No. of Questions: 100
Duration in Minutes: 120
1) The frequency of issue of protective footwear is once in -----.
A) 3 months
B) 6 months
C) 18 months
D) 2 years
E) 1 year
2) A competent person shall once atleast in every days, inspect all seals erected to isolate or control a fire or spontaneous heating belowground.
A) 15
B) 7
C) 10
D) 30
E) 14
3) All levels taken above and belowground shall be referred to a plane in relation to a which shall be established on the surface in the mine.
A) Horizontal plane
B) Transverse section
C) Datum
D) Lateral displacement
E) Bench mark
4) Balance rope is used in Kope/friction winder --.
A) all of above
B) To connect cage and counter weight
C) to balance winding rope weight and to reduce power consumption
D) To increase the weight of Load
E) to balance winding rope
5) Which is not an advantage of decentralization of authority ?
A) Provides foundation for development of future executives
B) Ineffective Control over operation and processes.
C) Prompt actions and quick decisions
D) Relieves top excessive work load
E) Motivative for subordinates
6) First aid for a person suffering from heat cramps is --.
A) Give cool water or salted lemon water.
B) Ask the person to keep walking till heat cramp is vanished
C) Ask the person to slowly keep walking to reduce the cramp
D) Apply cold packs.
E) Massage the muscle vigorously to increase circulation.
7) Splitting or reduction of any pillar or block of mineral may be commence where it is necessary for haulage, ventilation, drainage etc, on giving previous notice to the Regional Inspector.
A) 14 days
B) 30 days
C) 45 days
D) 7 days
E) 60 days
8) Which of the following system includes the brain and spinal cord?
A) none of these points
B) Autonomic nervous system
C) Central nervous system
D) Sympathetic nervous system
E) Peripheral nervous system
9) Which of the factors are considered in support system design ?
A) Depth of deposit
B) Thickness of the deposit
C) Roof rock load density
D) All of the above
E) method of the working .
10) What shall be the required qualification of a manager to appoint in a mine, in which everage employment is 145 persons in workings belowground ?
A) 1st Class Manager's Certificate
B) 2nd Class Manager's Certificate
C) 1st or 2nd Class Manager's Certificate
D) Manager's permit granted under MMR, 1961
E) none of these points are correct
11) What is meant by the term Functional management ?
A) All of the above
B) A system of business organisation that is based on an individual having a wide range of skills needed to administer a business
C) A type of management that is based more on personality
D) A system that Supports a flat form of command chain
E) A system that groups together to do various jobs and is organised by departments, sections or Functions
12) Unless otherwise permitted by the Regional Inspector, the height of every main drive shall be not less than……m.
A) 3.6
B) 1.2
C) 2.4
D) 1.8
E) 4.8
13) Unless otherwise permitted, every plan shall be prepared on a scale of --.
A) 5000:1
B) 1200:1
C) 4000:1
D) 1000:1
E) 2000:1
14) In a risk assessment on condition of work place for jack hammer drilling operation, the hazard ‘poor illumination ‘ was rated 0.9 (risk score) but low ERCI was observed during the formation of control plan. What action to be taken by management to mitigate
A) Issue will be taken unceremoniously as risk rating is low
B) YF(yellow flag) should be marked for the hazard and mitigated with seriousness.
C) None of these
D) Significance of ERCI may be ignored
E) Risk rating may be reviewed
15) Thickness of air crossing made up of reinforced concrete shall not be less than --.
A) 30cm
B) 60cm
C) 20cm
D) 15cm
E) 25cm
16) The manager shall arrange for medical re-examination through the Appellant Medical Board within days and shall give ------- days’ notice of medical re-examination in--.
A) Twenty , fifteen & Form O
B) Thirty , fifteen & Form P
C) Twenty , fifteen & Form N
D) Thirty , fifteen & Form Q
E) Twenty five , fifteen & Form O
17) The manager has to submit Draft bye-laws when asked for, within --.
A) Six months
B) Two months
C) Within one year
D) One month,
E) Three months
18) At 35 L/min flow rate of oxygen for Chemical Oxygen Type, Self Generating Self Rescuer with a rated duration up to 30 minutes and including 30 minutes, the sum of inhalation and exhalation resistance during testing as per BIS standard shall not exceed ---
A) 25 mbar
B) 16 mbar
C) 18 mbar
D) 22 mbar
E) 20 mbar
19) Which of the following staments in respect of PERT and CPM is valid ?
A) Leveling and smoothing are the techniques related to resource scheduling in CPM
B) Option A, B & C
C) PERT is event - oriented while CPM is activity- oriented
D) PERT is probabilistic while CPM is deterministic
E) Option B and C
20) Choose the correct option. As per the Mines Act, 1952, a Mine does not include --.
