Notified Diseases are - (For disease 6, 7 & 8 DGMS CIRCULAR legis 01 of 2011)
01) pneumoconiosis
02) silicosis
03) asbestosis
04) manganese poisoning (nervous type)
05) cancer of lung or the stomach or the pleura and peritoneum (i.e. Mesotheliomas)
06) noise induced hearing loss
07) contact dermatitis caused by direct contact with chemicals
08) pathological manifestation due to radium or radio-active substances (Cir Leg 01 of 2011)
Notified Mine Diseases / Mine Occupational Diseases:
Notified Disease: The Government of India in the Ministry of Labour have notified certain diseases as diseases connected with mining operations by various Notification in the Gazette of India under the Mines Act 1952.
Notice of Occurrence of Notified Disease:
Section 25(1) of the Mines Act, 1952 and Regulation 10 of Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 provides that the mine management within three days of being informed give notice of the Notified Disease to Chief Inspection, Regional Inspector and the Inspector of Mines (Medical) and other authorities in a prescribed Form-V.
Additionally, Section 25(2) of Mines Act, 1952 provides that when a medical practitioner attends a person who is employed in a mine and suffering from any of the notified disease, the medical practitioner is required to inform DGMS about the person with detailed information.
Mine Occupational Diseases are caused due prolonged exposure of the work person employed in mines to various health hazards like dust, noise, vibrations, emissions, fumes, heat, humidity, radiation, low illumination, etc., in mine operations. Proactive method of monitoring the causes of health hazards in the working conditions, implementing suitable control measures like elimination and reduction of health hazards, Job rotation, providing personal protective equipments, training and awareness on health hazards, etc., are required to minimize the risk of Notified diseases/Mine Occupational Diseases to the persons employed in mines.
Provisions of statute on Notified Mine Diseases:
Various provisions in the mine statute are made by DGMS to notify, and control the mine diseases.
Following are some of the provisions:
1. Mines Act 1952, Section 25 - Notice of certain Diseases,
2. Mines Metalliferous Regulations 1961, Regulation 10 -Notice of disease/CMR-2017 Reg 9
3. Various Recommendations issued through the DGMS Circulars,
4. Recommendations of National Conferences on Safety in Mines,
Chronological order of Notification in the Gazette of Central Government of India of Notified Diseases/Mine Occupational Diseases:
Following diseases have been notified as the diseases connected with mining operations for the purpose of sub-section (1) of Section 25 of the Mines Act, 1952 by various Notifications-
By S.R.O. 1306 dated the 21st July, 1952:
1. Silicosis,
2. Pneumoconiosis,
By S.R.O. 3109, dated the 18th December, 1956:
1. Manganese Poisoning - Nervous type,
By S.0. 2521 dated the 26th June, 1986:
1. Asbestosis,
2. Cancer of lung or the stomach or the pleura and peritoneum (i.e. mesothelioma),
By S.O. 399(E) dated 21st February, 2011
1. Noise Induced Hearing Loss,
2. Contact Dermatitis caused by direct contact with chemical,
3. Pathological manifestations due to radium or radioactive substances,
List of Notifications and DGMS Circulars issued in connection with Notified Mine Diseases / Mine Occupational Diseases:
1. Notification of Ministry of Labour Notification No. S.R.O. 1306 dated the 21st July, 1952,
2. DGMS Circular No76/1973,
3. Notification of Ministry of Labour Notification No. S.R.O. 1306, dated 21.7.1952 Ministry of Labour Notification No. Mi-41 (74) 56, dated 18th Dec, 1956),
4. Notification of Ministry of Labour Notification No. S.0. 2521 dated the 26th June, 1986,
5. DGMS Circular (legis) No5/1987,
6. Recommendations of the 10th Conference on Safety in Mines held on 26th & 27th Nov. 2007,
7. Notification of Ministry of Labour Notification No. S.O. 399(E) dated 21st February, 2011,
Following are the List of Diseases connected with mining operations notified:
1. Silicosis.
2. Pneumoconiosis.
3. Manganese Poisoning (Nervous type).
4. Asbestosis.
5. Noise Induced Hearing Loss.
6. Contact Dermatitis caused by direct contact with chemicals.
7. Pathological manifestations due to Radium or Radioactive substances.
8. Cancer of lung or the stomach or pleura and peritoneum.
1. Silicosis: It is most common occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of airborne dust of silicon dioxide or silica in the crystalline form also known as quartz. It contributes to considerable morbidity and mortality of workers in metaliferrous mines.
2. Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis: It is fibrotic lung disease caused by inhalation of coal dust among workers employed in coal mines and is responsible for respiratory morbidity and decreased life expectancy.
3. Manganese Poisoning (Nervous type): A person with long term exposure to manganese dust can develop a nervous type of manganese poisoning characterized by muscular rigidity causing inability to walk properly and other neurological symptoms. Chronic manganese poisoning causes behavioral changes which can go unnoticed.
4. Asbestosis: Asbestosis is a form of pneumoconiosis caused by asbestos fibers. This disease is also irreversible. It is chronic inflammatory and fibrotic condition of lung caused due to inhalation of asbestos fibers dust. It is characterized by diffused interstitial fibrosis of the lung parenchyma often accompanied by thickening of visceral pleura. Chronic silicosis usually occurs after 10 or more years of exposure to lower levels of quartz.
5. Noise Induced Hearing Loss: It is a permanent loss of hearing caused by long term exposure to high levels of noise which develops over the period of years.
6. Contact Dermatitis caused by direct contact with chemicals: Contact dermatitis is caused by direct contact with chemicals.
7. Pathological manifestations due to Radium or Radioactive substances: Long term exposure to radioactive substances can cause cancer and genetic disorders in any process involving exposure of a person to the action of radium, radioactive substances.
8. Cancer of lung or the stomach or pleura and peritoneum: Cancer that causes to the pleura, and peritoneum, which are the membranes that encapsulate major organs of the body (pleura is the cushions of lungs and peritoneum is the covers the abdominal organs and lines the walls of the abdomen and pelvis). These are associated with exposure to asbestos fibers dust and other carcinogens.
Health Hazardous conditions and causes to Disease in Mining:
Following are some of the conditions and causes of Diseases in Mining and it ancillary operations:
Dust generated during activities of Drilling, Blasting, Mucking, Rock breaking, Loading, Hauling, Crushing, Screening, Sorting, etc.,
Noxious Fumes / gases generated due to Blasting,
Emissions from Automobile machinery used in mines,
Exposure to vibrations, due to working on continuous vibrating machines, drills and other equipment,
Prolonged exposure to high level of noise,
Long exposure to radioactive substances,
Fumes emitted during welding, chemical analysis/titration, repair of batteries, etc.,
Excessive heat and humidity,
Contact of Chemicals,
Exposure to asbestos fibers dust and other carcinogens,
Excessive physical & mental conditions prevail in certain apathy towards works etc.
Control/Mitigative Measures to be taken by Mine Management:
Mine Management should put their willful efforts to minimize/mitigate the health hazardous to the persons employed in mines by taking following controlling measures namely-
Initial and periodic medical examinations and Health surveillance per the provisions of Mines Rules, 1955 and other orders made by DGMS.
Personal exposure assessment studies of persons employed in mines for noise, dust, vibration, heat, humidity, radiation, contact of chemicals, etc., recommended by Safety Conferences.
Proactive monitoring and evaluation of the level of dust, noise, vibration, radiation, presence of toxicants, heat, etc., at various work locations in mines as required under MMR 1961 and the orders made thereunder.
Monitoring/Evaluation of Mining Machinery for vibration, noise, exhaust/emission, ergonomics, etc.,
Implementing the control measures to eliminate the hazardous conditions in mine, like job rotation, limiting the exposure time, etc. Elimination of hazardous condition should be first priority and provision of PPE should be last option.
Training to enable workers to recognize occupational disease hazards caused due to prolonged exposure to dust, noise, vibration, toxicants, fumes, radiation, etc.,
Implementation and maintaining the Health and Safety management plan/system in mines
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