No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) If electromagnetic energy travels 299792.5 km/s under given condition what unit of distance corresponds to each nano second of time?
A) none of these
B) 29.97 km
C) 29.97 cm
D) 29.97 m
E) 29.97 mm
2) Vertical photographs do not represent the true plan of the ground because of
A) image displacement
B) varriation in speed of aircraft
C) ground relief
D) all of these
E) tilt displacement
3) Instrument used for chain survey
(a) metre chain
(b) clinometer
(c) prismatic compass
A) only (a)
B) none of these
C) (a), (b) and (c)
D) only (c)
E) only (b)
4) Choose correct statement(s) Reciprocal levelling elliminates the
(i) errors due to earth's curvature
(ii) errors due to atmospheric refraction
(iii) mistake in taking levelling staff readings
(iv) errors due to line of collimation
A) i,iii and iv
B) i,ii,and iv
C) i,ii,and iii
D) none of these
E) ii,iii,and iv
5) Select the correct statement
A) the staff reading is increased when it is tilted
B) a plumb bob can be used to establish a level line of sight
C) if the foresight is greater than the bachsight, it response a rise
D) the height of instrument method provides a check on the intermediate sight
E) the first reading after the setting up the instrument is foresight
6) Distance between two stations on a plan drawn to a scale of 40 m to 1 cm was measured 5000 m. Later, it was discovered that scale of 100 m to 1 cm. By what factor correct length can be obtained?
A) 2.5
B) 0.4
C) 0.25
D) 3.5
E) 1.5
7) If the fore bearing of a line is less than 1800 then the back bearing will be
(a) Back bearing = Fore bearing - 1800
(b) Back bearing = Fore bearing + 1800
(c) Back bearing = Fore bearing
(d) Back bearing = 1800 - Fore bearing
A) (c)
B) (d)
C) (a)
D) none of these
E) (b)
8) To improve economy and accuracy of triangulation, one has to undertake
A) none of these
B) economic survey
C) chain survey
D) traversing
E) reconnaissance
9) Two concave lenses of 60 cm focal length are cemented on either side of convex lense of 15 cm focal length. The focal length of the combination is
A) 30 cm
B) 40 cm
C) 60 cm
D) 15 cm
E) 20 cm
10) The area of any irregular figure can be determined accurately with a
A) cross -staff
B) planimeter
C) all of these
D) graf paper
E) pentograph
11) The curvature correction in earthwork computation is always
A) negative
B) positive, if the centroid and centre of curvature are to the opposite side of the centre line
C) positive if if the centroid and centre of curvature are to the same side of the centre line
D) positive
E) Negative, if the centroid and centre of curvature are to the opposite side of the centre line
12) The co-efficient of linear expansion of invar as compared to that of ordinary steel is about
A) 1/200
B) 1/100
C) 1/500
D) 1/30
E) 1/50
13) The allowable length of an offset depends upon the
A) degree of accuracy required
B) scale of planning
C) none of these
D) both A and B
E) neither A nor B
14) Which of the following statements are correct?
(a) The shape of the geoid depends on the irregular distribution of mass inside the earth.
(b) The geoid is defined as the equipotential surface of gravity strength field.
(c) Mean Sea Level (MSL) is the best approximation of the surface of a geoid
(d) The geoid is a perfect ellipsoid
A) (a)(b)(c) and (d) are correct
B) Only (b) and (d) are correct
C) Only (b) is correct
D) Only (a) and (b) are correct
E) (a)(b) and (c) are correct
16) The great circle formed by the intersection of the celestial sphere and the plane perpendicular to the zenith-nadir line and passing through the centre of the earth is called
A) The sensible horizon
B) The terrestrial equator
C) The celestial equator
D) the celestial horizon
E) The visible horizon
17) Well-conditioned triangle in triangulation survey is
A) Acute angled triangle with suitable base angles
B) Isosceles triangle with suitable base angles
C) Obtuse angled triangle with suitable base angles
D) Right angled triangle
E) none of these
18) Error of closure (calculated by Co-ordinate) after distribution of total angular eror shall not exceed
A) 1/3000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
B) 1/1200th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
C) 1/2000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
D) 1/1000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
E) 1/4000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
20) If the scale of plotting of a plan is 1:10,000 and assuming that a surveyor can plot a distace as small as 0.10mm, the distance that can be measured to the nearest is
A) 0.10m
B) 0.010m
C) 10.00m
D) none of these
E) 1.00m
21) In levelling
(i) permamnent bench marks are established by some Government agency on permanent points
(ii) Temporary benchmark are the points on which a day's work is closed
A) (i) is partially correct
B) Only (ii) is correct
C) None are correct
D) Only (i) is correct
E) Both (i) and (ii) are correct
22) The hour angle method requires observations to determine the azimuth.
