3 Days
1) Notice of Notified disease
2) Action by owner or agent upon requisition for materials & appliances by manger
3) Copy of Form-VI displayed in notice board within of such entry.
7 Days
1) Notice regarding Change in Mine Boundary
When a mine has been abandoned, or working thereof has been
discontinued over a period exceeding four months, notice to CIM, RIM,
3) change occurs in the name or ownership of a mine or in the address
4) Handover of plans, sections, reports, registers when ownership is transferred
Appointment, termination, leaving or change of agent, manager,
assistant manager, underground manager, surveyor or an engineer
6) Notice of accident in Form IV-B
7) Inspection of means of egress from district to surface by Mining Mate to acquaint himself
8) Examination of outlets by Mine Foreman or other competent person
9) Testing of Automatic Contrivance by passing last control point to be done by Engr.
10) Examination of each winding rope by passing the speed of not exceeding 01m/s
Examination of external parts of Winding Engine,
Guides, Signaling arrangements in shaft by Engineer
12) Examination of Buffer, Draw bar, Safety-catch, coupling chain etc by comp. person
13) Examination of haulage track & its safety contrivances by competent person
14) Examination of haulage & travelling roadways by Foreman or other comp. person
15) Inspection of all seals erected to isolate or control a fire or spontaneous heating belowground by competent person
Inspection of device (including dust respirator) used for the
prevention and suppression of dust produced by any machinery
17) Inspection of Dust Respirator
The first inspection of a mine which is re-opened after a
discontinuance of mining operations for a period exceeding seven days
shall be made comp. person
19) Inspection of unused workings not sealed off to which 142 & 123(1) applies
20) Thorough examination of every lamp in use by manager, assistant manager, underground manager or a competent person.
21) Thorough inspection of all machinery & plant in use by competent person
22) Examination of every Fence erected on surface by competent person.
14 Days
1) Notice of accident/occurrence as per Reg.09 to be kept on notice board
Previous notice of splitting or reduction of any pillar or block of
mineral bed or deposit for haulage, ventilation, drainage etc. (Reg.107)
3) Notice of reopening of Mine which has been sealed off, isolated or flooded to deal with fire & spontaneous heating
4) Notice of Intentional flooding
5) Notice of construction of reservoir, dam etc in the mine
6) All result of measurements of airborne respirable dust to be recorded within____ of the date of collection of sample
15 Days
1) Notice under Form IV-C
2) Appeal to Chief Inspector against an order made by Regional Inspector
3) Contraventions made by Inspector in Form-VI to be kept on notice board
4) Return copy of Form-VI along with action taken to remedy the contraventions to the Inspector.
5) Submit result of enquiry in case of serious injury or fatal to Regional Inspector
30 Days
1) Return to be submitted if a mine is abandoned
2) Return to be submitted within 90 days of discontinuance if a mine is discontinued for a period exceeding 60 days
3) Return to be submitted if there is a change in ownership
4) Notice to CIM & RIM if intended to abandon a mine
5) Notice to CIM & RIM if intended to discontinue the workings of a mine for a period exceeding four months
In case of a mine to which Reg. 142 applies, notice to CIM & RIM if
intended to abandon the district or, to discontinue the working of the
district for a period exceeding four months.
7) Notice to CIM
& RIM if intended to abandon or, to discontinue for more than 4
months any working belowground over which any property vested in the
Government or any local authority or any railway or any building or permanent structure not belonging to the owner, is situated.
Notice to CIM, RIM, DM when it is intended to reopen a mine after
abandonment, or after discontinuance for a period exceeding four months
In case of a mine to which Reg. 142 applies, notice to CIM, RIM, DM if
intended to reopen a district after abandonment, or after discontinuance
for a period exceeding four months
10) Validity of temporary authorization of Manager in absence of Manager
11) Notice in writing by Manager to owner or agent if he wishes to vacate his office
12) Validity of temporary authorization of Engineer in his absence
Plans & sections to be submitted Where any mine (or in case of a
mine to which regulation 142 applies, any part thereof) is abandoned or
the working thereof has been discontinued over a period exceeding four
14) Notice to CIM & RIM When it is intended to bring
into use any new winding installation for lowering and raising persons
15) Examination of detaching bell or plate (opening to be checked by calipers or gauge)
16) Examination of winding rope by passing the rope at a speed not exceeding 0.5m/s
In every mine to which Reg.123(1) & Reg.142 applies, To ascertain
the atmospheric conditions behind the seals of an area of old workings
or a fire or spontaneous heating
18) Quantity survey in every ventilating district
19) Inspection of every airway, air-crossing, ventilation stopping & door in use
Determination of temperature, humidity and other environmental
conditions in every mine having depth of workings belowground is more
than 56 metres.
21) Submission of emergency plan to RIM within 30 days/60 days ,refer Reg. 190A(2)
One Month
1) Refer Reg. 8A. Appointment of Agent
2) Measurement of concentration of respirable dust if the concentration is in excess of 50% of permissible limit.
Three Months
1) Plans & sections to be maintained up-to-date in case of belowground
Position of the workings (belowground & above ground both) of all
adjacent mine within 60 m of mine boundary claimed by owners, to be
maintained up- to-date in UNDERGROUND PLAN.
3) Testing of Automatic Contrivance by attempting the descending cage at excessive speed
Test certificate relates to a piece of winding rope cut off not more
than 3 months prior to date of application. (Refer Reg. 88)
5) Examination of fire extinguishers (discharge & refill and to ensure it is proper working order
6) Measurement of concentration of respirable dust if the concentration is in excess of 75% of permissible limit
Six Months
1) Examination of all cage chains, all parts of suspension gear, cage, detaching hook, and its cleaning
2) Recapping of winding rope ( note: after every overwind) except Koepe winder.
3) Sampling of airborne dust
Examination and testing of device(including dust respirator) used for
the prevention and suppression of dust produced by any machinery
5) Supply of protective footwear
12 Months/ One year
1) Manager’s Permit remain valid for 12 months, and may be renewed for further 15 months
2) Plans & sections maintained up-to-date in case of opencast workings
3) Examination of internal parts of Winding Engine
4) Permission to act as manager of more than one shall valid upto 12 months.
3 Years
1) Hydraulic test of every air receiver tank
2) Supply of helmet
3) Life of every winding rope: 3 and half years
10 Years
1) Renewal of all parts of suspension gear
20 Days
Under MMR-1961
1) Quarterly Return: On or before 20th Day of January, April, July, October
2) Annual Return: On or before 20th Day of February
Note: Plans to be submitted to DGMS: on or before 30th April of every year
Under MR-1955
1) Annual Return of Medical Examination( Form-T): on or before 20th February
2) Information regarding Leave with wages(Form-L): on or before 20th February every year( calculated upto 01st January)
3) Report of Minor Accident (Form-K): 20th January every year
Under Mines Rescue Rules-1985
Reports on functioning of Rescue station & rescue room: on or
before 20th February every year by Superintendent to CIM & RIM
Under CEAR-2010
1) Annual return- on or before 1st February
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