A) All machinery in or adjacent to and belonging to a mine.
B) Any premise for the time being used for depositing sand being premises exclusively occupied by the owner of the mine.
C) Railway in or adjacent to and belonging to a mine.
D) Sub-station supplying power solely to a hospital of a mine.
E) All open-cast workings
21) What is the tenure of a workmen's inspector nominated under The Mines Rules, 1955?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6
22) What symptoms are associated with heat exhaustion ?
A) Dizziness
B) All of the above
C) Profused sweating
D) Cool and moist skin
E) Fatigue
23) Rock Mass Rating (RMR) is --.
A) physio-chemical properties of rock
B) All of the above
C) Physio-mechanical properties of rock
D) Geo-mechanical properties of Rock
E) none of these
24) In a Mine 95 persons are employed in first shift, how much drinking water shall be provided whole of the shift as per the Mines Rules, 1955 ?
A) at least 95 litres
B) less than 190 litres
C) atleast 190 litres
D) less than150 litres
E) atleast 150 litres
25) What is the purpose of Bandages ?
A) To ease pain.
B) To apply directly to a wound to soak up blood.
C) To apply on big cuts only.
D) To apply on small cuts only.
E) To hold dressings in place, apply pressure and control bleeding.
26) What is a conduit?
A) A metallic tube used to pass cables through it for protecting it from mechanical damage
B) A tube either metallic or non-metallic used for cables or a cable to pass through for protecting them from mechanical damage when placed inside
C) A non metallic tube into which a cable or cables are drawn for the purpose of mechanical protection
D) When some cables are protected from mechanical damage by placing them together with the help if a non- conducting material like plastic rope.
E) A metallic tube used for protecting the cables passing through it and also acts as common Earth
27) If a person’s service commences on a day other than first day of January, he is deemed to have completed a calendar year’s service if he works underground for --.
A) 25% of the days of the remaining period,
B) 50% of the days of the remaining period,
C) 75% of the days of the remaining period,
D) 60% of the days of the remaining period,
E) 100% of the days of the remaining period
28) During the Examination of brakes system in a LHD, what kind of Test shall be conducted?
A) Fade & Recovery Test
B) Torque Wheel Test
C) Deceleration Test
D) Option A & C
E) Standstill Test
29) Work- study is a method of involving -------- & study.
A) Option A & B
B) work study and all operation
C) Time and motion
D) Method and Motion
E) None
30) As per DGMS Tech.Cir. No. 3 of 2012, PME of mine employees above the age of 60 years shall be carried out atleast once in --.
A) two years
B) a year
C) three years
D) six months
E) nine months
31) Latrines shall be provided at a scale, at least one seat for every ------- males and at least one seat for every --------- females employed at one time in the mine.
A) 100, 50
B) 50, 50
C) 50, 100
D) 150, 50
E) 100, 100
32) How many Breathing apparatus of type - Short duration self-contained breathing apparatus shall be provided at Rescue Station?
A) 25
B) 6
C) 54
D) 12
E) 7
33) What is the purpose of installation of convergence recorders in mine workings?
A) None of the above
B) It gives indication of impending fall of roof well in advance
C) It gives indication of likely chances of failure of dump.
D) It gives indication of air blast well in advance.
E) It provides data for analysis of strata failure at a later stage
34) Every person proposed to be employed belowground in a mine shall undergo --.
A) Theoretical and gallery training as per Second Schedule, and practical training on actual operations for not less than Six working days
B) Theoretical and gallery training as per Second Schedule, and practical training on actual operations for not less than twelve working days
C) Theoretical and gallery training as per First Schedule, and practical training on actual operations for not less than Six working days
D) Theoretical and gallery training as per Second Schedule, and practical training on actual operations for not less than Ten working days
E) Theoretical and gallery training as per Second Schedule, and practical training on actual operations for not less than twenty one working days
35) For an emergent meeting of the committee days of clear notice shall be given.
A) None of the above
B) One day
C) At least three days
D) At least two days
E) At least four days
36) The beginning period of a project is known as --.
A) Gestation period
B) Preliminary period
C) Option A & C
D) Beginning period
E) None
37) Siderosis is caused due to inhalation of dust.
A) Uranium
B) Iron Ore
C) Asbestos
D) Maganese
E) Copper
38) For dealing a misfire, a relieving hole shall be drilled in such a direction that at no point shall it be nearer than ------from the misfired hole.