A) horizontal
B) either horizontal or vertical
C) both horizontal and vertical
D) none of these
E) vertical
23) Tilt of the staff in stadia tacheometry increases the intercept if it is
A) away from the telescope pointing up-hill
B) away from the telescope pointing down-hill
C) none of these
D) towards the telescope pointing down-hill
E) towards the telescope pointing up-hill
25) The purpose of a well-conditioned triangle is
A) To minimise the effects on the value of calculated angles due to error in measurement of sides.
B) none of the above
C) To minimise accidental errors in the measurement of angles
D) To minimise the error in the measurement of base line.
E) To minimise the effects on the lengths of calculated sides due to error in measurement of angles.
26) The relief displacement on an air photogrph decreases with the
A) decrease in the distance from the principal point
B) both A and C
C) both B and C
D) decrease in flying height
E) increase in flying height
27) A 20 m chain was found to be 19 cm too long after chaining a distance of 2000m. It was found to be 18 com too long at the end of the day's work after chaining a distance of 4000m. What is the true distance ,if the chain was correct before the commencement
A) 3962m
B) 4038m
C) 4056m
D) 3981m
E) 4019m
28) Which of the statements are true for the first point of aries?
A) The point at which the North declination of the sun is at the maximum.
B) The point at which the South declination of the sun at the minimum.
C) The point on the heavenly equator from where the sun’s declination changes from South North.
D) none of these
E) The point on the ecliptic from where the sun’s declination changes from South North.
29) The sensitivity of bubble tube can be increased by
A) Increasing the length of divisions
B) increasing the diameter of the tube
C) none of these
D) increasing the length of the tube
E) increasing the radius of curvature of the tube
30) The great circle on the celestial sphere passing through a heavenly body and the celestial pole is known as the
A) The terrestrial equator
B) The Prime vertical
C) The celestial equator
D) None of these
E) Declination circle
31) If the hour angle of a star is 7h and its right assension is 8 h, the local siderial time will be
A) 8h
B) 7h
C) 15h
D) 1h
E) none of these
32) The contour interval is
A) directly proportional to the scale of the map
B) small for hilly terrain
C) inversly proportional to the scale of the map
D) all of these
E) large for flat surfece
33) The rotation of an aerial camera about the line of flight is known as
A) drift
B) none of these
C) crab
D) tip
E) tilt
34) A telephone on mine plans is shown by colour.
A) brown
B) Black
C) blue
D) Red
E) green
35) The method of finding out the difference in elevation between two points for eliminating the effect of curvature and refraction is
A) reciprocal levelling
B) flying levelling
C) none of these
D) differential levelling
E) precise levelling
36) The area of a field is calculated from measurement taken with a 20 m chain 0.5 link too short, is found to be 120 hectare. The true area of the field is Ha.
A) 120
B) 120.66
C) 120.06
D) 118.8
E) 119.94
37) While measuring in a line betweeen two stations A and B inrvened by a raised ground
A) levelling between the points can nkot be done
B) the chaining gets obstructed
C) the vision gets obstructed
D) none of these
E) both A and B
38) Which of the following coincides with the point of intersection of x and y axis of an aerial photography
A) air station
B) none of these
C) isocentre
D) nadir point
E) principal point
39) The of a plan is kept constant.
(a) scale
(b) contour interval
(c) horizontal equivalent
A) only (a)
B) none of these
C) only (b)
D) only (a) and (b)
E) (a), (b) and (c)
40) In atilted photograph , if the swing is 230degree , the rotation angle will be equal to
A) 30 degree
B) 60 degree
C) 50 degree
D) 90 degree
E) 45 degree
41) Error of closure of any underground open traverse shall not exceed
A) 1/1000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
B) 1/1200th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
C) 1/1500th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
D) 1/2000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
E) 1/3000th of the sum of the horizantol length of the draft of the traverse
42) If the declination of a star is 30 degree N , its polar distance will be
A) 120 degree
B) 210 degree
C) 30 dgeree
D) 150 degree
E) 60 degree
43) Depending on the type of carrier wave employed, which EDM instrument cannot be classified as instrument.
A) none of these
B) electrowave
C) visible light
D) infrared
E) microwave
45) Positive and negative errors of the same magnitude/size happen with
A) more probability for the former
B) equal probability
C) less probability for the former
D) can not be predicted
E) non-equal probability
46) Match the following.
