Reconnaissance and Prospecting Operations
. Scheme of reconnaissance or prospecting.-
1) A holder of a reconnaissance permit, prospecting license, or prospecting license-cum-mining lease must submit a scheme of reconnaissance or prospecting within ninety days of executing the permit or license, detailing the proposed method for carrying out the operations in the covered area.
2) The Indian Bureau of Mines may specify the format for reconnaissance or prospecting schemes for minerals in Part B of the First Schedule to the Act, provided the grade of the atomic minerals is equal to or above the threshold value limits declared under Schedule-A of the Atomic Minerals Concession Rules, 2016.
5. Modification of scheme of reconnaissance or prospecting.-
1) Rule 4 allows for modification of reconnaissance or prospecting or both schemes at any time based on geological considerations by the holder of a reconnaissance permit, prospecting license, or prospecting license-cum-mining lease, or as directed by the Controller General and Regional Controller.
2) Modifications under sub-rule (1) must be informed to the Controller General and Regional Controller or authorized officer by the holder of a reconnaissance permit, prospecting license, or prospecting license-cum-mining lease after three years.
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