A) 60cm
B) 25cm
C) 20cm
D) 30cm
E) 45cm
39) What is the minimum number of members of the committee constituted under Section 12 of the Mines Act, 1952 required to be present including chairman for transaction of any business ?
A) Four
B) Five
C) Two
D) Six
E) Three
40) What is the maximum length of flexible cable permitted in any portable or transportable apparatus used in underground mine?
A) 200 meters
B) 500 meters
C) 100 meters
D) 300 meters
E) 400 meters
41) The specific gravity of methane is --.
A) 0.967
B) 1.529
C) 1.192
D) 0.554
E) 0.75
42) The areas of working are to be inspected by a Mining Mate before the work starts.
A) One hour
B) 1/2 hour
C) Two hours
D) 15 minutes
E) 30 minutes
43) As per the Mines Rule, 1955, format of employee register shall be maintained in --.
A) Form E
B) Form D
C) Form C
D) Form B
E) Form A
44) What is more serious?
A) Heat Stroke
B) Heat Exhaustion
C) Heat Cramps
D) Heat burn
E) Heat Rash
45) What are the palces in a mine to be kept effectively fenced?
A) A subsidence of the surface occurred as a result of mining operations.
B) An excavation extended within a distance of 15 metres from a public road or any building.
C) Every entrance from a roadway in a mine to a part of the mine, which is for the time being, is neither being worked nor being used for any purpose.
D) All of these
E) Every entrance to a shaft, winze, ore-pass, chute sump, store or other dangerous place.
46) Which of the following is a symptom of internal bleeding?
A) warm dry skin
B) none of these points
C) shallow and rapid breathing
D) slow strong pulses
E) normal mental status
47) Who shall make the bye-laws for conduct of examination and grant of certificates of competency ?
A) none of these
B) Director (Exam.)
C) Cetral Government
D) Board of Mining Examinations
E) Chief Inspector of Mines
48) As per DGMS guidelines, permissible peak particle velocity at the industrial buildings not belonging to the owner of the mine with frequncy greater than 25Hz is mm/s
A) 20
B) 10
C) 15
D) 25
E) 5
49) During testing of Self Contained, Closed Circuit Breathing Apparatus, the minimum percentage of oxygen in the inhaled air as per BIS standard is --.
A) 19%
B) 20.93%
C) 17.50%
D) none of these points
E) 21%
50) A victim hit by a vehicle or tub vomited and coughing up blood. He is breathing rapidly and pulse is weak and fast. What can be his internal condition?
A) He has internal bleeding.
B) He is having diabetes
C) He is having a fracture.
D) He is having a heart attack
E) He is having a hypertension
51) The number of persons appointed in the committee to represent interests of miners is --.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 3
E) 8
52) Workmen Inspectors have to undergo an orientation training course of not less than ---------- lectures and demonstrations of not less than duration each.
A) 30, 2 hours
B) 60, 1 hour
C) 30, 1 hour each
D) 90, 2 hours
E) 45, 2 hours
53) The annual return in respect of mines shall be submitted on or before --.
A) 31st March
B) 1st January
C) 20th May
D) 1st May
E) 20th February
54) As per Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014 points to be looked for in fires and explosive area are --.
A) Open flames, combustible material, electrical arching etc
B) The thunder storms which may cause explosions
C) Incubation properties if it is a coal mine
D) All the above
E) None of the above
55) In case of an opencast mine extracting building stone, the Mines Act will be applicable if .
A) depth of excavation measured from its highest point to lowest point exceeeds 6m
B) 50 or more persons are employed on any one day
C) Option A, B & C
D) explosive is used
E) production is more than 100 tonnes per day
56) Choose the correct option. The Mines Rescue Rules, 1985 shall apply to -------
A) Only coal mines
B) All mines
C) Belowground mines and big opencast mines
D) Belowground mines
E) Belowground mines having danger of fire
57) The minimum number of Long duration breathing apparatus to be maintained in a Rescue room with refresher practice is --.
A) 30
B) 45
C) 24
D) 54
E) 50
58) The blaster shall not fire in any one shift more than number of shots electrically or by an ignitor cord.
A) 60
B) 80
C) 50
D) 90
E) 30
59) The quotient (Jw/SRF) is a complicated empirical factor describing as --.
A) “Active Stress”
B) none of these points.
C) “In-active Strain”
D) “Active Strain”
E) “In-active Stress”
60) HEMM operators should undergo eye refraction test at least once every --.
A) 5 yrs
B) 6 months
C) 3 yrs
D) 3 months
E) 1 yr
61) Which of the following statement covers a mining statistical accident ?