(a) Flat ground (1) Closer contour lines
(b) Downward slope (2) Wider contour lines
(c) Steep slope (3) Contour value decreases
A) (a) - (2) (b) - (3) (c) - (1)
B) (a) - (3) (b) - (1) (c) - (2)
C) (a) - (3) (b) - (2) (c) - (1)
D) (a) - (1) (b) - (3) (c) - (2)
E) (a) - (2) (b) - (1) (c) - (3)
47) A star having a polar distance less than the lattitude of the place of onservation is known as
A) star at culmination
B) circumpolar star
C) star at prime vertical
D) none of these
E) star at elongation
48) The whole circle bearing of a line , whose quadrantal bearing is S 19 degree E is
A) none of these
B) 199 degree
C) 161 degree
D) 289 degree
E) 10 degree
49) Choose the correct statement(s)
(i) Plotting errors in case of the plan on the scale of 1/2000 should be within 50 cm..
(ii) plotting error in case of the plan on thenscale of 1/1000 the error shall bort exceed 25cm
(iii) Plotting errors in case of the plan on the scale of 1/2000 should be within 20 cm.
(iv) Plotting errors in case of the plan on the scale of 1/1000 should be within 10 cm.
A) Both (iii) and (iv) are correct
B) Both (i) and (ii) are Correct
C) (only (ii) is correct
D) only (i) is Correct
E) both (i) and (iv) are Correct
50) Prismoidal formual yeild better result , when
A) none of these
B) there is a large difference between the two end areas of a prismoid
C) the cross section are spaced closely
D) all of these
E) the surfqqace irregularity has been measured in the field
51) The temperature correction of the tape
A) may be negative or positive
B) neither negative nor positive
C) is always positive
D) none of these
E) is always negative
52) Line of sight shall be in theodolite.
A) normal to vertical axis
B) parallel to horizontal axis
C) parallel to the axis of the telescopic
D) none of these
E) parallel to horizonta circle
53) The datum adopted for India is the MSL at
A) Chennai
B) Kolkata
C) Mumbai
D) Karachi
E) Cochin
54) The line of sight of an accurately levelled telescope lies in the plane of the .
A) sensible horizon
B) visible horizon
C) celestial horizon
D) terrestrial equator
E) celestial equator
55) Photogrammetry is the art, science and technology of obtaining reliable information about objects and environment through processes of images and patterns.
A) recording
B) measuring
C) all of these
D) interpreting
E) art of determining
56) The length of a line measured with 20 metre chain was found to be 200 metre. The true length of the line was known to be 199 metre. Find the error in chain.
A) 0.1
B) 0.01
C) -0.1
D) 1.1
E) 1.0
57) An inwar tape is made of an alloy of
A) copper and steel
B) brass and steel
C) none of the above
D) nickel and steel
E) zinc, cobalt and steel
60) In an external focussing telescope, the focussing of the objective is achieved by
A) both A and B
B) movement of a negative concave lens
C) by movement of objective
D) double convex lens
E) none of these
61) Pick out the correct statement
A) none of these
B) In reciprocal levelling, the error due to refraction is eleminated
C) at a change point in levelling, two back sights are taken
D) In levelling, if back sight is less than the foresight, the back sight station is lower than the foresight station
E) The effect of curvature is to cause the object sighted to appear lower than they really are
64) The non- uniform length of the appareent solar days is due to
A) neither of A and B
B) obliquity of the eccliptic
C) Earth's rotation on its axis
D) both A and B
E) earth's elliptical path
65) The following method of fast needle traversing is generally preferred
A) direct method with transiting
B) A and B
C) A, B and C
D) back bearing method
E) direct method without transiting
66) What is the volume of a 6m deep tank having rectanhular shaped top 6m X4m and bottom 4m X 2m(computed through use of Prismoidal formula)
A) 94 cubic meter
B) 90 cubic meter
C) 92 cubic meter
D) none of these
E) 96 cubic meter
67) The latitude of a point is negative if it lies
A) north of reference parallel
B) none of these
C) south of reference parallel
D) east of reference parallel
E) west of reference parallel
69) The beraing of a line is 10 degree and the magnetic declination is 6 degree w . Its magnetic bearing is
A) none of these
B) 20 degree
C) 4 degree
D) 6 degree
E) 16 degree
70) Plan and section of the mine is required to be up-dated
(a) within every 3 months for open cast mines (b)within every 6 months of open cast mines
(c) within every 12 months for opencast mines
(d) within every 3 months for underground mines
(e) within every 12 months for underground mine
A) both (a) and (d) are correct
B) Both (c) and (e) are correct
C) Both (c) and (d) are correct
D) both (b) and (d) are correct
E) Both (a) and (c) are correct
71) The distance on arc of the great circle corresponding to angle of one minute subtended by the arc at the centre of the earth is equal to
A) one mile
B) one furlong
C) 1.672 km
D) one nautic mile
E) one kilometer
72) The reading on a 4.0m staff at apoint is onserved as 2.895m . If the staff was 8 cm out of the plumb line, the correct reading should be
A) 2.8950m
B) 2.8965m
C) 2.8961m
D) 2.8938m
E) 2.8150m
73) If the net length covered by each photograph is 1.2km and length of strip is 20km, the number of air photographs required are
A) 32
B) 16
C) 24
D) 17
E) 18
74) Local attraction can be detected by
(a) checking the fore bearing and back bearing of a line
(b) checking nearby structures
(c) day and night readings
A) (a), (b) and (c)
B) only (a)
C) (a) and (b)
D) only (c)
E) only (b)
75) In a theodolite the face of the vertical circle is to the right of the observer it is known as
A) telescope normal
B) abnormal
C) face left
D) transit
E) face right
76) Consider the following statements regarding indirect ranging . It is resorted to
(i) When the end stations of the line are far apart .
