Conditions for installation of two or more auxiliary fans in the same ventilating district or split
Conditions for installation of two or more auxiliary fans in the same ventilating district or split (See Regulation 161 (4) of CMR, 2017)
1.0 Selection of type and capacity of auxiliary fans and their location of installation shall be based on the scientific study.
2.0 Installation of auxiliary fans shall comply with all the relevant provisions under the Coal Mines Regulations and the Central Electricity Authority Regulations, 2010 as applicable to such installation, particularly that of Regulation 161 of the Coal Mines Regulations, 2017 and regulation 110 of CEAR, 2010.
3.0 (a) Before any auxiliary fan is installed and also, at least once every week thereafter, the quantity of air flowing in the airway at the point of its installation shall be measured by the Ventilation Officer. The fan shall not be installed or continued to be operated unless the measurement shows that sufficient quantity of air is available so however that (i) not more than 50 percent of total air passing in the roadway is taken by the auxiliary fan; and (ii) ventilation of the inbye faces, when the fans are running, is adequate. (b) Particulars of the quantities measured as at Clause 2.0(a) shall be duly recorded in a bound paged book kept for the purpose. (c) There shall be also kept at the mine an accurate plan showing the general system of ventilation in the district and the quantity of air current therein.
4.0 (a) The auxiliary fans shall be installed, as forcing fan, on the intake side of the place to be ventilated by it. (b) No auxiliary fan shall be installed at a point within or less than 4.5m from the nearer side of the entrance to the place to be ventilated by it.
5.0 (a) Air entering any of the auxiliary fans in the district shall not contain: (i) more than 0.3percent CH4; and (ii) excessive quantity of dust. (b) The percentage of CH4 in the return air in any heading ventilated by an auxiliary fan shall not exceed 0.5percent. (c) The auxiliary fans in the district shall be electrically interlocked by a sequence control which ensures that unless the first fan is running the second fan cannot be started and so on.
6.0 (a) No person shall start an auxiliary fan on any occasion unless the overman or a competent person authorized in this behalf considers that it is safe for the fan to be so started. (b) An auxiliary fan on the return side shall not be started or re-started after stoppage of the auxiliary fan on its intake side due to power failure or otherwise, unless an overman or a competent person specially authorized by the Manager for the purpose, has also satisfied himself that the conditions at Clause 4.0 above was fulfilled.
7.0 (a) No workman shall enter or be allowed to enter in any heading ventilated by an auxiliary fan unless the overman or competent person has inspected the place and fount it safe and the requirements at Clause 4.0 above are also satisfied.
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