A) The death that is caused due to illness of the person
B) Even when a person working in some place gets injured or dies in any part of the mine
C) All the above
D) when a person working in some place gets heart attack and dies in any part of the mine
E) The one that is caused outside the boundary
62) What shall be the minimum illumination level required to be provided at area where drill holes exists in an opencast mine ?
A) 10V
B) 15H, 25V
C) 15H
D) 25H
E) 10H
63) Where in any place in a mine, inflammable gass is detected --.
A) take steps to remove the gas
B) the place shall be fenced of
C) all persons shall be withdrawan from the place
D) all of these points
E) improve the ventilation
64) The contour interval for the water danger plan having workings below ground --.
A) Shall not exceed 10 meters
B) Shall not exceed 2 meters
C) Shall not exceed 5 meters
D) Shall be convenient to the situation
E) Shall not exceed 20 meters
65) While calculating ordinary rate of daily wages for a person it should be equal to ----.
A) 1/26th of monthly earnings
B) 1/360 of yearly earning
C) 1/25th of monthly earnings
D) highest salary earned in a month divided by 30
E) 1/30th of monthly earnings
66) As per statute, no working shall be made or extended to any point --.
A) within 40 m road not belonging to owner
B) Within 45 m of railways, roads, or of any public works not belonging to the owner
C) within 30 m of structure not belonging to owner
D) within 15 m of public road not belonging to owner
E) All the above
67) As per BIS standard, the mass of a Chemical Oxygen Type, Self Generating Self Rescuer including the carrying container shall not exceed Kg :
A) 5.0 Kg
B) none of these points
C) 2.5Kg
D) 5.5 Kg
E) 3.0 Kg
68) Any death that occurs due to natural cause within mine boundary shall be treated as --.
A) Serious accident
B) Mining accident
C) Non-Mining accident
D) Reportable accident
E) None of the above
69) The minimum allowable cross sectional area of flexible metallic screen of flexible cables used in mines shall be ------.
A) 0.20 sq. cm
B) 0.15 sq. cm
C) 0.25 sq. cm
D) 0.75 sq. cm
E) 0.50 sq. cm
70) As per DGMS guidelines, permissible peak particle velocity at the domestic houses not belonging to the owner of the mine with frequncy greater than 25Hz is mm/s
A) 10
B) 20
C) 15
D) 5
E) 25
71) Voltage limits shall not exceed for general lighting in Opencast Mines?
A) 220V
B) 250V
C) 110V
D) 125V
E) 230V
72) As per DGMS guidelines, type of fencing shall be used at the tramline bridges and gantries
A) U1
B) S1
C) G2
D) S2
E) G1
73) The minimum illumination to be provided in electrical substation is --.
A) 100H, 50V
B) 25H, 15V
C) 50H
D) 50H, 100V
E) 15H, 25V
74) The ladder way shall be provided with sollar at an interval of 15 meters along the slope of the shaft or winze where -
A) none of the above
B) depth exceed 20 metrs and inclination more than 30 degree
C) depth exceed 10 metrs and inclination more than 60 degree
D) depth exceed 30 metrs and inclination more than 25 degree
E) depth exceed 25 metrs and inclination more than 45 degree
75) The shots to be fired are to be connected in --.
A) Any of the above
B) Parallel
C) None of the above
D) Either A or B
E) Series
76) As per DGMS guidelines, Height of 'S1' type fencing shall not be less than m
A) 1.2m
B) 1.8m high
C) 2.0m
D) 1m
E) 1.5m
77) Foam type extinguishers shall not be used for fighting of fires.
A) Electrical fires
B) none of these points
C) Wood fires
D) Plastic fires
E) Coal fires
78) The time spent by person chosen for examination in Occupational Health Suvey as per Section 9A of the Mines act, 1952 shall be counted towards his --.
A) after working hours
B) working hours
C) none of these
D) before working hours
E) period of rest
79) As per Mines Rule, 1955, formate of register of leave / rest shall be maintained in --.
A) Form E
B) Form B
C) Form D
D) Form C
E) Form A
80) As per Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014, which one of the following points are not covered in environmental aspect ?
A) Poor lighting & loud noise
B) None of the above
C) Confined spaces
D) open flames & impact
E) Temperature, and poor ventilation
81) The first step in the problem-solving process is to --.
A) determine the goals
B) analyze the problem
C) generate solutions
D) missing value
E) define the problem
82) Risk control Heirarchy flows from --.
