respirable dust prescribed for 8 hrs time weighted average in underground Manganese Mine working environment.
A) 3 Mg/Cum
B) 9 Mg/Cum
C) 5 Mg/Cum
D) 7 Mg/Cum
E) 10 Mg/Cum
92) Court of inquiry appointed under section of The Mines Act, 1952
A) all
B) 23
C) 25
D) 30
E) 24
93) Which of the following is NOT normally a sign of poor morale amongst a workforce ?
A) High levels of absenteeism.
B) None of the options
C) A poor external image and difficulties attracting good recruits.
D) Increased levels of personal productivity
E) Low levels of turnover.
94) Tenth conference on Safety in mines recomended the frequecy of periodic medical examination from 5 years to 3 years for the persons employed in mines after-- age.
A) 45 years
B) 40 years
C) 44 years
D) 46 years
E) 50 years
95) when the owner of a mine is a firm or other association of individuals Form I has to be submitted in case of change of ownership
A) None of the above
B) Only if it is any shareholder in the case of a private company;
C) All of the above
D) Only if it is director in the case of a public company;
E) Only when a partner in the case of a firm or any member in the case of an association;
96) Which of the following is not a part of Evolution of Management ?
A) System Management
B) Finance Management
C) Process & system management
D) Process Management
E) Behavioural Management
97) Values used in calculating financial ratios are taken from : 1. Balance sheet 2.Income statement
3.Statement of cash flow
A) 1
B) 1 & 2
C) 1,2 & 3
D) 2
E) 3
98) Highest risk control method is elimination and which offers lowest risk control
B) Training and Administration
C) Administration
D) Training
E) None of the options
99) Miner died due to heart- attack during his duty hours without any injury. which of the following statements is / are not true ?
A) If post mortem report fails to submit to DGMS … it is considered as accident in the Mine
B) It is an accident happened in the Mine.
C) The post mortem report to be submitted to DGMS.
D) None of the options
E) It is considered as natural death due to heart issues.
100) For computing any notice period to be given a person
A) 50% of the un-availed leave of a person can be taken into consideration
B) The un-availed leave of a person shall not be taken into consideration
C) Full un-availed leave of a person can be taken into consideration
D) Any of the above
E) None of the options

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