Statutory provisions of surveyor, surveying, plans & section, in Coal Mines Regulations 2017.
Linear measurement: Instruments for measuring distance ranging, chain surveying; errors in chaining and plotting;
Angular measurement: Prismatic compass; bearing of lines; local attraction; magnetic declination.
Theodolite: Modern micro-optic theodolites; measurement of horizontal and vertical angles; theodolite traversing; traverse calculation; computation of coordinates; adjustment of traverse; temporary and permanent adjustment.
Total Stations: Surveying by Total stations, downloading the co-ordinates. Procedures of use, care, calibration and servicing, errors, adjustments and applications
Controlled surveys: Triangulation Trilateration application of GPS and Total Station in mine surveying.
Levelling: Levelling instrument types of levelling; booking and reduction methods; temporary and permanent adjustment of levels; geometrical, trigonometric and physical levelling; characteristics and uses of contours; methods of contouring; traverse; co-ordinates and levelling problems.
Correlation: Method of correlation surface and underground including Gyro Laser combination.
Use, care, testing, and adjustments of instruments.
Field astronomy: Astronomical terms; determination of true bearing by equal altitude method; Gyro theodolite; principle and determination of Gyro north, Astronomy: astronomical triangle; conversion of time systems and precise determination of azimuth by astronomical methods.
National grid: Global coordinates, World Geodetic System (WGS), Application of Google earth and Universal transfers Mercator; transformation of coordinates, vertical projections; mine models.
Geodesy: Geod, spheroid and ellipsoid, geocentric, geodetic and astronomical coordinates orthometric and dynamic heights.
Photogrammetry: Introduction; scale of a vertical photograph; photographs versus maps; application of photogrammetry and remote sensing in mining.
Theory of errors and adjustments: Causes and classification of errors; inclines of precision; laws of weight propagation and adjustment of errors; adjustment of triangulation figures.
Surveying of flat, moderately and steeply inclined and vertical workings: control of direction and gradient in drifts and roadways; traversing along steep working with or without auxiliary telescopes.
Area and volume calculation; different methods and their limitations: earth work and building estimation; laying out of rail and haul road curves, gradients of haul roads / ramps, measurement of depths of incline roadways and shafts; determination of azimuth latitude and longitude.
Borehole surveying and calculations, dip, strike, outcrop and fault problems.
Types of plans, their preparation, care, storage and preservation: legislation concerning mine plans and sections; duties and responsibilities of surveyors.
Geological map reading.
Subsidence survey, Slope monitoring, Profiling of benches, highwall, dumps, slopes.
Dump / Highwall stability monitoring using different instruments like Laser Scanner / Continuous Real Time Monitor
Application of computers in mine surveying and preparation of mine plan, Use of Auto Cad, Surpac and Datamine
Application of modern Survey Instruments in Mine Surveying: Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) , 3DLaser scanner, Drone, Use of 3D- Laser scanner for Profiling of benches, highwall, dumps, slopes, etc.
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