(ii) When the hillock is encountered while ranging .
(iii). In case of ravines
A) None of these
B) both (i) and (ii) are correct
C) both (ii) and (iii) are correct
D) both (i) and (iii) are correct
E) All the (i) , (ii) and (iii) are correct.
77) The great circle on the celestial sphere which the sun appears to describe with the earth as a centre in the course of a year is called
A) The Celestial equator
B) The ecliptic
C) The visible horizon
D) None of these
E) The Terrestrial equator
78) Given the Whole Circle Bearing (WCB) of a line AB is equal to 900 , find the Quadrantal Bearing (QB) of the line BA.
A) S 900E
B) E 900N
C) W 900
D) N 900 E
E) E 900
79) The main type of modulation are frequently used in electronic distance measurement
a. amplitude modulation
b. frequency modulation
c. phase modulation
d. laser modulation
e. microwave modulation
A) a,b and c
B) b,c and d
C) a,b and e
D) a,b and d
E) b,c and e
A) none of these
B) 900 downward
C) 1800
D) 900 upward
E) 00
84) Leaving out part of the data, misreading the survey instrument are called .
A) none of these
B) constant error
C) accidental error
D) systematic error
E) mistake
85) If the latitude and departure of a line is 85 m and 5 m, then its length is m
A) 88.88
B) 100.15
C) 90.2
D) 87
E) 85.15
87) Simpson's rule can be used for computation of areas when the number of ordinates are
A) both A and B
B) either A or B
C) none of these
D) odd
E) even
89) The observer’s meridian is the great circle which passes through the
A) Zenith, Nadir and Heavenly body
B) Zenith, nadir and celestial poles
C) Celestial poles
D) Heavenly body
E) Zenith and Nadir
91) Creation of image Based GIS form multigeo-datasets is characterised by which subsystem of GIS
A) management
B) input
C) all of these
D) processing
E) display
92) The point of intersection of the ecliptic with the equator is called .
(a) The first point of Aries and the First Point of Libra
(b) equinoctial points
(c) poles
A) only (a) and (b)
B) only (b)
C) (a), (b) and (c)
D) only (a) and (c)
E) only (a)
93) For an aertial photograph, the interpretation is easy if it is
A) oblique
B) tilted
C) vertical
D) none of these
E) any of these
94) The focal length of an aerial camera is 12.5cm and the exposure station was 2500m above the datum. The scale of the photogrph is
A) none of these
B) 1 is to 2000
C) 1cm = 400m
D) 1 is to 1000
E) 1cm= 200m
95) The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by
A) all of these
B) decreasing the length of the bubble
C) increasing the roughness of the walls
D) increasing the length of the bubble
E) decreasing the internal radius of the tube
96) The length of the line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 302 m. The true length of the line was known to be 300 m. The error in the chain is
A) (-) 2 m
B) 0.13 m
C) 2 m
D) none of these
E) (-) 0.13 m
98) The parallitic angle is equal to 90 degree when the star is at
A) Horizon
B) Zenith
C) celestial pole
D) elongation
E) prime vertical
99) A back sight reading on B.M. =100m was 3.250m. The inverted staff reading to the bottom of agirder was 1.250m. The R.L. of the bottom girder is
A) 103.25m
B) 101.250m
C) 102.0m
D) 104.40m
E) 10.250m
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