A) Separation Elimination, Substitution , Administration, Training and PPE
B) Elimination, Substitution Separation, Administration, Training and PPE
C) Training Elimination, Substitution Separation, Administration, and PPE
D) Elimination, Substitution Separation, Administration, Redressaland PPE
E) Elimination, Substitution , Administration, Training, Isolation and PPE
83) Every plan or section unless otherwise provided, be on scale having representative factor of in case of mines having large opencast workings.
A) 200:1
B) 100:1
C) 1000:1
D) 2000:1
E) 3000:1
84) Dressing and bandages are used to --------
A) make victim to feel easy
B) Reduce internal bleeding.
C) Reduce the victim's pain.
D) Help control bleeding and prevent infection.
E) Make it easier to take the victim to the hospital.
85) In case of every vertical shaft / winz exceeding ------ metres in depth, it shall be provided sufficient number of guides to ensure smooth and safe passage of cage.
A) 200
B) 150
C) 45
D) 250
E) 100
86) Authority of a person having no requisit qualification and experience to act as training officer shall cease to have effect on the expiry of --.
A) none of these
B) 60 days
C) 40 days
D) 20 days
E) 30 days
87) What is the correct rate or speed you should use to perform compressions for an adult victim of cardiac arrest?
A) A rate of 100 times per minute
B) A rate of 60 times per minute
C) none of these points
D) A rate of 120 times per minute
E) A rate of 80 times per minute
88) The Mining-Non-Statistical category includes any accident --.
A) Occurs due to any operation that is incidental to mining operations in an area outside the boundary of the mine
B) Occurs due to any operation outside the area of mine
C) None of the above
D) Both the above
E) Occurs due to any operation outside the area of mine in any non-mining operations
89) Where it is intended to bring into use any new winding installation for lowering and raising persons, the owner, agent or manager shall not less than ----- days before use, give notice of such intention to --.
A) 30, Mechanical Inspector
B) 30, Chief and Regional Inspector
C) 30, Regional Inspector & Mechanical Inspector
D) 60, Regional Inspector
E) 60, Chief Inspector
90) When there exists any mine in which operations involve any risk of injury to the health of any person or class of persons employed therein, to whom the Chief Inspector can request for furnishing a report after study?
A) The agent of the mine
B) A private medical officer
C) The Mines manager
D) A certifying surgeon
E) The Deputy Director of Mines safety
91) What are the various steps of organising?
A) None of these
B) All of these
C) Assigning a head for each group
D) Establishing reporting relationships in the groups
E) Classification & grouping of activities
92) How many workmen are nominated in the Safety Committee by the workmen of the mine in accordance with the procedure prescribed in clause (a) of sub-rule(1) of rule 29Q for nomination of Workmen’s Inspector?
A) 5
B) 7
C) 8
D) 10
E) 6
93) Soda-acid type extinguishers shall not be used for fighting fires
A) Electrical fires
B) Wood fires
C) Plastic fires
D) Coal fires
E) none of these points
94) As per DGMS guidelines, Height of 'S3' type fencing shall not be less than m
A) 2.0m
B) 1.5m
C) 1.2m
D) 1.8m high
E) 1.0m
95) Break even chart is a graphical representation of relationship between --.
A) Mine area, Number of Foreman , number of Managers
B) Mine area, Number of Foreman , number of Assistant Managers
C) None of these
D) Cost, Income, profit
E) Cost, production, profit
96) Who is responsible for signing a companies safety policies ?
A) Company secretary
B) Nominated owner of the company
C) Safety officer
D) Site manager
E) Managing Director of the company
97) Most management teams use 'appraisal' but what is meant by this term ?
A) The evaluation of an individual employee's performance over a given period of time.
B) A system used to improve the performance of personnel .
C) The main way in which an employees wags are determined.
D) None of the above
E) A system of reward points offered by retailers to attract customer loyalty.
98) The instrument that is used for collection of samples shall be calibrated on a date which is not earlier than ……..from the date of sampling.
A) One year
B) Six years
C) Three year
D) Two years
E) None of the above
99) In respect of an offence committed in the course of the technical direction and management of a mine, which of the following is true?
A) The District Magistrate is not at all concerned in such matters.
B) The District Magistrate or the Chief inspector can institute prosecution as per the convenience.
C) The District Magistrate can institute any prosecution without the approval of the Chief Inspector.
D) The District Magistrate can institute any prosecution when he thinks so
E) The District Magistrate shall not institute any prosecution without the previous approval of the Chief Inspector.
100) As per BIS standard, the minimum flow of oxygen in the Self Contained, Closed Circuit Breathing Apparatus without lung governed valve shall be --.
A) 6 litres/min
B) 4 litres/min
C) 3 litres/min
D) none of these points
E) 5 litres/min
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